Office of College Computing Staff

Headshot of Megan Pfaltzgraff

Megan Pfaltzgraff

Director of Information Technology, Office of College Computing

636A Mantei Center (ERC)


Headshot of Michael Ames

Michael Ames

Computer & Info Analyst I, Office of College Computing

613D Old Chemistry Building


IT Security, R&D and Quality Assurance

Headshot of Aaron Carmichael

Aaron Carmichael

Computer Systems Administrator I, Office of College Computing

628 Mantei Center

OCC Computer Lab Support

Headshot of Mathew Collins

Mathew Collins

Computer Systems Administrator, Office of College Computing


Backend Server Admin

Headshot of Joseph Dowd

Joseph Dowd

Computer Systems Administrator II, Office of College Computing

628 Mantei Center (ERC)


BME and CHEE Support

Headshot of Todd Rohr

Todd Rohr

Computer & Info Analyst I, Office of College Computing

616 Mantei Center

Headshot of John Gillespie

John Gillespie

Computer & Information Analyst I, Office of College Computing

607A Old Chem


CAECM and DEE Support

Headshot of Tim McGeorge

Tim McGeorge

Software Applications Developer, Office of College Computing

658 Mantei Center (ERC)


Website and Web Applications Developer

Headshot of Anthony Nong

Anthony Nong

Computer & Information Analyst, Office of College Computing

557 Baldwin Hall


MME Support

Headshot of Lana Petrou

Lana Petrou

Computer & Info Analyst I, Office of College Computing

616 Mantei Center (ERC)


Admin Staff Support

Headshot of Don Rainwater

Don Rainwater

Operating Systems Administrator Lead, Office of College Computing

737 Rhodes Hall

AEEM and HPC Support

Headshot of Mark Rinaudo

Mark Rinaudo

Computer Systems Administrator II , Office of College Computing

732 Rhodes Hall

ECE / CS Support