Chemical and Environmental Engineering Newsletter

Anastasios Headshot

Greetings! Welcome to our Spring 2024 Alumni Newsletter. As many of you are aware, the department experienced the untimely loss of one of our esteemed faculty members, Dr. Dionysios Dionysiou, on November 20, 2023. The drive and innovation that he brought to our department will be sorely missed.  This edition of our Alumni Newsletter is therefore dedicated to Dr. Dionysiou’s memory. Here, we reprint a sampling of Professor Dionysiou’s awards and honors originally published in this newsletter. We hope that, as we finish this academic year, we honor his many contributions to the scientific community as we carry forward with his energy and passion. In this spirit, we provide an update on faculty and staff promotions over the previous semester at the close of this newsletter. 

Best Wishes,

Taso Angelopoulos

In memoriam of Professor Dionysios Dionysiou

Image of Professor Dionysios Dionysiou

Environmental Engineering Professor Dion Dionysiou passed away unexpectedly in November of 2023, shortly before the close of the fall semester. Dr. Dion was an exemplary leader, researcher and teacher and he touched innumerable people and research areas nationally and internationally. He made extensive contributions to both our department and the global field of water science. Dion’s accomplishments have been highlighted in our newsletters for over a decade.  Although we cannot capture the extent of his influence in a single newsletter, we will reprint a number of past articles below as we remember and pay tribute to him. Moreover, Dion was more than just an exceptional academic. To many of us, he represented a true friend, trusted colleague and encouraging mentor. We therefore provide tributes from a number of his former students after these articles. The field of water science would not be where it is today without his outstanding and numerous contributions.

2014: Dr. Dionysiou Wins the Frontier in Research Award, Receives “Editor’s Choice” Selection

In honor of his leadership and innovation in environmental engineering research, Dr. Dion Dionysiou has won the Frontier in Research Award from the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP). He received several nominations for the award, which recognizes an individual’s pioneering efforts and leadership in the field. Dr. Dionysiou received a plaque along with a financial award of $4,000 at the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) in New Orleans, LA.  

2015: Manuscript by Dr. Dionysios Dionysiou and Collaborators Chosen as Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters’ Most Read Paper

In honor of his leadership and innovation in environmental engineering research, Dr. Dion Dionysiou has won the Frontier in Research Award from the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP). He received several nominations for the award, which recognizes an individual’s pioneering efforts and leadership in the field. Dr. Dionysiou received a plaque along with a financial award of $4,000 at the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) in New Orleans, LA.  

2016: Dr. Dion Dionysiou Elected as an ACS Fellow

Thirty-one Councilors were selected to the 2015 class of ACS Fellows, one of which is ENVE professor Dr. Dion Dionysiou. The Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACSF) designation is awarded to a member who has made “exceptional contributions to the science or profession and has provided excellent volunteer service to the ACS community”. This was quite an honor for Dr. Dionysiou to be recognized for his outstanding achievements in and contributions to Science, the Profession, and the Society.

Image of Professor Dionysios Dionysiou

2017: Dionysios D. Dionysiou, PhD, receives George Rieveschl Jr. Award for Distinguished Scientific Research

The Rieveschl Award for Distinguished Scientific Research was created through the generosity of Dr. George Rieveschl. The award recognizes a member of the faculty for professional achievement in science. It is given for specific research, or the entire canon of one’s accomplishments. Selection criteria include attainment of national and international recognition for superior scholarship through archival publications, continued creativity over a sustained period of time, professional activities, including editorial activity for reputable national and international journals and academic awards of the candidate.  

2017: Environmental Engineering Professor Dionysios Dionysiou was Admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry on 7th April 2017

Dr. Dionysios Dionysiou was a renowned expert in the area of advanced oxidation processes. He was the author or co-author of more than 310 refereed journal publications, over 86 conference proceedings, 29 book chapter publications, 24 editorials, and more than 550 presentations. These impressive numbers, along with many other attributes, made him a prime candidate for selection as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and he was admitted to this highly prestigious group in April of 2017. Achieving Fellow status signifies to the wider scientific community a high level of accomplishment as a professional chemist. In addition, nominees must have made outstanding and distinguished contributions to their field of science, as well as adhere to an established set of high standards of ethical and professional behavior.   

Image of Professor Dionysios Dionysiou

2018: Environmental Engineering Professor Dionysios Dionysiou Elected to the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC)

Dr. Dionysios Dionysiou, a world-renowned expert in the area of advanced oxidation processes for the purification of water, was recognized for his tremendous accomplishments in his field and was selected as a member of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC). This body is “a non-profit non-governmental, independent organization of the most distinguished scholars and engineers performing forefront research and the development of advanced technologies, united by a commitment to promoting science and technology and their essential roles in fostering social and economic development.” Dr. Dionysiou’s vast accomplishments in the field align well with the mission of the organization and he was a UNESCO co-chair on “Water Access and Sustainability,” editor of three prestigious journals and author or co-author of more than 325 publications. 

2018: ChEE Faculty Continue to Reach International Acclaim

Professor Dionysious Dionysiou was given the Sustainable Water Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry. His research was recognized as being in a critical field when considering that approximately 97% of the earth’s water is in the oceans and of the remaining approximately 3% of fresh water, 2/3 is tied up in glaciers and ice caps. This makes proper treatment of our water supply a dire necessity. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) estimates that by 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortages, demonstrating that there is a need for sustainable management in all areas of the water cycle. The Dionysiou group looked to alter these predictions in their development and application of advanced oxidation processes with the goal of a sustainable water supply. The RSC Sustainable Water Award was established in 2008 and nominees are evaluated in such categories of esteem as originality and impact of research, quality of publications, innovation, professional standing, and collaborations and teamwork. One award is made annually world-wide. 

In a second award, Dr. Dionysiou was chosen as one of four 2018 AEESP (Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors) Fellows nationally. Fellowship is based on accomplishments in environmental engineering and science research, teaching and professional service.

Image of Professor Dionysios Dionysiou

2020: The Web of Science Group chose Professor of Environmental Engineering and Science, Dr. Dionysios Dionysiou, as one of their Highly Cited Researchers in 2019.

This selection signifies their recognition of Professor Dionysiou’s exceptional research performance as demonstrated by his multiple papers ranking in the top 1% by citations for their field and year of publication. 

2020: Professor Dionysios Dionysiou led team to develop biosensor to detect toxins in water sources

Dr. Dionysiou, a Professor in the Environmental Engineering Program, led a team of University of Cincinnati environmental engineers and chemists in the development of a biosensor to detect toxins in surface water such as streams, rivers and lakes. This research, funded by the National Science Foundation, specifically addressed the importance of detecting toxic products of cyanobacteria algal blooms, which are formed mainly by agricultural runoff. The group developed a sensor to identify and measure microcystins, toxins produced from algal blooms which can cause skin irritation, nausea or vomiting if swallowed, and liver damage if large amounts are ingested. 

Dr. Dionysios D. Dionysiou, shown here in his Labs and at ERC. UC/ Joseph Fuqua II

2021: Professor Dionysiou receives Outstanding Publication Award

Professor Dion Dionysios and his former student George Anipsitakis were selected to receive the 2021 Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors Outstanding Publication Award for their work entitled “Radical generation by the interaction of transition metals with common oxidants.” Their manuscript was published in Environmental Science & Technology (Vol. 38, Issue 13 (2004), pp. 3705-3712). This prestigious award recognizes landmark environmental engineering and science papers that have withstood the test of time and significantly influenced the practice of environmental engineering and science. The award was presented online during the AEESP Annual Awards Ceremony on July 14, 2021.

Image of Professor Dionysios Dionysiou

2022: Professor Dionysios Dionysiou received University’s Distinguished Research Professor Award.  This prestigious award is given to a faculty member in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics or Medicine (STEMM) and represents the highest level of recognition for achievements and contributions in STEMM research at the University of Cincinnati.

In addition, the Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics Group chose Professor Dionysiou as one of their Highly Cited Researchers in 2021.  This selection signified their recognition of Professor Dionysiou’s exceptional research performance as demonstrated by his multiple papers ranking in the top 1% by citations for their field and year of publication. 

Dionysiou was awarded in two categories in 2021: (1) Engineering and (2) Environment and Ecology. He also made the list in the engineering category in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Image of Professor Dionysios Dionysiou

2022: Dr. Dionysios Dionysiou and his students awarded International Prize

The 10th Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW) was awarded to Environmental Engineering Professor Dionysios Dionysiou and his student research team.

PSIPW is a leading, global scientific award focusing on cutting-edge innovation in water research and it gives recognition to scientists, researchers and inventors around the world for pioneering work that addresses the problem of water scarcity in creative and effective ways.  The Dionysiou group received the Creativity Prize for their work developing advanced oxidation technologies and nanotechnologies to monitor and treat emerging toxins and other contaminants of concern in water.

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2023: Dr. Dionysios Dionysiou received 3 prestigious awards

In May of 2023, Professor Dionysiou was one of three professors globally chosen as an Honorary Member of the association of Chinese American Professors in Environmental Engineering and Science (CAPEES).  The recognition is based on international prominence and 2023 was the inaugural award for this category. The award was presented during the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) 2023 Conference in a special CAPEES Workshop and Awards event.

In June of 2023, Professor Dionysiou also received the CIPOA (Congresso Iberoamericano de Processos Oxidativos Avançados) Senior Researcher Award in the category of Distinguished Career/Excellence in Implementation and Practice in the Fields of CIPOA. The Iberoamerican research community includes the Americas, Spain and Portugal and meets biannually.

In addition to these two international awards, Professor Dionysiou was named as a highly cited researcher for fifth year in a row. Each year, Clarivate identifies the world’s most influential researchers and this exclusive distinction is based on those who have been most frequently cited by their peers over the last decade. Specifically, Dr. Dionysiou was recognized for his exceptional research influence, demonstrated by highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1%. Dr. Dionysiou had more than 600 papers (over 68,00 citations in other manuscripts) in his research area of drinking water quality, supply treatment and purification. This year, Clarivate recognized his outstanding contributions in three categories: engineering, environment/ecology and chemistry.

Tributes from Dion's Students

Dr. Minghao Kong, Dionysiou PhD student

“It was both shocking and painful to learn of the passing of my PhD advisor, Dr. Dion. I still find it hard to believe that this is real.  I wish this were just a dream, and I could wake up, still anticipating our next meeting with Dr. Dion, waiting for him to ask me, “Minghao, what’s the status of the project?” or “Minghao, how is the manuscript progressing?”. He was like a father figure to us, caring about our career development, concerned about our research and sharing our joys, always providing support and guidance whenever we needed it. Dr. Dion served as a bright role model for me, I will never live up to his expectations. Dr. Dion, may you rest in peace.”

Dr. Michael J. Bentel, Postdoctoral Fellow

“I became a part of Dr. Dionysios D. Dionysiou's research group at the University of Cincinnati in August 2022, serving as a postdoctoral scholar. Working closely with him for over 15 months on various research endeavors has been an invaluable experience.

Beyond the research that initially drew me to Dion's group, his dedication to professional development has left a lasting impression. Particularly noteworthy is his emphasis on supporting graduate students, with a special focus on women and underrepresented individuals. This commitment underscores his legacy, ensuring that his impact will endure for years to come.”

Quinn Birch, Dionysiou PhD student

“Dr. Dion was always there for me. As my advisor, he was an intelligent and understanding person. I felt a friendship with him even before I joined his research group, and he became a father figure to me as we worked closer together over the past few years. I feel honored having been a part of his research group. I had the opportunity to meet and work with such wonderful and remarkable people. Dr. Dion left behind an incredible legacy and made a beautiful impact on so many lives."

Katie Weitzel, Dionysiou PhD student

“Dr. Dion was always able to make people laugh and he genuinely cared for the people around him. Dr. Dion dedicated his life to his work and his students. He was an advisor that was always available for his students. Even if I sent him an email at 11:30pm, he would respond within 15 minutes. Dr. Dion challenged me and pushed me harder than anyone had before and showed me that I was capable of great things. I’ll always remember how good it felt to hear him compliment my work and tell me that I was doing a good job. One time he told me to “keep up the good work” and I talked about it for the rest of the week. It was such an accomplishment to get praise from Dr. Dion because everyone held him in such high esteem. I would not be the person or scientist I am today without him.”

Evangelia Anna Passa, Dionysiou PhD student

“Dr. Dion was more than an advisor to me. He was an incredibly clever, generous, and kind person, who always saw the good in people. He believed in me and pushed me so much to be excellent in my PhD research. I remember the first time I sent him an email with my CV for the Ph.D. position here, and he responded to me in 2 minutes. This is how passionate he was about his work, always eager to find and support new people by giving them opportunities to succeed. I loved our conversations outside of research topics, as he was very thoughtful about our life beyond the Ph.D. He would support his students even after their graduation and he cared about our career development. I would share with him every joy of my life, as I would go to his office and ask for advice even about the car that I was planning to buy. He would sit in front of me listening to me despite how silly where my concerns were.
It is difficult to say a few words about him. I am sure that his loss is deeply felt by those who had the privilege of meeting him and being mentored by him and his legacy will live on through the many lives he has touched positively.
Dr. Dion, I hope I can make you proud.”

Five ChEE Professors receive tenure and two staff members are promoted

We extend the highest of congratulations to our colleagues on their new tenured appointments effective August 15, 2023:

In addition, Janet Pope was promoted to Senior Business Administrator effective 12/1/23 and Ashley Barefoot was promoted from Financial Administrator 2, to Grants Administrator 2, effective October 1, 2023.

Congratulations to all!