Electrical and Computer Engineering Current Graduate Students

Graduate studies and research programs in EECS are organized along the lines of faculty interests and expertise. The faculty members are grouped together in interrelated but distinct research areas. This structure allows the critical mass necessary to facilitate innovative research efforts. 

The graduate programs in ECE department involve 180 master students and 100 Ph.D. students.

The main research areas in the department include artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, cybersecurity, embedded systems, microelectronics, robotics, sensors, signal processing, software engineering, and wireless and wired networks. A more comprehensive list of research areas and associated faculty information can be found here.

The research of ECE department has been supported by federal and state agencies, including National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, National Security Agency, Army, Air Force, Navy, Defense Advanced Research and Projects Agency, US Department of Commerce, and the State of Ohio, as well as international, national, and local industries, including Intel, Alcatel-Lucent, Texas Instruments, Procter and Gamble, General Electric, Motorola, EDAptive Computing, and Northrop Grumman. The annual research funding of ECE department exceeds $7 million.

For additional information about graduate studies in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at University of Cincinnati, contact or visit:

CEAS Office of Graduate Studies
665 Baldwin Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone: 513.556.3647
Email: engrgrad@uc.edu