CEAS Undergraduate Admissions Frequently Asked Questions
Whether you're in high school and starting your college process or admitted and looking for additional options at CEAS, we are here to help! If you have additional questions, please reach out to us: ceas.ug@uc.edu
Academic Questions
- As a student in CEAS you will earn a bachelor's degree (and possibly a master's) and gain over a year of professional, paid experience. You can also...
- Get involved in a multitude of engineering-related and non-engineering student organizations.
- Gain leadership experience.
- Conduct research with world renowned engineers.
- Receive multiple permanent job offers for after graduation.
- Be on track toward a lifetime of success.
Yes, CEAS is a direct admit college! You’re admitted to our College of Engineering & Applied Science rather than a pre-major program. This means that you can apply directly to a program of choice, and if you’re admitted, you’ll begin your college career in that specific program.
Our engineering technology programs are the reason we have “Applied Science” in our college name! Engineering at UC is focused on theory and design, whereas engineering technology specializes in application and implementation. Our engineering programs curricula include higher-level math and theoretical science and our engineering technology program puts greater emphasis on hands-on lab skills. Both programs are 5-year bachelor programs which include 5 semesters of co-op.
Some students may be referred to the First-Year Engineering Program (FEP), which places you within our college taking the same curriculum as your peers; however, you have more time, support, and resources to prepare for your major of choice.
CEAS has minors and certificates to help customize your curriculum and enhance your knowledge. Click here to learn more about our CEAS minors and certificates.
Many students will join the ACCEND Program, which allows CEAS students to earn both an undergraduate degree and a graduate degree in a shortened timeframe, while still enjoying the benefits of UC’s cooperative education program.
- Check out our helpful page to figure out how your credits will transfer to UC and select classes that will provide credit to the CEAS curriculum.
Cooperative Education (Co-op) Questions
A co-op is a fixed-length, employment experience with a company in the professional field; otherwise known as experiential learning. Co-ops are full time, paid and more rigorous than a traditional internship. Rather than simply shadow an employer, students directly apply what they’ve learned in class to positively influence the success of the company, agency or research firm where they work.
- You will consult with a co-op advisor from the College of Cooperative Education and Professional Studies.
- You will take a “Co-op for CEAS” course your first year, which provides professional development, gives you access to the online database of employers, and prepares you through mock job interviews and resume building workshops.
- On-campus career fairs. There is one per year specifically for Engineering & Applied Science students.
- You can do research to find your own approved co-op experience.
- The University database can match you with potential co-op employers.
No, but there is a small fee to remain a full-time student. Typically, students do not take classes during their co-op semesters. We encourage students to be fully focused on their co-op.
Typically, students do not take classes during their co-op semesters. We encourage you to be fully focused on and dedicated to your co-op.
You can view co-op wages by major through the co-op reports on the College of Cooperative Education and Professional Studies website.
The Student Co-op Stories page highlights a variety of co-op experiences. Many of our students discuss how they apply their learnings from the classroom on co-op and eventually begin applying their learnings on co-op in class!
Starting sophomore year, students alternate between academic and co-op semesters for a total of five co-op experiences. After the first-year, summers are treated as full-length semesters.
More than 600 companies have hired co-op students from CEAS including: Duke Energy, Proctor & Gamble, Northrup Grumman, Turner Construction, and NASA. Students typically choose between research-based and industry-based experiences.
Most companies provide living arrangements or a housing stipend if your co-op is outside of the Cincinnati area. It is typically handled by the company in the offer negotiations. You should speak with your co-op advisor to better understand which companies are able to offer those resources.
If you do not co-op in the Cincinnati area, you do not have to pay for a residence hall room that semester. Many students who co-op in the Cincinnati area live in residence halls, or off-campus housing, or they commute from home. The UC Housing site has additional information.
- Yes, with permission. Students are allowed to take up to six credits during a co-op semester if the class does not interfere with the co-op assignment. Approval must be secured from the Department advisor, the Career Education advisor, and the Chairman of the Committee on Academic Standards before registration is permitted.
- If a student needs to make up a class or wishes to take a class during the normal hours of a co-op assignment, then a petition must be submitted along with a letter from the employer stating that the employer is aware that the student needs to take the course, the company has a flextime policy for all employees (not just the student involved), and that the student can make up the hours in order to work a minimum of 40 hours per week. Submit a request to the Committee on Academic Standards using the form Petition to use A Substitute Course.
Financial Aid Questions
Applications must be complete by December 1 to be considered for Cincinnatus and other merit-based scholarships. Visit the UC Admissions website for more information. Additionally, CEAS awards college-based scholarships which appear on an accepted student’s estimated financial award letter after acceptance. If you have participated in FIRST Robotics, you are eligible for our FIRST Robotics scholarship:
Student Experience Questions
CEAS students have the option to live in a Living- Learning Community (LLC) on-campus. The LLCs provide CEAS students with a residential community of fellow engineering and applied science students and Resident Advisors (RAs) who are CEAS upper-class students. Our LLC students have the opportunity to take part in collaborative learning, dinner with CEAS faculty members, and other interactive group activities.
Research shows LLCs help students feel a greater sense of community, belongingness, and connection to the university.
Our Office of Professional Development and Community Impact (PDCI) offers a 6-week residential Summer STEM Bridge Program at UC to admitted students to enhance your academic preparedness for your first year. Throughout the 6-week program, students will work on critical thinking skills, build a community with one another and adjust to the differences of college life, meet prospective co-op employers, and begin honing professional development skills.
The 1819 Innovation Hub is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and incorporates a 12,000 square foot makerspace, office spaces, classrooms, huddle rooms, and gathering places. The Ground floor supports prototyping and micro factory to support exploration, and creation of new ideas, objects, and products. Our goals are to empower users by providing training, support, and guidance to better understand the material world and to support innovation through the prototyping phase. Our students highly enjoy the Ground Floor Makerspace, which is equipped with a wide array of tools including high-performing 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC router, and a waterjet cutter.