Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multi-Agent Systems Technology Research (UAV MASTER) Lab
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multi-Agent Systems Technology Research (UAV MASTER) Lab is a cooperative effort between the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering departments that focus on Unmanned Aerial Systems. The UAV Master Lab focuses on the areas of:
- Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Robotics
- Multiple Robot Coordination and Control
- Intelligent Systems
- System Identification
The UAV Master Lab at the University of Cincinnati educates and trains undergraduates and graduate students in the contemporary aerospace and mechanical engineering disciplines of synthesis, analysis, experimentation, and design of unmanned systems through meaningful research projects.
- Multi-rotor UAV Conceptual Design
- Dynamic Modeling using System Identification
- Auto-Pilot Design and Optimization
- GPS based Waypoint Navigation
- Navigation in a GPS Denied Environment
- Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance
- Sense and Avoid Systems
- Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) system simulation
- Genetic Fuzzy UAS Collaborative Control
- Situational Awareness and Resource Allocation
- Additive Manufacturing for Rapid Prototyping
- Fault Tolerance Flight Control
- Disaster Management
- Infrastructure Inspection
- Emergency Response
Cooperative Labs
- CDS Lab
- West Virginia Division of Forestry
- State of Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT)
- Cincinnati Fire Department
- University of Bordeaux
- Psibernetix
University of Cincinnati
- Most-Aero Labs
- Cooperative Distribution Systems Lab
- National Science Foundation
- Ohio Space Grant Consortium (OSGC)
Kelly Cohen
Brian H. Rowe Endowed Chair in Aerospace Engineering , CEAS - Aerospace Eng & Eng Mechanics
745 Baldwin Hall
Manish Kumar
Professor, CEAS - Mechanical Eng
629 Rhodes Hall
Dr. Manish Kumar directs Cooperative Distributed Systems (CDS) Laboratory, Collaboratory for Medical Innovation and Implementation, and co-directs UAV MASTER Lab. His research interests include Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, robotics, decision-making and control in complex systems, multi-sensor data fusion, swarm systems, and multiple robot coordination and control. His research has been supported by funding obtained from National Science Foundation, Department of Defense, Ohio Department of Transportation, Ohio Department of Higher Education, and several industry. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He has served as the Chair of the Robotics Technical Committee of the ASME’s Dynamic Systems and Control Division, and as an Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control.
George (Tom) T Black
Associate Professor of Practice Emeritus
Tom has a BS in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Cincinnati (1977) and an MS in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from the Ohio State University (1983). He also has a Commercial Pilot's License with Single-Engine Land, Multi-Engine Land and Instrument Ratings. He has logged over 1,000 flight hours and has flown 50 major types of aircraft, including T-38, P-51, B-26 and Ford Tri-motor. He also has a Remote Pilot License with Small UAS rating. He is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Experimental Aircraft Association, Warbirds of America, and is an Associate Member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots. His research and teaching interests include aircraft flying qualities, air and space vehicle dynamics and controls, and air and space vehicle flight testing.
Graduate Students
Reza Radmanesh
PhD Mechanical Engineering
414 Old Chemistry
Mohammad Sarim
PhD Mechanical Engineering
414 Old Chemistry
Brandon Cook
PhD Aerospace Engineering
Nathaniel Richards
MS Aerospace Engineering
Shraddha Barawkar
MS Mechanical Engineering
414 Old Chemistry
Nicklas Stockton
MS Aerospace Engineering
Anthony Lamping
MEng Aerospace Engineering
Justin Ouwerkerk
MS Aerospace Engineering
Rumit Kumar
MS Aerospace Engineering
Timothy Arnett
PhD Aerospace Engineering
Undergraduate Students
Austin Wessels
Aerospace Engineering
Nicholas Little
Aerospace Engineering
Nick DeGroote
Aerospace Engineering
Notable Alumni
Anoop Sathyan
PhD Aerospace Engineering
Alireza Nemati
Mechanical Engineering