EECS Virtual Senior Design Expo 2021
Welcome to the Second Annual EECS Virtual Senior Design Expo!
Again this year EECS has created a virtual expo so that our Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering Technology seniors can share with you the work they have done. We are especially proud of this year’s senior class. As you can see, with the help of dedicated industry, faculty, and staff advisors ,they have once again completed an outstanding collection of research and development projects, despite onerous social distancing constraints and limited access to labs. In the case of our CQU EE students, all work was done remotely, due to travel restrictions, with most advisors being here in Cincinnati.
This year we have over 100 teams participating. As we did last year, we have asked each team to prepare a poster and a short video presentation about their project. Although some projects could not be completed as planned, due to lack of access to labs and equipment, the students have applied their engineering problem-solving skills to cope with the current situation and to provide some very interesting displays of their work for you to enjoy.
If you have any questions or comments about the expo or any of the projects, please direct them to Prof. Carla Purdy, chair of our Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Carla.Purdy@uc.edu.
Thank you for visiting our Expo page,
Marc Cahay, EECS Dept. Head
# | Project Title | Team Members | Advisor(s) | Research? | Project Abstract |
1 | 2-Dimensional Negative Capacitance Nanoscale Vacuum Field Effect Transistor |
Nathaniel Hernandez | Cahay | Yes | Our team has created a semi-analytical model to simulate a new type of transistor (2D NC-VFET) merging 3 types of technologies: 2D Monolayer Semiconductor Channels; Negative Capacitance that offers reduced sub-threshold swings below the thermionic limit; and Nanoscale Vacuum Gaps that offer greater electron velocity, extreme operating temperatures, and radiation robustness. |
2 |
Yuan Cheng | Han | N/A | The 3D human pose is a deep learning-based human pose estimation application that allows users to extract human pose from videos or camera stream in real-time. This project aims to help Animaker/Game-maker to design pose or movement easily from natural human videos. |
3 | Cameron Skubik-Peplaski, Joshua Poole | Moeller | N/A | Glimpse is a content management & storage platform for the visualization of 3D CAD models, simulation results, and VR/AR assets. In leveraging modern web technologies like Azure Cloud, ReactJS, Python Flask, and Docker, the platform will be a flexible and scalable application that enables content-sharing, rapid prototyping, design feedback, and more across an organization. | |
4 | Additive Layer RRAM Switchbox for Asynchronous FPGA | Aaron Ruen | Jha | Yes | Hardware trust and security is hard to ensure with the current level of globalization in the chip industry. Combining reconfigurable switchbox technology with asynchronous FPGA designs increases the level of obfuscation. Also, Resistive RAM and Thin-Film Transistor devices can be made in an additive layer, improving space usage and decreasing the number of manufacturing steps in untrusted foundries. |
5 | An Autonomatic Wireless Charging Table for Mobile Devices | Grant Foreman, Billy Rook, James Vober, Andrew Lykins |
Jha | N/A | For our Senior Design project, we created an automatic wireless charging table. The system can detect a cellphone placed anywhere on the table using neural network computer vision. A microcontroller-based motor control system is used to move a wireless charger directly underneath the phone, providing a convenient automatic charging solution. |
6 | Automated Dishwasher | Tori Fuenfgeld, Moriah Henry, Patrick Hobing, Avyay Putsherry | Dong | N/A | The current method of dishwashing is to either hand wash or use a dishwasher and spend time putting dishes away. Given the time commitment for this process and the advancement of technology in recent years, we believe we can do better. In our project we have developed an automated dishwasher that will clean, dry, and put away dishes for the user, all with the push of a button. |
7 | Automated Thermal Imaging Door Controller. | Conner Tenaglia, Preston Smith, Scottie Twiddy, Nick May | Simkins | N/A | Our project is an automated thermal imaging sensor that will determine if a person entering a building has a fever. If this person is healthy, the microcontroller will toggle a relay to unlock an electronic door lock. |
8 | Automatic Scoring System for Cornhole | Michael Hallabrin, Joshua Musch, Matt Nemeth | Wilsey | N/A | Automatic Scoring System for Cornhole takes the human error out of keeping score. RFID antennas track the RFID tags embedded inside the bags and calculate the score automatically. Play locally with friends or remotely with people from around the world, either way our project has the scoring covered. |
9 | Automatic Window Blinds | Adam Johnson, Gerik Melvin, Chase Woodruf | Tashjian | N/A | The purpose of this project is to design a set of blinds that opens and closes automatically depending on the light level outside. It also has the ability to switch modes from automatic to manual, where the user can open, close, and stop the blinds wherever they want. |
10 | Autonomous Anomaly Detection Robot | Ravneet Gill, Tyler Hilbert | Hunter | N/A | The Autonomous Anomaly Detection Robot is a small vehicle that can visually identify if any items in a store are misplaced. It does this by comparing all the objects in a group and marking an item if it is unique from the others. |
11 | Autonomous Greenhouse | Evie Armitage, Jim Horsman, Colt Hummel, Tuler Sasse |
Rabiee | N/A | The purpose of this project was to create a control system for a greenhouse that will optimize resources. To enhance the growth of plants, the conditions of the greenhouse must be regulated precisely. Overall, Rockwell Automation's Technology helps us achieve three systems, affecting water, temperature, and light. |
12 | Logan Lindsay, Jake Van Meter, Ashley Wilhelm, Karl Dierking | Niu | N/A | The Bearcats Pantry is a great resource for students but it is not in the most accessible location. By creating an ordering system for students online, and having the items delivered directly to them at their residence, we can ensure that every student has access to food and hygienic items. | |
13 | Simranjit Singh, Nathan Berning, Ryan Gruss, Giang Ta | Cheng | N/A | Bearcat Circle is a web application that aims to improve the remote learning experience by enhancing online interactions. It combines existing software into one easy-to-use package and makes it easy for students to explore outside of their existing circle. | |
14 | Isiah Lloyd, Will Cupp, Maddie Eckhart, Sean Hearne | Vellambi | N/A | BetterRead is an accessibility tool meant to make browsing the web quicker and easier for those with visual impairments. Its novelty is the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to find important parts of web pages.To make thr web more accessible to all, BetterRead is built to work with websites that don’t conform to accessibility standards. | |
15 |
Mihir Patel, Jacob Huber, Alex Reichlin, Ben Fintel, Joe Deger |
Annexstein | N/A | Campus Tier allows students to anonymously rate different aspects of campus life, such as student housing, professors, etc. Using this crowdsourced data, other students can find the best option for them while universities can gauge what students enjoy. |
16 | CATS: Coherent Automatic Text Summarization | Omar Alsayed, Chloe Muncy | Minai | Yes | Text summarization automatically creates a compressed version of a document while preserving its main information. Extractive summarization algorithms look for the most important sentences in a document. We demonstrate an implementation of TextRank to summarize text. We also propose a neural network approach to score the quality of a summary. |
17 | Chock-O-Lock | Lexie Aytes, Christian McGee, Tavin Singh | Iacobelli | Yes | Chock-o-Lock is an auxiliary security system that uses facial recognition. Users must authenticate on entry and again to gain access to each server rack. It logs all center and rack access attempts. It supports control of center entrance and number of people present, restriction of user access to specific servers, center logs audits, and center usage monitoring. |
18 | Component Review Website | Katie Harry, Thomas Klein, Connor Trenum | Wilsey | N/A | Our website reduces the complications of ordering hardware components. Users can search, post, rate and comment on any information and share personal experiences with components. They can also contact professors with experience with a desired component to ask any questions to ensure the right component is used for their project. |
19 | Conversion of a Wheelchair into an Autonomous Chair | Joh Graham, Justin McMichael, Jared Ross Zhihao Zhu, Zhihao | Rabiee | N/A | The objective of this project is to create a solution to innovate the way security is carried out today. The Secure Bot UGV prototype uses an electric wheelchair with a modified system. Our design creates an autonomous vehicle that’s able to move on its own, while monitoring the surrounding area. |
20 | Data Science Techniques for Discovering Dynamic Brain Activity | Siyi Chen, Qian Liu, Zhiqing Wang |
Wei | Yes | In this project, we use Julia language to mine strong linear relationships in time dynamic brain fMRI data. Based on the existing algorithms, we proposed an advanced algorithm that accomplished calculation speed improvement and process optimization while preserving accuracy. The algorithm shows stability and accuracy while processing complex correlation networks. |
21 | Daniel Wood, Lando Slack, Andrew Nease | Hu | N/A | Deception Detective is a Google Chrome extension that makes fact-checking online simple. Questionable statements are processed and compared against resources such as Snopes and Wikipedia to either provide a "factual rating" or topical information for the user to investigate further. | |
22 | Deep Learning for fMRI |
Li Xiang, Jiang Peiwen, Yong Tong | Wei | N/A | The brain is a complex system. Understanding its functional organization is a very important goal of modern neuroscience. We can understand brain organization by using fMRI to model the brain as a graph. We use fMRI data (functional connectivity) to train a graph matching network (GMN), and use the GMN to classify different subjects on different test days. |
23 | Derby Dash in Great Lakes Science Center | Caleb Brewer, Austin Rismiller, Lucas Rodriguez | Rabiee | N/A | Our task was to improve the Great Lakes Science Center Derby Dash exhibit by developing a functioning PLC program, adding additional functionality to the Raspberry Pi’s, implementing an Augmented Reality environment for an enhanced user experience, and developing a file sharing system to communicate exhibit usage data to the museum. |
24 | Design and Implementation of a 1GHz Sine Wave Signal Generator | Ding Su, Kai Yang Zhibin Ye, Zhaoxiang Zhang |
Hunter | Yes | We create a new design of a 1GHz sine wave generator. We use Analog Device AD9914 as the core because of its good phase-noise characteristics and small size and also because the AD9914 evaluation board can be configured to be controlled to output a 1GHz sine wave. |
25 | Duke Energy--Wire Tracking System | Brad Adams, Austin Reule, Levi Zelaski, Justin Richards | Humphreys | N/A | This project helps organize and track wire spools across the Cincinnati area. Spools have various cable sizes and remaining amounts and crews using the cable waste time and money and need extra personnel to locate spools and move them to a new job location. Our device uses a website crews can access to know where spools are and the amount and type of cable on them, saving the company (Duke Energy) time and money. |
26 | Jacob Carlson, Ryan Green | Niu | N/A | E-ducation is an application focused on allowing more methods for students and educators to interact in remote environments. Educators are presented with a dashboard where they can customize prompts to send to students. Students respond and educators get live feedback. | |
27 | Electric Hydrofoil Surfboard | Arjol Arapi, Sloane Stack, Brady Kiplinger | Peterson | N/A | Covid has left everyone inactive and cooped up in their homes, but with the help of our Electric Hydrofoil Surfboard some release can be found come spring. We are combining our knowledge of 3D design, electrical engineering, and embedded systems to create a completely custom Electric Hydrofoil Surfboard. |
28 | Encrypted Traffic Analysis in VPN with Neural Networks | Chenyang Li, Minglian Peng, Runzhu Wang | Wei | N/A | We investigate the privacy leakage of a smart speaker under an encrypted traffic analysis attack. In this attack, an adversary can eavesdrop on both outgoing and incoming encrypted voice traffic over a smart speaker. Despite variances that human voice may cause in outgoing traffic, the proof of-concept attacks remain effective even when only leveraging incoming traffic. |
29 | Enhancing Lowshot Vehicle Detection with Momentum Contrastive Learning | Brayden Osborne | Kangas | Yes | Automatically detecting targets of interest is very difficult when you don’t have much data. We hypothesized that Momentum Contrastive Learning could assist in lowshot object detection. We implemented code and tested this hypothesis on the xView dataset. |
30 | Entrepreneur Website | Hongjin Tao, Kairui Yin |
Wei | N/A | We design a clean, modular, user-friendly website to allow business owners and customers to share information. The website is compatible with mobile devices. It has two main views, a user view and a customer view. |
31 | John Wiesner | Hartshorn | N/A | A virtual reality simulation game, available on Steam, that allows users to become familiar with excavator controls, movement, and excavation. Move around, dig terrain, and destroy objects. It is all up to the user. More accessible than current proprietary simulators. | |
32 | Grant Galinger, Kyle Spraggins, Josh Phillips | Annexstein | N/A | Ez-Drive is a web application that allows the user to easily upload files to their preferred cloud services--Google Drive, DropBox, or OneDrive--using their respective API libraries. An option to encrypt files may be available in future. Users will be authenticated through the OAuth2.0 Authentication framework to sign into their cloud service accounts. | |
33 | Jiale Liu | Annexstein | N/A | Face Mask Detecor is a program using MobileNetV2 and OpenCV technologies to detect whether someone in the crowd did not wear a mask, It can realize single or multi-person image detection. | |
34 |
Sam Frisch, Zac England | Han | N/A | FstFd is a mobile application that allows users to create custom meal plans with very specific nutritional parameters at the touch of a button. |
35 | Fast Talk by Speech Processing | Guo Jia | Wei | N/A | In this project the goal is to record a piece of speech and use signal processing techniques to accomplish voice speed change. The program will allow users to speed up or slow down speech playback without changing pitch, so that the speaker’s voice can be recognized without the influence of speed change. |
36 | Stephen Comarata, Matthew Jackson, Nathan Sucher, Dylan Wheeler | Jone | N/A | Findyourtune (FYT) is a social media application for music sharing and discovery. This application provides an intuitive way to discover, share and discuss music with friends and other like-minded individuals. The application connects to the user’s Spotify account, allowing easy access to music sharing. | |
37 | Flight Control Development | Zhihao Sun, Zhaoyang Lu, Shuoyuan Wang |
Wei | N/A | A Simulink model is used to simulate the dynamics and flight characteristics of a quadrotor system. The flight control system is tuned based on simulation results and results are visualized in the simulation environment. |
38 | Fully Operational 3D Printed Model Roller Coaster with Industrial Level Safety PLC Control System | Jared Halladay | Heyl | N/A | Roller coasters are some of the most terrifying and thrilling machines ever built. They take millions of people every year on the ride of their lives and do so with an incredible level of safety. This new educational experience allows guests to “become the ride operator” as they interact with the same technology used to keep riders safe on real roller coasters coasters in this small-scale engaging setup. |
39 | Helmholtz Cage for Testing Satellite Attitude Control | Cole Chase, Caleb Power, Justin Dorsten, Ken Spector | Rabiee | N/A | Testing a satellite attitude control system in a lab is challenging due to the non-zero gravity and non-orbital magnetic field and electromagnetic disturbance and noise from lab devices. Our 2-axis Helmholtz cage on an air bearing table simulates a near frictionless environment. The coils, PLC controller, and power supplies create a near-homogeneous magnetic field large enough to cover an entire satellite. |
40 | High-powered LED Uplight | Rob Henggeler | Tayahi | N/A | The goal of this project was to build a small footprint RGBW light fixture that is controlled by DMX (digital multiplexing) and can be powered by universal AC. The fixture needs to be extremely quiet, meaning no fans. So there will be only passive cooling |
41 | Honeywell Automated Wiring Program | Dominic Rockas, Eric Yelmgren, Meet Patel , Quan Nguyen, an Simon | Hageman | N/A | Manually calculating the length of cable needed for every device in a large conveyor system is a time and labor intensive process that takes a team up to a week to complete. Using Python and A* pathfinding, this software is able to provide an estimation of the length of wire needed for each device in minutes. |
42 | Identifying Authorship of Source Code with Neural Networks | Rui Li, Jidong Xu, Hao Tang |
Wei | Yes | Identifying authorship of source code has many applications, including identifying the authors of malware, plagiarism detection, tracing vulnerabilities of software, etc. The problem can be formulated as a classification problem in machine learning. We choose leverage word embedding (e.g. word2vec) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks to encode source code and perform classification. |
43 | Innovative Bike Shelter I | Jianwei Liu, Xuan Zhao |
Wei | N/A | This international cooperation project, completed by students from China, the United States and France, is an innovative bike parking lot at the University of Lorraine The project has three parts: mechanical design, power design and app design. We developed the visitor website for the lot. The website shows remaining parking spaces, location navigation and other useful information. |
44 | Innovative Bike Shelter II | Steven Campbell, Beau Becker | Wei | N/A | The bicycle has become a popular, quick way to travel and is an approach to preserving the environment. Thus, the University of Lorraine (France) proposes a new solution for secure bicycle storage, and ENSEM, UC, & CQU’s mission is to respond to this proposal by offering innovative solutions. |
45 | Interactive Pong Table Kit | Vincent King | Gallagher | N/A | The goal of this development project was to create an interactive pong table kit. This kit would be designed for any level of hobbyist. The project includes use of microcontrollers, IR sensors, LEDs, and RGB Matrices. The table keeps live score and displays other colorful effects. |
46 | Internet of Things Smart Home | Kirsten Benney, Nathan Hemmelgarn, Brett Hoelscher, Jeffrey Johnson |
Zhou | N/A | The Internet of Things (IoT) conceptualizes the idea of remotely connecting and monitoring real world objects through the Internet. This concept can be applied to the home itself to improve its safety and security by connecting specialized sensors to a microcontroller that alerts users of hazards regardless of their proximity. |
47 | IPAQ | Thomas Barlow, Caroline Northrop, Sydney O’Connor, JT Salisbury | Wei | N/A | The goal of our project, the image processing autonomous quadcopter (IPAQ), is to create a reliable solution to fly a drone autonomously through obstacles via cameras and LIDAR. |
48 | Iskander | Zach Birri, Ryan Brusk, Brady Hoeper, Kevin Minds, Clay Pragar | Olekas | N/A | As homes get smarter, the need to easily access information grows. Iskandar, the smart mirror, puts all the information you need when starting your day right before your eyes. Gain access to weather, traffic, and calendar information as you get ready for the events to come. |
49 | Josh Antone | Annexstein | N/A | Kitchen Companion is an Android application that allows users to keep track of what ingredients they have in their kitchen, save recipes to a recipe book, and get recipes from their recipe book based on the ingredients they have in their kitchen. This project aims to get more people into cooking at home by helping alleviate any stress that comes with deciding what to cook. | |
LHF.PY | Jonathan Menden | Wilsey | Yes | TDA combines tools from algebraic topology and statistical learning to give a quantitative basis for the study of the "shape" of data. For their research Dr. Wilsey’s team developed the LHF(Lightweight Homology Framework). I added python wrappers to allow the tool to be installed using python pip and run easily. | |
51 | Thomas Brennan | Jha | Yes | Repeated lifting of heavy objects creates increased risk for incidences of lower back pain. Determining when a person is lifting in a risky way can help a worker learn to avoid dangerous lifts. The goal of this project is to develop a machine learning approach for detecting the risk level of an individual lift based on IMU data from various sensors placed on a worker's body. | |
52 | Low Power Neuromorphic Processor for Implementing |
Korey Arvin | Jha | Yes | Neural networks are used in applications range from speech recognition to autonomous driving. Their execution time is vital. We have created a low-power homogenous neuromorphic accelerator for embedded systems in Logisim. This small accelerator successfully ran multiple neural networks, such as CNNs and MLPs, with high accuracy. |
53 | Magneto-elastic Sensor Interrogation System Circuit Design | Darui Lu, Zhebin Zhang, Yuze Li |
Li | Yes | We design the magnetoelastic sensing platforms circuit for the transmitting side and receiving side. These two parts of the circuit can keep the magnetoelastic sensor in a better working state. The transmitting side circuit contains DDS, frequency sweeping, and amplifier. The receiving side circuit contains overdriven protection circuit, LNA, and ADC converter. |
54 | Dustin Seger, Rob Boeckermann, Jake Steuver | Patton | N/A | Meetify is a webapp that allows users to match with each other based on the similarity of their music preferences on Spotify. | |
55 | MGMS--Modular Garden Monitoring System | Sadie Gladden, Eric Krenz, Zuguang Liu, Alan Trester | Fuchs | N/A | The MGMS is an IoT solution to help homeowners, garden enthusiasts, and farmerscare for their lawns and gardens in a more informed and effective way, reducing wasteful water usage. The proof-of-concept system provides real-time and historical information about outdoor or indoor environmental conditions, making customized recommendations for care practices. |
56 | Multi-sensor Data Fusion for Wearable Respiratory Rate Monitoring Microsystem | Wenwen He, Peixuan Jiang, Hongdan Yang |
Li | Yes | This project aims at improving accuracy of a wearable respiratory rate (RR) monitoring microsystem by data fusion of outputs from RR sensors based on microphone and oximeter. Different algorithms are evaluated for situations with and without reference data. Kalman filter, influencing factor, covariance, Mahalanobis distance and multiple linear regression are applied to realize an optimized algorithm for data fusion. |
57 | Corey Olley, Jeromy Raczak, John Salzman, Matthew Salzman | Iacobelli | N/A | Nimble is a powerful online tool allowing users to create, edit, and run programming-based projects. Its unique features, paired with classroom-based features, enable it to be used for virtual learning. The online IDE can run compiled and interpreted languages. In addition, teachers can give students assignments that are programming or question based. | |
58 | Hung Nguyen | Niu | N/A | This project implements NLP processing of documents using FrameNet 1.7, GloVe word embeddings, and open-sesame. | |
59 | Garret Oien, Kevin Starmack, Sheffi Tiwari | Niu | Yes | Ambiguity is often observed in technical specifications because they are written in a natural language (e.g., English). This project aims to develop an automated approach to formulate formal specifications from natural language requirements, such as regulation and policy documentation. | |
60 | Novel RGB Image Processing Application | Yida Chen, Weiming Luo, Xiangming Song, Zijian Huang |
Zhou | N/A | How to manage urban traffic effectively has become a focus of attention. The key to solve this problem is to establish an intelligent traffic system with license plate recognition. Here we use techniques such as morphological processing and support vector machines to implement automatic detection and recognition of license plates. We include the accompanying UI interface. |
61 | Optically Driven Power Converter | Evan McDaniel | Kosel | N/A | The goal of this project was to design and build an optically driven power converter. This is a device that converts low voltages to much higher voltages, while making use of optical switches, which have an electrical disconnect by nature, to ensure operator safety. |
62 | Optimizing Microfluidic Channel Design of an In Vitro Device for Neurobiological Research | Yuelin Fan, Zeyan Shi, Junyuan Wang |
Li | Yes | We design and simulate microfluidic channels in a micromachined device for neuron culturing and neural circuit modeling. The models are built with COMSOL Multiphysics using the capillary filling level set method. Quantitative comparisons were done to evaluate the influence of parameters on fluid flow characteristics and to identify the optimal parameter set. |
63 | Pet InSights | Mailys Terrier, Tosha Bapat, Pavni Bakhshi | Niu | N/A | Pet Insights is a cross-platform mobile app that allows people to find the right pet to adopt. It makes the process of discovery more accessible and less resource consuming. The app is also meant to help support animal shelters by providing a broader reach for volunteers, donations and adopters. |
64 | PLC Controlled Greenhouse | Liam Mulcahy | Schutte | N/A | A PLC controlled greenhouse design is based around an Allen Bradley Micro820 PLC. Soil moisture, humidity, and temperature sensors monitor the environmental conditions to control irrigation and ventilation outputs. This design offers a hands off approach to what is typically a labor intensive task. |
65 | Pocket Science Lab Application Development |
Erin Cold | Heyl | N/A | The Pocket Science Lab board is an Open Source/Hardware project developed to ease the collection of different measurements using devices you already have. As my senior project, I contributed to publishing a desktop application, fixing bugs, and improving many aspects of the application. |
66 | Caleb Cox, Kevin Luo | Purdy | N/A | Urban transportation is necessary for many and oftentimes problematic. Destinations too far to comfortably walk to are inconvenient to drive to due to traffic and parking. Other methods such as bicycles and scooters pose logistical problems such as storage. Our goal is to create an alternative that is both inexpensive and practical. | |
67 | Portable Microphone Calibrator (PMC) | Zhaonian Wang | Ulrich | N/A | This project is a C language programming AT32UC32A0512 microcontroller based, firmware update project. The tasks include reprogramming the calibration logic and user interface. |
68 | PS10: External Signal Amplifier | Colin Jester, Jacob Watren | Weinle | N/A | The Modal Shop is interested in powering a third-party amplifier using their 9000A Smartsine-Calibrator. However, it does not output enough voltage. An external amplifier was developed to combat this problem. It utilizes a booster network and an op-amp to take a 1Vrms input signal and output a 2.4Vrms signal. |
69 | PV String Monitoring Solution | John Ruehl, Tyler Adkins, Peter Ranly |
Rabiee | N/A | Solar farms are filled with many photovoltaic strings. Being able to collect data on PV strings will increase yield and lower maintenance. Although, monitoring is difficult due to the amount of strings and the cost of monitoring. This group’s project is designed to monitor multiple PV strings at a low cost. |
70 | Carisheila Cardano, Christopher Morrison William Osbourne, Nahal Pahlevani | Franco | N/A | Rangemaster is a software solution for educators to create easy to deploy environments for virtual machines. It allows the educator to deploy scripts and other actions to create a manageable environment for teaching cybersecurity exercises. This system will be ideal for instruction and cybersecurity club activities. | |
71 | Renewable Energy Tool Shed | Kiefer Pottschmidt, Parker Peluso, Joe Castenir | Everly, Hunter | N/A | An environmentally friendly design created to modernize a traditional tool shed. The design adds a more efficient way to maintain a home without adding cost to the monthly energy bill and can be placed anywhere on a property. |
72 | Reprogrammable Neuromorphic Dendrite-Synapse Crossbar | Siddharth Barve | Jha | Yes | Deep Neural Networks, especially those processing temporal data, have large computational time and power requirements. These requirements prevent widespread use in low-power real-time applications. We propose a gated-resistive random-access memory-based neuromorphic scalable dendrite-synapse architecture for real-time low power inferencing of temporal data. |
73 | Robotic Cameraman | Luke Shaw | Tashjian, Purdy | N/A | Now that people are spending more time making online calls, some will want a cheap alternative to tracking camera systems to follow them while they record and add some visual spice to their online calls. |
74 | Rockwell Automation Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV) | Austin Burritt, Joshua Haley, Branden Labarowski, Grant Matwiejczyk, Andrew Miller | Schutte | N/A | Our team is creating an Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV) with Rockwell Automation technology that can bring products to and from select locations safely and effectively with little to no outside or human assistance. The AGV will be able to locate, collect, transport, and index items without the induced risk of human involvement. |
75 | Rohan Kapoor, Hannah Dubusker | Zhou | N/A | This web application will present the instructor(s) with a dynamic user interface to allow them to perform tasks like importing and editing senior design project rubrics, importing and viewing enrolled students' information from UC Canvas, filling out the imported rubrics, and assigning grades to students. | |
76 | RVSense | Kyle Bush, Brock Byler, Reilly Hoban | Tashjian | N/A | RVSense provides drivers with critical information about the performance of their recreational vehicle in real time. RVSense is a compact, modular unit that can fit on many types of recreational vehicles and can connect to a variety of sensors (GPS, altimeter, temperature, compass, and gyroscope/accelerometer) and a display. |
77 | Safe Assistant | Ethan Hocker, Brendan Link, Alex Vennemeyer | Franco | N/A | Safe Assistant is a secure, private, and highly configurable Voice Assistant designed to operate and process speech entirely offline. It is open source, providing users transparency of the system and allowing users to easily add new applications or features. |
78 | Self-Heating Effect in Looped Carbon Nanotube Fibers |
Kartik Sharma | Cahay | Yes | We have extensively performed COMSOL simulations of the temperature distribution through the carbon nanotube fiber and in some of the fibrils near its apex. Our simulations account for the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity of both the looped fiber and the fibril. |
79 | Self-Switching Power Supply | Abby Jones | Hunter | N/A | My project was to build a Self-Switching Power Supply. The goal of this is to have a functional power supply and be able to demonstrate my knowledge of different components. |
80 | Coleman Lyski, Jeet Shah, Tim McCabe | Minai | N/A | This project analyzes the sentiment of social media data to display trends in public opinion. Users search for a set of keywords, then data from the past week is analyzed from Twitter, Reddit, and Tumblr and displayed pn a graph. | |
81 | Prudhviraj Naidu | Niu | Yes | Deep learning has started to dominate traditional Machine Learning problems. In this project, we investigate if deep learning systems can truly adapt to unseen changes in serving data. We look at common neural networks used for image classification. These neural networks are trained on a standard training set. We apply numerous image distortions to the test set to see how models’ accuracies change. | |
82 | Simulation and Design Optimization of Wireless Magnetoelastic Sensors for Implantable Biomedical Applications | Yutong Fu, Peng Fu, Changhe Shao |
Li | Yes | Magnetoelastic (ME) sensor uses magneto-strictive material and allows signal excitation and transmission through a magnetic field for passive wireless sensing of target parameters like mass accumulation. We build ME sensor models in COMSOL Multiphysics and MATLAB for simulation and analysis of ME sensor characteristics and evaluate the influence of relevant parameters on performance. |
83 | SlayStation | Chase Pownell, Matt Maertz, Josh May, Jared Willwerth | Dong | N/A | Creation of a beetleweight battlebot for use in competition and as a legacy project for the UC battlebots club. A modular bot that allows the use of various configurations and multiple modules. Competition worthy and easily modifiable battlebot controlled by a PS4 controller utilizing bluetooth composed of 3D printed parts. |
84 | Smart Hack Smasher | Achyut Anand, Zachary Hammit, Mathew Lucy | Jha | Yes | Smart Hack Smasher utilizes dueling AI algorithms that independently look at the data coming in from the cars' modules to combat security attacks and vulnerabilities in a self-driving car. This system can detect irregularities in what the car is seeing and flag them so that the car can choose how to proceed safely. |
85 | James Reboulet, Wayne Hafeley, Deion Booher | Hu | N/A | The primary objective of Smashin' Debugger is to increase innovation in the debugger ecosystem. The first stepping stone is to create a debugger that is lightweight, portable, and easily implemented on other operating systems. The second stepping stone is to increase our knowledge and improve existing documentation on debugger implementation for developers of debuggers. | |
86 | Solarverter | James Smiddy | Wei | N/A | In this world, power can be absent anywhere at anytime. However, there is one thing that permeates us all no matter where we go. Harness the sun as it was intended, and turn light rays into usable AC/DC power no matter day or night. |
87 | Sologym | Ngagne Samba, Grant Kaiser | Zierolf | N/A | SOLOGYM is project created to help people on their home workout routines. Push-ups are regarded as one of the best exercises to build muscle and maintain body shape. Using mainly an ultrasonic sensor, Rheed switches and a tailored algorithm, this project provides guidance and close monitoring of one’s workout. |
88 | Split Manufacturing: Dividing Designs to Enhance Hardware Security | Daniel Mraz, Ande Thomas | Vemuri | Yes | This project explores split manufacturing, a method used to combat security attacks made by untrusted integrated circuit (IC) manufacturers. This method involves splitting an IC into two parts and sending each part to either a trusted or an untrusted manufacturer. This ensures the IC cannot be edited or copied. |
89 | Stadium Bot | Danny Taylor, Ben Grimes, Davis Brode, Mingyuan Zhao | Hunter | N/A | Large gatherings are something that millions around the world enjoyed every day. However, when the Covid 19 virus made its way around the globe, these events became unsafe. This lack of safety is caused by the virus's ability to live on surfaces for a period. The solution to that is a stadium cleaning robot. |
90 | STARTer: Web App | John Notorgiacomo | Bunni | N/A | The testcase life cycle in the Radar Department of Bosch contains redundancies, is tedious to use, and has the potential to be inaccurate and/or the cause of miscommunication. STARTer resolves these issues by enforcing a standard definition of what can occur in a test and by reducing redundancy during creation. |
91 | Tristan Heilman, Danny Hench, Banjamin Reuss, Tyler Adleta | Atluri | N/A | The objective of SwoopGroup is to develop and publish a mobile application that allows users to connect, plan, share and join events created by others. The goal of Swoop is to create an environment for users to meet in-person, instead of over a screen. SwoopGroup is designed to be a simplistic event sharing platform, helping users to more easily find things to do and plan nights out with friends. | |
92 | System-on-Chip Design Implemented on FPGA Board | Anthony Frierson | Vemuri | N/A | Hardware verification is a critical process in modern embedded electronics design. The accuracy of digital logic must be ensured pre-fabrication & post-fabrication for the hardware ASIC design synthesis. This project involves an FPGA hardware verification technique in which SoC assertions are monitored for potential system security violations. |
93 | The Smart Farmer | Zachary Underwood | Dong | N/A | The Smart Farmer is a temperature-controlled greenhouse with a fully automated watering system. 100 percent of the energy consumed by these electronics will be supplied by solar energy. This greenhouse needs very little interaction with the end user and gives the user more time for other activities. |
94 | The Sneed Machine | Tim Einhouse, Parker Graff, Ryan DeYoung | Wang | Yes | Our adversarial machine learning research aims to demonstrate how an image classification neural network can be attacked with slightly modified images in order to regularly fool it into producing the wrong classification. We hope to show how this adversarial approach can have impacts on real world systems. |
95 | Ben Hollar, Erin Graska, Stephanie Tam | Han | N/A | Finding and collecting recipes can be a daunting task, and many online recipe sources distract users with unnecessary blogs or advertisements. The Spice Rack aims to reduce that problem by providing a web application where users can store their recipes without distractions and import recipes from online sources using a machine-learning-driven content extraction process. | |
96 | Craig Fields, Ben Smith | Ralescu | N/A | Keeping a restaurant profitable and healthy is difficult, now more than ever. Taking the guess work out of inventory management will help increase profits through reduced waste and man hours, and never ordering too much/little of an ingredient. Inventory intel implements sensors and readers around the resturant to create a plug and play solution for automatic inventory management what works with any POS system. | |
97 | Chris Jantzen, Chris Messmer, Robert Bolgzds | Han | N/A | ULang is an application for mastering foreign languages with practice tools and social vocabulary sharing to make studying simple and effective. It includes tools for learning to spell, pronounce and conjugate words. ULang is designed to be a supplemental learning tool for formal classes or any other source, making it ideal for users of all ages and stages of learning. | |
98 | Unmanned Underwater Vehicle | Alec Spaeth, Eric Blickley, Kyle Shaffer, Mitchell Snow, Charles Vieth |
Turner Duong Bauer |
N/A | The goal of the UUV Senior Design project was to design, construct, and test an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) that is capable of underwater surveying wirelessly using RC controlled servo motors and video camera at an operating depth of 10ft below a communications buoy, and out to an indeterminant range. |
99 | VeriFly | Joseph A. Murphy, Joseph P. Murphy, Kevin Haxton, Michael Frey | Jha | N/A | A smarter, safer, more secure way to take your temperature before boarding a flight would be useful. Our project’s purpose is to provide an interactive thermometer design that provides direct feedback to the user and other parties. It is a simplistic design utilizing PLA material for the shell of the design and two boards connected to the OLED display powered by a Lithium Polymer battery. |
100 | Spencer Kruse, Nathan Jonas, Jack Osterman, Craig Gorney | Minai | N/A | VGAI is bringing artificial intelligence to video games to create unique experiences on replay. Using Unreal Engine 4, we created a demonstration game where you play against an AI that learns how to fight using reinforcement learning algorithns, | |
101 | Video Recording Glasses (Digital Witness Pyoject) | Ian Desjardins | Hunter | N/A | In today’s society violent incidents may be encountered. The legal aftermath of a violent or deadly encounter is almost as important as the incident itself. Video evidence can be key to determining whether citizens defended themselves lawfully. The solution is a wearable device that can record the events of a violent encounter from the perspective of the self-defender or victim. |
102 | Warped 2 Redesign | Jack Johnson | Wilsey | Yws | Warped2 is a parallel distributed simulation kernel that provides an API for discrete event simulation models. This project focuses on updates to the kernel to improve threading, use a synchronous global virtual time algorithm, add read locks and barrier synchronizations, and employ multiple MPI communicators, synchronous receives and asynchronous send calls. |
103 | Wearable Breathing Monitoring Technology for Detecting Abrupt Breathing Patterns for Diagnosis of Many Diseases | Fengqi Zhang, Lushan Yang, Yishun Li, Yuxuan Ying, Yifan Hu | Wei | N/A | Breathing pattern analysis can be used for early detection of many diseases. This project focuses on developing a wearable breathing pattern monitoring system integrated with ultra-low-power neuromorphic processors for analysis of abnormal and normal breathing patterns. |
104 | Wearable Fitness Tracker | Nick Dinsmore, Joshua Menczywor, Jack Schoning |
Fuchs | N/A | This project interfaces an ARM Cortex microcontroller with a 9-DoF IMU, SPO2 IR sensor and a touch screen LCD in order to create a wearable fitness tracker. Functions of the device include workout tracking, vitals history, and form guidance. |
105 | Web Interface to the COVID-19 Pandemic Model | Jay Hayes, William Pressley, NickSwope, Nick Virzi | Wilsey | Yes | Our project provides a better understanding of how a virus (currently COVID-19) spreads based on its parameters, including transmissibility, incubation period, infection period, and mortality rate. Hopefully, seeing how quickly the virus can spread will cause people to take more precautions in their daily living, thus helping prevent the spread from accelerating. |