Two students sitting next to. each other in a classroom

Engineering & Computing Education

The Department of Engineering and Computing Education is here to help engineering students be successful in their graduate and undergraduate programs. From tutoring to research opportunities, engineering education faculty are here to prepare you to be a well-rounded engineer.

Graduate Programs

Interested in a career in higher education or teaching K–12? Engineering education launches your career to better understand research methods, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods of inquiry. The PhD and MS program offer opportunities that translate to industry, government, and education.

Undergraduate Programs

Rather than start in a specific program like mechanical or chemical engineering, the First-Year Engineering Program (FEP) gives students the flexibility to decide what they want to study later on in their college experience. After a semester or two at UC’s College of Engineering and Applied Science, FEP students apply to transition to a major of their choice, a process based on their UC GPA and the courses they have taken.

Learning Center

The Alumni Engineering Learning Center, located on the eight floor of Rhodes Hall, provides an academic home for students in the College of Engineering and Applied Science, with an emphasis on first-year experience. The Center features wired classrooms, open study areas, mobile tables and chairs, white boards and a café area, as well as faculty offices. These facilities have an intentional focus on collaboration and learning, reflecting the college’s dedication to a high quality academic experience. 

Other services and resources in the department

Educators teach fundamental courses in engineering, and administrators teach calculus, physics and chemistry to engineering students. Services include:
  • Tutoring
  • Mentoring
  • Advising 
  • Other support services
  • Research opportunities

Contact Us

For questions about undergraduate and graduate programs and degrees, live chat with us by clicking the "live chat" button at the bottom of your screen or email us:



UC’s commercialization navigator pilots tech transfer at 1819...

July 25, 2024

Housed within the University of Cincinnati’s 1819 Innovation Hub, the Technology Transfer team is vital to safeguarding and managing the intellectual property generated by UC’s researchers. Its mission is to translate UC's cutting-edge innovations into viable technologies by evaluating patentability and commercial viability, ensuring compliance and legal protection, recruiting and maintaining external partners, marketing technologies, negotiating license deals and identifying funding opportunities. This multifaceted approach ensures that groundbreaking discoveries from UC are positioned to reach the market, delivering substantial benefits that impact society.


Mayor Pureval, Rob Richardson lead ethical AI symposium

July 5, 2024

As artificial intelligence rapidly integrates into everyday life, Rob Richardson, CEO and founder of Disrupt Now and MidwestCon and local tech startup partner of the University of Cincinnati 1819 Innovation Hub, recently spearheaded the Responsible AI Symposium with Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval, calling upon community leaders to discuss and ensure artificial intelligence technologies help users rather than harm.

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