Applied Acoustics Lab

Applied Acoustics lab

The Applied Acoustics Lab conducts basic research and provides consulting and testing services in the fields of acoustics, vibration, and noise control. The lab collaborates with industry partners, academic institutions, and researchers to advance acoustic innovation. 

Research Areas

  • Noise Control Engineering
    • Noise Control and Industrial Noise Reduction
    • Sound Exposure and Impulsive Noise
    • Sound Propagation in Ducts
    • Muffler and Silencer Design
  •  Advanced Acoustic Materials
    • Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals
    • 3D-printed Acoustic Materials and Devices
    • Acoustic and Ultrasonic Material Design and Characterization
  • Electroacoustics
    • Loudspeaker and Microphone Testing
    • Ultrasonic Transducer Development
    • Smart Acoustic Sensors
  • Vibroacoustics
    • Structural Vibration Analysis
    • Panel and Cavity Resonances
    • Coupled Vibroacoustic Systems

Collaboration & Services

  • Custom-designed acoustic simulations and experiments for research and development in the focus areas of the center
  • Consulting on acoustic design, noise control, and product development 
  • Flexible facility access for external researchers and industry collaborators
  • Sound Power Measurements (ISO 3744) – determine the sound power level emitted from a variety of devices 
  • Loudspeaker and Microphone Characterization – measure frequency, response, directivity, and sensitivity
  • Vibro-Acoustic Interaction Testing – study how structural vibrations affect acoustic performance


Close up of a piece of microphone equipment in the applied acoustics lab

Our facility is equipped with advanced instrumentation to support a wide range of acoustic experiments, including:

  • A full anechoic chamber (24' x 26' x 22') with an option to convert to semi-anechoic condition, suitable for test work in the frequency range of 100 Hz to 20,000 Hz.
  • A Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer for non-contact vibration measurement
  • A large selection of high-precision measurement microphones
  • Multichannel data acquisition and analysis systems including a 24-channel system with real-time acoustic testing capability up to 50 kHz
  • A wide selection of Vibration testing equipment (tri-axial accelerometers) for structural and acoustic interactions
  • Calibrated noise sources and various loudspeakers

Recent Research

Recent research focuses include research on the human exposure to impulsive noise, human exposure to vibratory motions and advanced signal processing. Past research examples include vibration of shells and plates, buckling and post buckling of plates, structure-noise interaction problems, machine design and analysis, and modeling and identification of damping in dynamic systems.  He is a member of UC-SDRL, which is a world-renowned vibration and modal analysis laboratory under the Mechanical Engineering Program at UC and UC-CAE Lab, a newly formed research center for computer aided numerical design engineering. 

Previous research sponsors
Title Role Sponsor Period
Infrared Camera Acoustic Noise Testing   L3Harris 2024-2025
Audible Noise Characterization of a Sensor   L3Harris 2024-2025
Access of Equipment and Facilities   CDC/NIOSH 2022-2026
OSHE program, UC-NIOSH ERC      PI NIOSH 7/1/14-6/30/16
Development of Nanotech Minor      PI NSF 12/1/13-11/30/15
Squeak and Rattle Noise in Automobiles      PI Hyundai Motors 9/1/14-8/31/15
Analysis of Squeeze Film Damper   PI GE Aviation 9/1/13-8/30/15
Aeromechanics Lab, Pahse 1 - 4      PI GE Aviation 9/1/12-12/30/15
OSHE Program, UC-NIOSH NIOSH ERC      PI NIOSH 7/1/08-6/30/12
Development of a Receptance Based Modeling Technique for Hand-Arm Vibration      PI PRP/NIOSH ERC 7/1/07-6/30/08
Engineering education through degree-long project experience PI NSF 7/1/07-6/30/09
Development of risk assessment methof for complex noise PI NIOSH 7/1/06-6/30/08
Development of NI Labview system for compressor sound and vibration testing PI Copeland Co. 3/1/06-8/31/06
Development of an acoustic shock tube PI NIOSH 3/1/06-9/31/06
Hot-rolled steel plate analysis PI POSTECH 1/105-12/31/05
Modification of hearing protector fit test software PI NIOSH 8/1/04-12/31/05
Measurement of sound power and SPL from various pieces of power tools PI NIOSH 7/1/04-10/31/04
Multifractal analysis for occupational health study participant NIOSH 7/1/02-6/30/04
Measurement and characterization of noise from powe tools PI NIOSH 3/1/04-12/31/04
Measurement and characterization of noise from powe tools PI NIOSH 3/1/04-12/31/04
Measurement and characterization of noise from powe tools PI NIOSH 12/1/02-12/31/03
Assessment of sound power levels from powered hand tools used in the construction industry PI NIOSH 5/1/01-11/20/02
Assessment of sound power levels from powered hand tools used in the construction industry PI NIOSH 5/1/01-11/30/02
Characterization of dynamic and acoustic properties of double layered shells for optimal design of automotive mufflers PI Arvin Exhaust Technology Center 9/1/99-8/31/01
Development of a design procedure to reduce brake squeal in rotor-disk systems PI Akebono Brake Systems 1/1/96-3/31/99
Development of a design procedure to reduce brake squeal in rotor-disk systems PI Akebono Brake Systems 1/1/96-3/31/99
Vibroacoustic analysis of suction accumulator for noise reduction of rotary compressors PI Carrier Co. 1/1/97-12/31/97
Vibroacoustic analysis of suction accumulator for noise reduction of rotary compressors PI Carrier Co. 1/1/97-12/31/97
Feasibility study of using acous. Array technique for ranking panale contributions PI Ford Motor Co. 1/1/96-12/31/96
Efficiency improvement of a reciprocating compressor PI Samsung  9/1/95-2/28/97
Design improvement strategies of small heremetic compressors PI Samsung  7/1/93-9/30/94
Sound reduction of high speed air compressor PI Campbell  3/1/93-8/31/93
Development of expert design system for compressors PI Compressor research consortium 10/1/91-1/31/94


Headshot of Ahmed Allam

Ahmed Allam

Asst Professor, CEAS - Mechanical Eng

685 Rhodes Hall


Ahmed Allam is an Assistant Professor at the Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department. He heads the UC Metasonics Lab, and his research interests include acoustics and ultrasonics, 3D-printed materials, underwater communications, IoT, in-body sensing, and industrial monitoring. He is the author of over 20 journal and conference publications in acoustics, communications, applied physics, and non-destructive testing.

The Metasonics lab specializes in acoustic materials, transducers, and systems for emerging domains such as the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0. We use sound and ultrasound for sensing, communication, and power transfer in challenging environments such as deep in the ocean, in the human body, and in nuclear waste containers. Our group designs and builds acoustic devices, circuits, and signal processing software to generate acoustic and ultrasonic waves, control their propagation, and convert them to useful electrical signals. We use 3D printing to design metamaterials that control acoustic wave propagation and use these metamaterials to build acoustic devices such as lenses, matching layers, and collimators. We also combine 3D printing and metamaterials to design novel piezoelectric (ultrasonic) transducers for novel applications.
Headshot of Jay Kim

Jay Kim

Professor - Emeritus, CEAS - Mechanical Eng


Dr. Jay Kim is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering.  His research and teaching interests are vibration of structures, rotordynamics, acoustics, noise and vibration controls, and engineerng education. He is currently serving as the Department Head, director of Occupational Safety and Health Engineering program and education director of Siemens Simulation Technology Center.