Two students writing on a glass whiteboard

Center For Intelligent Propulsion and Advanced Life Management

The Ohio Center for Intelligent Propulsion and Advanced Life Management (CIPALM) was established in 2008 through a $27.5M Ohio Research Scholar Award from the Ohio Department of Development. The goal of the University of Cincinnati led center is to ensure Ohio’s continued eminence in power and propulsion research. The cluster supports the development of future intelligent adaptive power and propulsion systems with advanced energy sources for low emission, and superior reliability through service life and thermal management.

Built on Ohio’s current strengths, CIPALM’s mission is:

  • to develop innovative, breakthrough technologies to provide the next generation of aircraft power and propulsion systems, alternative fuel synthesis, life management of advanced composite materials and intelligent thermal management technologies.
  • to ensure continued international prominence in these areas through robust academic, business, and government collaborations.

The center's research scholars at the University of Cincinnati, University of Dayton Research Institute and Ohio State University possess the expertise to meet future challenges of the global aeronautics market through improved fuel efficiency and life cycle performance, while minimizing evironmental impact and consumer cost.


Center Director

Headshot of Awatef Hamed

Awatef Hamed

Professor Emeritus, CEAS - Aerospace Eng & Eng Mechanics

745B Baldwin Hall


Research Interests
  • Thermal Management
  • Gas Turbines and Turbomachinery Erosion
  • Simulation of high speed flows

Ohio Research Scholars

Headshot of  Dr. Datta Gaitonde

Dr. Datta Gaitonde

Glenn Chair/Mechanical & Aerospace Engineer, Ohio State University

Headshot of Francesco Simonetti

Francesco Simonetti

Professor, CEAS - Aerospace Eng & Eng Mechanics

726 Rhodes Hall

Headshot of Jongguen Lee

Jongguen Lee

Professor, CEAS - Aerospace Eng & Eng Mechanics


Dr. Lee’s research focuses on combustion and propulsion problems in air-breathing and rocket propulsion systems. He has many years of experience in combustion dynamics in gas turbine, ramjet and augmentor, development of various laser-based optical diagnostic techniques with applications to propulsion systems, supersonic combustion, combustion control and sensors monitoring the combustion process, turbulent flame propagations and multi-phase combustion processes.
He has been collaborating with many major gas turbine/aircraft industries such as GE Aviation, GE Energy, Pratt and Whitney, Siemens-Westinghouse, Solar Turbines, Doosan Heavy Industry as well as the AFRL-Wright Patterson, NASA-GRC and DOE NETL (Natural Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV) in those areas.
Headshot of Dr. Zhenhua Jiang

Dr. Zhenhua Jiang

Researcher in Electrical Power Systems, University of Dayton Reserach Institute


Headshot of San-Mou Jeng

San-Mou Jeng

Professor Emeritus, CEAS - Aerospace Eng & Eng Mechanics



Headshot of Peter B. Nagy

Peter B. Nagy

Professor Emeritus, CEAS - Aerospace Eng



Peter B. Nagy joined the University of Cincinnati as an Associate Professor in 1994 and was promoted to the rank of Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics in 2000.  Since 2006, he has been also working as a Visiting Professor in the UK Research Centre in Nondestructive Evaluation at Imperial College London.  He also served on the Editorial Board of Ultrasonics between 2001 and 2011 and as the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation between 2011 and 2014.  Dr. Nagy specializes in ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and thermoelectric materials characterization and has published about 270 research papers on these subjects, coauthored a book entitled Physical Ultrasonics of Composites, and contributed numerous book chapters on various topics of NDE.  Dr. Nagy is an elected Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and the recipient of the 2008 Roy Sharpe Award of the British Institute of Nondestructive Testing, the 2015 NDE Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Society for Optics and Photonics, and the 2021 Founders Award of the Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnosis and Prognosis Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Headshot of Ephraim J. Gutmark

Ephraim J. Gutmark

Distinguished Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Ohio Regents Eminent Scholar , CEAS - Aerospace Eng

799 Rhodes Hall


Research Interests
  • Gas Turbines for Power Generation and Propulsion Systems
  • Experimental Fluid Mechanics
  • Detonation and Combustion
  • Heat Transfer
  • Rocket and Airbreathing Propulsion
  • Aeroacoustics
  • Biomedical applications: airway, voice, hemodynamics
  • Plume Characteristics
  • Aerodynamics
  • Oil-well Drilling Hydrodynamics
  • Diagnostics
Headshot of Dr. Asif Syde

Dr. Asif Syde

Research Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineerin, Gas Dynamics and Propulsion Lab.

Headshot of Dr. Michael Dunn

Dr. Michael Dunn

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering , Ohio State University

Headshot of Dr. Jeffrey Bons

Dr. Jeffrey Bons

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering , Aeronautical and Astronautical Research Lab