Academic Action Criteria

The following table sets forth criteria for academic actions by the Committee on Academic Standards. Categories of academic deficiency are listed in the first column. Severity of the criterion or auxiliary criteria is listed under the three columns labeled with the appropriate academic action.

Criteria for Academic Actions (last revised in Fall 2019)
Deficiency Probation
Suspension Dismissal
University cumulative GPA < 2.000 See University Policy 

See University Policy  See University Policy 
Behind with regard to curriculum 6 semester credits or more --- ---
First grade deficiency** in a required course Yes --- ---
Second grade deficiency in the same required course --- --- Yes
Concurrent action by PSRC (Co-op Program) --- Suspension Dismissal
ACCEND Students First instance of undergrad semester QPA or cumulative less than 3.00 will receive a warning. Removed from ACCEND for second consecutive instance of undergrad semester QPA or cumulative less than 3.00.  They will be put back in traditional program and cannot return to ACCEND. ---

**Deficiency = a grade of F, NP, W, UW, I/F, X, or WX in a required course, or a grade of less than C- in any course where a minimum grade of C- is a required prerequisite to advance to another course in the major. A grade of I in a required course is also considered a deficiency in the case of probation actions, but not dismissals.

CEAS Student Honor Code

As students of the University of Cincinnati’s College of Engineering and Applied Science, we honor the high standards required by our future profession.

We pledge to uphold those high standards by practicing integrity within our classrooms, our communities, and our careers.

We believe in honest representation of individual work and in fair advancement of academic position; therefore, we refuse to partake in actions at the expense of our academic integrity. 

We expect academic integrity from our peers who share the responsibilities of this code.

Our commitment to this pledge entitles us to trust from our peers, our instructors, and our institution. We maintain the right and share the responsibility to report any unfair advantage with anonymity and without retribution.

I hereby affirm that this is my own work in accordance with the Honor Code of the University of Cincinnati College of Engineering and Applied Science.

Reinstatement or Appeal