Materials Science
Why study Materials Science?
The Materials Science and Engineering department offers Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Science (M.S.), and Master of Engineering (MEng) degrees in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). The PhD program comprises primarily the sub-fields of metals, polymers, and ceramics, together with composites, electronic, photonic, bio and functional materials. The research focus areas of the MSE program are diverse including additive manufacturing; high temperature and lightweight alloys; shape memory alloys; functional thin films, magnetic materials, polymer structures and interfacial properties, scattering theory and experiments; conducting polymers and composites; biomaterials; nano materials and nano photonics, carbon nanotubes and graphene, smart materials; soft matter; energy materials, and nano biomedicine.
The research on metallurgical and ceramic science and engineering deals with a wide range of fundamental materials issues relating to phase transformations, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties, including fatigue, creep, fracture, and wear and how they are impacted by processing. Some examples of research areas include gas-phase alloying and sintering kinetics of 3D printed metallic materials; in-situ monitoring of sensitization and environmental cracking mechanisms of aluminum alloys; advanced mechanical surface treatment effects on mechanical properties, corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of lightweight, high temperature and nuclear alloys; design of alloys for extreme environments; and thermodynamic and computational modeling. Processing of metals and ceramics is another important emphasis of materials research such as powder metallurgy, ceramic sintering, thin film deposition, solidification and additive manufacturing processes like laser powder bed fusion.
Polymer materials research is principally in the areas of synthesis, processing, structure and property characterization. Advanced functional polymeric materials with structural hierarchy are investigated and developed for fundamental studies and application in extreme conditions: high pressure, temperature, corrosion, and dynamic stresses. The hierarchically-organized materials typically display elemental entities of different structural dimensions, characteristic length scales, and unique properties, and consist of nanoparticle interfaces with metals/ceramics, soft matter, and biological cells. Novel processing of nanomaterials is also used to create new composite materials with improved properties.
Admission Requirements
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in the Materials Science and Engineering Program is a four to six-year program that entails two years of coursework and research and the remainder focused on a specific research project. The PhD degree targets a career in research and development and/or teaching. Many graduates of the program have risen to be leaders and directors of research in major international corporations, national labs and university faculty members. Each year students generally publish one first-author peer-reviewed paper and present their work at one national conference. A written qualifier exam is required in four topical areas associated with the student’s area of specialization. A research proposal is also presented for qualification. The degree culminates in a dissertation and oral defense.
The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.The MSE program, in combination with the Advanced Materials Characterization Center and other Centers and laboratories has excellent facilities for materials processing, testing and characterization. Through their research projects and these facilities, students will have opportunities to learn the use of modern instrumental techniques including advanced processing, mechanical testing systems, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, compositional analysis, small-angle and wide-angle X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, infrared and X-ray photoelectron infrared spectroscopy.
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Program Code: 20DOC-MTSC-PHD