Image of Nanoworld faculty

Nanoworld Laboratory

Nanoworld is an Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching Lab in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences for nanomaterial and device development, nanotechnology teaching, and demonstrations. The lab includes faculty from Mechanical Engineering; Materials Engineering; Chemical Engineering, Chemistry; Aerospace Engineering; School of Design; and the College of Medicine. Prof. Mark Schulz of the Mechanical and Materials Engineering and Prof. Vesselin Shanov of the Chemical & Environmental Engineering Department direct the Nanoworld laboratories. Nanoworld provides an exciting opportunity for students in undergraduate through PhD level and post doctors to participate in the development of innovative nanomaterials, sensors, and devices. 

Image of Nanoworld faculty

The projects in progress include a blend of:

  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Fashion Design & Wearable Technology
  • Material Sciences & Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering


Nanoworld is comprised of several laboratories located in 2 buildings: 

  • CNT and Graphene Synthesis Laboratories (Rhodes Hall 413 and 414)
  • Nanostructured Materials Processing Laboratories (Rhodes Hall 611 and 612A and 581 Mantei Center)
  • Pilot Micro Factory Laboratory (587 Mantei Center)
  • Electrochemistry and Composites Laboratory, (Rhodes Hall 508)
  • Graduate Student Offices (Rhodes Hall 402 and 515, Mantei Center 509 and 562)


Headshot of Mark J Schulz

Mark J Schulz

Professor, CEAS - Mechanical Eng

498B Rhodes Hall

Headshot of Vesselin N. Shanov

Vesselin N. Shanov

Professor, CEAS - Chemical Eng


(513) 556-2461

Short Biography.
Vesselin Shanov is a Professor with the Chemical Engineering program at the School of EEBME and the co-founder and co-director of the teaching and research facility NANOWORLD Lab at the University of Cincinnati. He has over 30 years of academic and industrial experience in research and development related to technologies and facilities for processing of advanced materials and thin films.  Dr. Shanov has been a tenured associate professor at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria, where he also served as an advisor to over 40 graduate students. He has taught eighteen courses at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria and eighteen courses at the University of Cincinnati. His recent research focuses on synthesis, characterization, processing, and application of nanostructured materials with emphasis on carbon nanotubes, graphene, as well as on biodegradable Mg for medical implants. Applications of his research are in the areas of electronics, aerospace, and nanomedicine. Dr. Shanov has more than 300 scientific publications, including 16 patents, 12 provisional patents, and 5 books, cited in about 3,200 different references. Currently, he collaborates with faculties from UC Colleges of Medicine, Applied Science, and Engineering, Oklahoma State University, North Carolina A&T State University, the University of Pittsburgh, and Hannover Medical School-Germany. The latter 3 universities, along with UC, are involved in the NSF Engineering Research Center for Revolutionizing Metallic Biomaterials.

Teaching Summary,
  • Taught 25 different courses (listed below) in Materials and Chemical Engineering at two universities; incorporated nanotechnology research into the engineering curricula at UC; teaches advanced topics in Chemical and Materials Engineering in the undergraduate Tech Lab Class, such as: Renewable Energy (Solar Cell, Hydrogen Fuel Cell), Nanotechnology (Carbon Nanotubes and related Nanodevices), Modern Analytical Instrumentation, Vacuum and Plasma Technologies, etc.
  • Considers undergraduate students (UG) research to be a very important tool for teaching engineering, as well as for student retention; works on an individual basis with undergraduate students in the research lab; 3 of my undergraduate students won national aerospace awards for research.
  • Believes teaching through the respected program at UC “Research Experience for Middle and High School Teachers” is a powerful outreach approach that indirectly helps recruit young adults in the field of science and engineering; involved in a 3 year NSF project as Co-PI (Prof. A. Kukreti–PI) and collaborates with Cincinnati School District teachers at UC by teaching a topic on Renewable Energy.
  • Hosts tours of Nanoworld Lab; more than 1,000 students, parents, industry professionals, faculty and Government representatives visit Nanoworld each year; the Nanoworld Lab website is one of the most frequently visited websites at UC.
  • Hosts weekly lab tours at the College for recruiting prospective students which include presentations on the latest achievements in renewable energy, nanotechnology and other science fields.
  • Hosts and teaches in Summer Institute for minority middle and high school students, since 2010.

Post Doctorates and Research Associates

  • Dr. Qichen Fang, Received Ph. D. in Materials and Chemical Engineering from the University of Dayton. Joined Nanoworld as a Post doctor in 2022 in MSE. Project: “Integration of Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Active Textile Systems in Personal Protective Equipment for the Ohio Fire Service”

Graduate Students

  • Maliha Marzana, PhD-Enrolled 2023, (MSE)

Topic: “Fabrication and Advanced Applications of Nanocarbon Fibers

  • Prakash Giri, PhD-Enrolled 2022 (MSE)

Topic: “Synthesis and Applications of Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Materials”.

·       Ayush Raut, MS-Enrolled 2022, (MSE)

Topic: “Synthesis and Doping of 3D Graphene for Thermoelectric Application”.

  • Kyle Brittingham, MS-Enrolled January 2021, (MSE)

Topic: “Cool Helmet for firefighters using carbon heat spreader and Thermoelectric”.

  • Vamsi Krishna Reddy Kondapalli, PhD-Enrolled 2019, (ME/MSE)

Topic: “Synthesis and Property Enhancement of 3D Graphene Materials for Advanced Applications”.

  • Kavitha Joseph, PhD-Enrolled 2019, (MSE)

Topic: “Structural and compositional tailoring of nano carbon macro assemblages  for electrochemical  applications”.

  • Mahnoosh Khosravifar, PhD-Enrolled 2019, (MSE)

Topic: “Nitrogen-Doped Hybrid Structure Based on Three-Dimensional Graphene”.

·       Manjeera Vinnakota, PhD-Enrolled 2019, (ME)

Topic: “Design and Investigation of a Hydraulic Cutting Module for a Medical                Millirobot”.

  • Guangqi Zhang, PhD-Enrolled 2013 (MSE)

Topic: “Growing of Magnesium Single Crystal from Melt by Bridgman Method”.

Past Personnel

  • Dr. Pujari, Anuptha, Topic: “Investigating Catalyst Composition, Doping, and Salt Treatment for Carbon Nanotube Sheets, and Methods to produce Carbon Hybrid Materials”.
  • Dr. Chauhan, Devika, Topic: “Hybrid Carbon Nanotube Fabric for Shielding Ionizing Radiation.”
  • Pradeep Benedict Thomas Gerard, Topic: “Modeling and Simulation of Cardiovascular Stents”.
  • Ting Huang, University of Taiwan, Joint program with UC, Topic: “Three-Dimensional Graphene for Biosensors”.
  • Amani Russell, Topic: “Carbon Nanotube Materials for Membrane Applications”.
  • Colin McConnell, Topic: “Carbon Nanostructured Materials for Sensor and EMI Shielding”.
  • Dr. Yanbo Fang, Topic: “Porous Nitrogen-Doped CNT-Three-Dimensional Graphene Matrix as a Lithiophilic Current Collector for Stable Lithium Metal Batteries”,
  • Tsung-Che Hsieh, Topic: “Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene-Based Li-S Batteries”.
  • Bala Subramanya Pavan Kumar Kandala, Topic: “Design, Simulation and Testing of Photo-Chemically Etched Biodegradable Stents”.
  • Siddharth Mishra, Topic: “Plasma CVD of Carbon Nanotube Materials and Their Advanced Applications”.
  • Dr. Adusei Paa Kwasi, Topic: “Synthesis and Characterization of 3D Graphene Structures for Energy Storage Applications”.
  • Dr. Yu-Yun Hsieh, Topic: “Carbon Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Applications”.
  • Dr. Sathya Narayan Kanakaraj, Topic: “Fabricating and Post-Processing of CNT Thread with Improved Mechanical and Electrical Properties”.
  • Derek Dearmond, Topic: “Synthesis and Characterization of 3D Graphene Structures”.
  • Tiasha Tarannum, Topic: “Design, Manufacturing and Testing of Photochemically Etched Magnesium Stents for Medical Applications.”
  • Dr. Seyram Gbordzoe, Topic: “Nanostructured Materials-Synthesis and application.”
  • Dr. Ng, Vianessa, Topic: “Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube Fabric for Firefighter Garments.”
  • Anantharaman, Devanathan, Topic: “CFD Modeling of the Pyrolysis Reactor for CNT Synthesis.”
  • Khwaja, Moinuddin, Topic: “Carbon nanotube sheet for structural health monitoring and thermal conductivity in laminated composites.”
  • Xu, Chenhao, Topic: “Design and Simulation of a Magnesium Based Biodegradable Stent for Hemodialysis Application.”
  • Hou, Xiaoda, Topic: “Modeling Firefighter Apparel with Integrated Carbon Nanotube Fabric Layers for Cooling.”
  • Jaswal, Priya, Topic: “Health Monitoring of Large Composite Structures.”
  • Su, Ruitao, Topic: “Multi-Field Physics for the Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube Yarn and Sheet.”
  • Vijayakumar, Dineshwaran, Topic: “Manufacturing Carbon Nanotube Yarn Reinforced Composite Parts by 3D Printing.”
  • Xu, Chenhao, Topic: “Design and Simulation of a Magnesium Based Biodegradable Stent for Hemodialysis Application.”
  • Dr. Hou, Guangfeng, Topic: “Multiphysics Gas Phase Pyrolysis Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube Yarn and Sheet.”
  • Krishnaswamy Arvind, Topic: “Substrate Engineering to Control the Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes.”
  • Dr. Hehr, Adam, Topic: “Embedded Carbon Nanotube Thread Strain and Damage Sensor for Composite Materials.”
  • Dandino, Charles, Topic: “Condition Monitoring Sensor for Reinforced Elastomeric Materials.”
  • Sullivan, James, Topic: “Advanced Personal Protection Technology Using Carbon Nanotube Textiles for Firefighters and First Responders.”
  • Dr. Kinshuk Dasgupta, Fulbright Scholar from India, studying synthesis and characterization of hybrid carbon nanostructured materials for energy applications.
  • Li Jibao, Visiting PhD student from the School of Material Science and Technology, Shenyang University of Technology, China, studying magnesium-based stent for medical applications.
  • Prof. Rui Lobo, Visiting scholar from New University of Lisbon, Portugal, studying power harvesting from carbon nanostructured materials.
  • Prof. Dr. Yu-Feng Zheng, Visiting Scholar from Peking University, China, studying magnesium-based bioegradable materials for implant applications.
  • Qingyue Yu, Nanjing College of Chemical Technology, China, studying improvement the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube thread and sheet by chemical crosslinking.
  • Dr. Nilajan Mallik, Visiting Scholar from the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, India, studying spinning carbon nanotubes into thread. 
  • Dr. Weifeng Li, Post Doctoral Scholar studying carbon nanotube material synthesis utilizing multi physics, novel reactor design, material characterization and material application.
  • Dr. John Yin, Program Manager for the NSF Engineering Research Center for Revolutionizing Metallic Biomaterials. He studies biodegradable materials and devices, smart implants and corrosion.
  • Dr. Albert Song, Post Doctoral Scholar studying the mechanical, thermal, and electrical characterization of polymeric composites and nanocomposites.
  • Dr. Vibhor Chaswal, Post Doctoral Scholar studying growing of magnesium single crystal from melt by Bridgman method.
  • Dr. Noe Alvarez, Post Doctoral Scholar studying improvement the strength and electrical conductivity of carbon nanotube materials through optimized synthesis and post-treatment. 
  • Dr. Supriya Chakrabarti, Post Doctoral Scholar studying production scale up of CNT synthesis.
  • Dr. YeoHeung Yun, Post Doctoral Scholar studying nanomedicine and sensor development.
  • Dr. Lu Zhang – Research on graphene and its applications in energy storage, sensors and electromagnetic shielding.
  • Dr. Pravahan Salunke – Research on single crystal growth of magnesium and its applications in biomedical implants.
  • Dr. Rachit Malik – Research on cabon nantoube yarn/sheet and processing nanotubes through wet chemistry and plasma functionalization.
  • Dr. Seyram Gbordzoe - Research on carbon nanotube applications in heating materials.
  • Tarannum Tiasha – Research on the design and fabrication of biodegradable magnesium implants for biomedical applications.
  • Dineshwaran Vijayakumar - Researching additive manufacturing and the application of nanocomposites in 3D printing.
  • Madhura Joshi - Researching material characterization, polymer chemistry, corrosion science and magnesium single crystal as a biomaterial.
  • Ruitao Su - Researching scaleable carbon nanotube synthesis assisted by electromagnetic fields.
  • Yonghai Zhang - Researching smart, biodegradable implants, device manufacturing and in vivo & vitro corrosion control.
  • Ge Lucy Li, Topic: “Mechanism of CNT Growth by CVD Using Composite Catalysts”.
  • Rutvij Kotecha, Topic: “Atmospheric Pressure Microwave Plasma System for Materials Processing and Environmental Applications.
  • Mark Haase, Topic: “Mechanism of CNT Growth”.
  • Meixi Zhang, Topic: “CVD Synthesis of Graphene”.
  • Dr. Goutham Kirikera, Topic: “A Structural Neural System for Health Monitoring of Structures.”
  • Saurabh Datta, Topic: “Active Fiber Composite Continuous Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring.”
  • Sri Laxmi Pammi, Topic: “Carbon Nanocomposite Materials.”
  • Suhasini Narasimhadevara, Topic: “Processing of Nanocomposites Based on Epoxy and Carbon Nanotubes.”
  • Dr. Yeoheung Yun, Topic: “Nanotube Sensors and Actuators in Mechanics and Medicine.”
  • Ramanand Gollapudi, Topic: “Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes by Chemical Vapor Deposition and Processing of Epoxy Nanocomposites.”
  • Atul Miskin, Topic: “Bulk Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes by Chemical Vapor Deposition for Smart Materials Applications.”
  • Gautam Seth, Topic: “Adjustable Gap Micro-Electrode Biosensor.”
  • Vishal Shinde, Topic: “Development of a Data Acquisition System and Piezoelectric Sensors for An Experimental Structural Neural System.”
  • Sachin Jain, Topic: “Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes and Development of Remote Actuators
  • Dr. Inpil Kang, Topic: “Carbon Nanotube Smart Materials.”
  • Madhura Patwardhan, Topic: “Tissue-Based Diagnostics and Corrosion Control of Biodegradable Implants Using Electrochemical Techniques.”
  • Bolaji Suberu, Topic: “Multi-Scale Composite Materials with Increased Design Limits.”
  • Bradley Ruff, Topic: “Carbon Nanotube and Nanoparticle Materials for Electromagnetics Applications.”
  • Maruthi Amardeep Sri Vatsavaya, Topic: “Damage Detection in Composite Materials Using Carbon Nanotube Threads as Sensors.”
  • Brian Williams, Topic: “Applications of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy In In Vivo Corrosion Monitoring and Tissue Discrimination.”
  • Dr. Yi Song, Topic: “Multifunctional Composites Using Carbon Nanotube Fiber Materials.”
  • Joseph Kluener, Topic: “Spinning and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Thread for Thermally Conductive Textiles.”
  • Maheshwari Gunjan, Topic: “Carbon Nanocomposites for Industrial Applications.”
  • Sai Lalitya Mullapudi, Topic: “New Techniques in Structural Health Monitoring using Continuous Sensors.”
  • Andrew Gorton, Topic: “Synthesis of Super-Long Carbon Nanotube Arrays by Chemical Vapor Deposition.”
  • Vasudevan Raghavan, Topic: “Effect of Interface, Density and Height of Carbon Nanotube Arrays on Their Thermal Conductivity: An Experimental Study.”
  • Anshuman Sowani, Topic: “Exploration of Electromagnetic Assisted Spinning and Electrical Annealing of Carbon Nanotubes.”
  • Mitesh Oswal, Topic: “Analyzing the Corrosion Behavior and Evaluating the Mechanical Integrity of Biodegradable Magnesium Implants.”
  • Surya Narayanan Sundaramurthy, Topic: “New Sensing Techniques for Structural Health Monitoring of Hydraulic Hose, Composite Panels, and Biodegradable Metal Implants.”
  • Rajiv Venkatasubramanian, Topic: “Composite Nanoparticle Materials for Electromagnetics.”
  • Goutham Raghavendra Kirikera, Topic: “A Structural Neural System for Health Monitoring of Structures.”
  • Gregory Jon Stelzer, Topic: “A Magnetorheologic Semi-Active Isolator to Reduce Noise and Vibration Transmissibility in Automobiles.”
  • Atkins & Pearce
  • First Nano
  • General Nano
  • Terronics Development Corp.
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Industrial Nano Material Change
  • Office of Naval Research
  • Parker
  • Air Force Research Laboratory
  • North Carolina A&T State University
  • Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems
  • ASI
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • Hannover Medical School
  • National Science Foundation

1.     P. Giri, V.K.R. Kondapalli, K.M. Joseph, V. Shanov, and M. Schulz, "Manufacturing Scalable Carbon Nanotube–Silicone/Kevlar Fabrics", Nanomaterials13(19), p.2728, (2023).

2.     Vinnakota, Manjeera, Kishan Bellur, Sandra L. Starnes, and Mark J. Schulz. "Design and Modeling of a Miniature Hydraulic Motor for Powering a Cutting Tool for Minimally Invasive Procedures." Micromachines 14, no. 7 (2023): 1338.

3.     K. Joseph, K. Brittingham, V. K. R. Kondapalli, M. Khosravifar, A. Raut, B. Karsten, H. Kasparian, N. Phan, A. Kamath, M. Lizcano, D. Santiago, A. Almansour, David Mast, V. Shanov, “Lightweight Copper-Carbon Nanotube Core-Shell Fiber for Power Cable Application”, C Journal of Carbon Research, 9, 2, 43, pp. 1-16, (2023).

4.     V.K.R. Kondapalli, G. Zhang; Y. Zhang, M. Khosravifar, K. Brittingham, N. Phan, S. Yarmolenko, J-H. Bahk, V. Shanov, “New Architecture of 3D Graphene with Enhanced Properties Obtained by Cold Rolling”, Carbon, 207, pp. 116-128, (2023).

5.     A. Pujari, D. Chauhan, M. Chitranshi, R. Hudepohl, A. Kubley, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, “Carbon Hybrid Materials-Design, Manufacturing, and Applications”, Nanomaterials, 13, 431, pp. 1-18, (2023).

6.     K. Joseph, V. Shanov, “Symmetric Supercapacitor Based on Nitrogen-Doped and Plasma Functionalized 3D Graphene”, Batteries, 8, 258, pp. 1-19, (2022).

7.     D. Chen, M. Chitranshi, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, “Electrochemically Activated CNT Sheet as a Cathode for Zn-CO2 Batteries”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 12602, pp. 1-14, (2022).

8.     K. Joseph, H. Kasparian, V. Shanov, “Carbon Nanotube Fiber-Based Wearable Supercapacitors - A Review on Recent Advances”, Energies, 15, 6506, pp.1-43, (2022).

9.     X. Sun, D. Damma, Z. Cao, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, A. Arvanitis, P. Smirniotis, J. Dong, “CO-Promoted Low-Temperature Conversion of CH4 to Hydrogen and Carbon Nanotubes on Nanocrystalline Cr-Doped Ferrite Catalyst”, Catalysis Communications, 169, 106475, pp. 1-11, (2022).

10.  Y. Fang, Y. Zhang, Y.-Y. Hsieh, M. Khosravifar, P.K. Adusei, G. Zhang, J.-H. Bahk, V. Shanov, "Three-Dimensional Graphene with Charge Transfer Doping for Stable Lithium Metal Anode”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 918, 116512, pp.1-7, (2022).

11.  Y. Fang, Y-Y. Hsieh, M. Khosravifar, P.K. Adusei, S. Kanakaraj, B. Stockman, V.K.R. Kondapalli, V. Shanov, “Plasma-Enhanced Carbon Nanotube Fiber-Cathode for Li-S Batteries”, C Journal of Carbon Research, 8, 30, pp. 1-9, (2022).

12.  D. Chauhan, A. Pujari, G. Zhang, K. Dasgupta, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, “Effect of a Metallocene Catalyst Mixture on CNT Yield Using the FC-CVD Process”, Catalysts, 12, 87. pp. 1-20, (2022).

13.  S-Y. Kim, M. Chitranshi, A. Pujari, V. Ng, A. Kubley, R. Hudepohl, V. Shanov, D. Anantharaman, D. Chen, D. Chauhan, M. Schulz, “Reactor Design for Manufacturing Carbon Hybrid Materials”, Advanced Materials Letters, 13, 1, pp. 1-10, (2022).

14.  Vianessa Ng, Guangfeng Hou, Jay Kim, Gregory Beaucage, Mark J. Schulz. “Carbon Nanofabric: A Multifunctional Fire-Resistant Material.” Carbon Trends. Volume 7, April 2022, 100165.

15.  Chauhan, D., Pujari, A., Zhang, G., Dasgupta, K., Shanov, V. N., & Schulz, M. J. (2022). Effect of a Metallocene Catalyst Mixture on CNT Yield Using the FC-CVD Process. Catalysts, 12(3), 287.

16.  Chen, D.R.; Chitranshi, M.; Adusei, P.K.; Schulz, M.; Shanov, V.; Cahay, M.M. Chlorosulfonic Acid Stretched Carbon Nanotube Sheet for Flexible and Low-Voltage Heating Applications. Nanomaterials 2021, 11, 2132.

17.  Schulz, Mark J., Kim, Sung Yong, Kubley, Ashely, Mast, David, Shanov, Vesselin. 2021. Nanotube Sheet and Yarn Manufacturing and Commercialization. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, E-ISSN: 2224-2899, p. 1149-1163, Volume 18.

18.  Kim, Sung Yong, Chitranshi, Megha, Pujari, Anuptha, Ng, Vianessa, Kubley, Ashley, Hudepohl, Ronald, Shanov, Vesselin, Anantharaman, Devanathan, Chen, Daniel, Chauhan, Devika, Schulz, Mark. Reactor Design for Manufacturing Carbon Hybrid Materials. IAAM Advanced Materials Letters (AML) Journal. Submitted 7/18/2021. (PRP, OSHE)

19.  Kim, Sung Yong, Chitranshi, Megha, Pujari, Anuptha, Ng, Vianessa, Kubley, Ashley, Hudepohl, Ronald, Shanov, Vesselin, Anantharaman, Devanathan, Chen, Daniel, Chauhan, Devika, Schulz, Mark. Synthesis Tuning for Manufacturing Carbon Hybrid Materials. IAAM Advanced Materials Letters (AML) Journal. Submitted 7/18/2021. (PRP, OSHE)

20.  S-Y. Kim, M. Chitranshi, A. Pujari, V. Ng, A. Kubley, R. Hudepohl, V. Shanov, D. Anantharaman, D. Chen, D. Chauhan, M. Schulz, “Synthesis Tuning for Manufacturing Carbon Hybrid Materials”, Advanced Materials Letters, 12, 11, pp. 1-8, (2021).

21.  V.K.R. Kondapalli, X. He, M. Khosravifar, S. Khodabakhsh, B. Collins, S. Yarmolenko, A. Puente, V. Shanov, “CVD Synthesis of 3D Shaped 3D Graphene (3D2G) using 3D Printed Nickel-PLGA Catalyst Precursor”, ACS Omega, 6, pp. 29009-29021, (2021).

22.  Z. Li, Y. Fang, J. Zhang, T. Zhang, J. Jimenez, S. Senanayake, V Shanov, S. Yang, J. Wu, "Regulation of Functional Groups on Graphene Quantum Dots Directs Selective CO2 to CH4 Conversion", Nature Communications, 12, 5265, pp. 1-9, (2021).

23.  R. Chen, M. Chitranshi, P. K. Adusei, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, M. Cahay, “Chlorosofunic Acid-Stretched Carbon Nanotube for Flexible and Low-Voltage Heating” Application”, Nanomaterials, 11, 2132, pp. 1-13, (2021).

24.  P. K. Adusei, K. Johnson, S. Kanakaraj, G. Zhang, Y. Fang, Y-Y. Hsieh, M. Khosravifar, S. Gbordzoe, M. Nichols, V. Shanov, “Asymmetric Fiber Supercapacitors Based on a FeC2O4/FeOOH-CNT Hybrid Material”, C Journal of Carbon Research, 7, 3, pp. 1-14, (2021).

25.  20. *Z. Li, Y. Fang, J. Zhang, T. Zhang, J. Jimenez, S. Senanayake, V Shanov, S. Yang, J. Wu, “Planar Defect-Driven Electrocatalysis of CO2-to-C2H4 Conversion”, J. Materials Chemistry A, (2021).

26.  21. M. Schulz, S. Kim, A. Kubley, D. Mast, V. Shanov, “Nanotube Sheet and Yarn Manufacturing and Commercialization”, WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 18, pp.1149-1163, (2021).

27.  22. R. Lobo, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, “Hydrogen Nanometrology in Advanced Carbon Nanomaterial Electrodes”, Nanomaterials, 11, 1079, pp. 1-13, (2021).

28.  Chen, D. R., Chitranshi, M., Adusei, P. K., Schulz, M., Shanov, V., & Cahay, M. M. (August 21, 2021). Chlorosulfonic acid stretched carbon nanotube sheet for flexible and low-voltage heating applications. Nanomaterials, 11(8), 2132.

29.  Kubley, A., Chitranshi, M., Hou, X., & Schulz, M. (Nov 20, 2021). Manufacturing and Characterization of Customizable Flexible Carbon Nanotube Fabrics for Smart Wearable Applications. Textiles, 1(3), 534-546.

30.  C. O'Neill, M. Johnson, D. DeArmond, L. Zhang, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, M. White, “Thermal Conductivity of 3-Dimensional Graphene Papers”, Carbon Trends, 4, pp. 100041,(2021).

31.  M. Costalin, I. Mjejri, N. Penin, O. Viraphong, V. Shanov, A. Rougier, “Films of Directionally Oriented Carbon Nanotubes as Counter Electrodes for Electrochromic Devices”, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,  154,  pp. 110035, (2021). 

32.  R. Lobo, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, “Hydrogen Nanometrology in Advanced Carbon Nanomaterial Electrodes”, Submitted in Nanomaterials, February 28, (2021).

33.  Y. Fang, Y-Y. Hsieh, M. Khosravifar, K. Johnson, P. K. Adusei, S. Kanakaraaj, S. Preisler, G. Zhang, V. Shanov, "Lithiophilic Current Collector Based on Nitrogen Doped Carbon Nanotubes and Three-Dimensional Graphene for Long-Life Lithium Metal Batteries”, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B, 267, pp.115067, (2021).

34.  D. Chen, P.K. Adusei, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, “Electrochemical Activation to Enhance the Volumetric Performance of Carbon Nanotube Electrodes”, Applied Surface Science, 541, pp. 148448, (2021).

35.  B. S. P. K. Kandala, G. Zhang, C. LCorriveau, M. Paquin,  M. Chagnon, D. Begun, V. Shanov, “Modelling, Fabrication by Photo-Chemical Etching and In Vivo Study of Magnesium AZ31 Stents”, Bioactive Materials, 6, pp.1663-1675, (2021).

36.  Chen, D.R., Adusei, P.K., Chitranshi, M., Fang, Y., Johnson, K., Schulz, M. and Shanov, V., 2021. Electrochemical activation to enhance the volumetric performance of carbon nanotube electrodes. Applied Surface Science, 541, p.148448.

37.     Xu, Chenhao et al. The Development of a Magnesium Biodegradable Stent: Design, Analysis, Fabrication, and In-vivo Test. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 9, sep. 2020. ISSN 2375-1924.

38.     Devika Chauhana, Anuptha Pujaria, Guangqi Zhanga, Kinshuk Dasguptab, Vesselin N. Shanova, Mark J. Schulz. Effect of a metallocene mixture on CNT properties using the FC-CVD process, to be submitted 9/2021

39.     Chen, D.R.; Chitranshi, M.; Adusei, P.K.; Schulz, M.; Shanov, V.; Cahay, M.M. Chlorosulfonic Acid Stretched Carbon Nanotube Sheet for Flexible and Low-Voltage Heating Applications. Nanomaterials 2021, 11, 2132.

40.     Schulz, Mark J., Kim, Sung Yong, Kubley, Ashely, Mast, David, Shanov, Vesselin. 2021. Nanotube Sheet and Yarn Manufacturing and Commercialization. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, E-ISSN: 2224-2899, p. 1149-1163, Volume 18.

41.     Kim, Sung Yong, Chitranshi, Megha, Pujari, Anuptha, Ng, Vianessa, Kubley, Ashley, Hudepohl, Ronald, Shanov, Vesselin, Anantharaman, Devanathan, Chen, Daniel, Chauhan, Devika, Schulz, Mark. Reactor Design for Manufacturing Carbon Hybrid Materials. IAAM Advanced Materials Letters (AML) Journal. Submitted 7/18/2021.

42.     Kim, Sung Yong, Chitranshi, Megha, Pujari, Anuptha, Ng, Vianessa, Kubley, Ashley, Hudepohl, Ronald, Shanov, Vesselin, Anantharaman, Devanathan, Chen, Daniel, Chauhan, Devika, Schulz, Mark. Synthesis Tuning for Manufacturing Carbon Hybrid Materials. IAAM Advanced Materials Letters (AML) Journal. Submitted 7/18/2021.

43.     Sook Kuan Goh, Sumeet Chaudhary, Griffin Wagner, Nicholas Lalley, John Yin, Sarah Pixley, Kevin J. Haworth, Maham Rahimi, Marc Cahay, Keshav Alagarsamy, Zhongyun Dong, Frank J. Boehm, Mark Schulz. Chapter 10, Development of Universal Medical Millirobots, in Edited Book: Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, and AI: Toward the Dream of Global Health Care Equivalency, by Frank Boehm, submitted 7/21.

44.     Chen, D.R., Adusei, P.K., Chitranshi, M., Fang, Y., Johnson, K., Schulz, M. and Shanov, V., 2021. Electrochemical activation to enhance the volumetric performance of carbon nanotube electrodes. Applied Surface Science, 541, p.148448.

45.     M. Chitranshi, A. Pujari, V. Ng, D. Chen, D. Chauhan, R. Hudepohl, M. Saleminik, S.-Y. Kim, A. Kubley, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, “Carbon Nanotube Sheet-Synthesis and Application”, Nanomaterials  pp. 1-19, (2020). 

46.  P.K. Adusei, S. Gbordzoe, S. Kanakaraj, Y-Y. Hsieh, N. Alvarez, Y. Fang, K. Johnson, C. McConnell, V. Shanov, "Fabrication and Study of Supercapacitor Electrodes Based on Oxygen Plasma Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Fibers”, Energy Chemistry, 40, pp.120-131, (2020).

47.  X. Sun, A. Arvanitis, D. Damma, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, P. Smirniotis, J. Dong, “Carbon Nanotube Formation on Cr-Doped Ferrite Catalyst during Water Gas Shift Membrane Reaction: Mechanistic Implications and Extended Studies on Dry Gas Conversions”, Catalysts, 10, 927, pp. 1-19, (2020).

48.  K. Dasgupta, M. Khosravifa, S. Sawant, P.K. Adusei, S. Kanakaraj, J. Kasik, V. Shanov, “Nitrogen-Doped Hybrid Graphene Flower”, C Journal of Carbon Research, 6, 40, pp. 1-17, (2020).

49.  D. DeArmond, L. Zhang, R. Malik, N. Alvarez, M. Haase, Y-Y.  Hsieh, S. Kanakaraj, N. Oslin, J. Brunemann, J. Daum, V. Shanov, “Scalable CVD Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Graphene from Cast Catalyst”, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B, 254, pp.114510, (2020). 

50.  B. S. P. K. Kandala, G. Zhang, X. An, S. Pixley, V. Shanov, “Effect of Surface-Modification on In Vitro Corrosion of Biodegradable Magnesium-Based Helical Stent Fabricated by Photo-chemical Etching”, Medical Research Archives, 8, 3, pp. 1-21, (2020).

51.  T. Zhang, L. Lin, Z. Li, X. He, S. Xiao, V. Shanov, J. Chen, J. Wu, “Nickel-Nitrogen-Carbon Molecular Catalysts for High Rate CO2 Electro-Reduction to CO: On the Role of Carbon Substrate and Reaction Chemistry”, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, 2, pp. 1617-1626, (2020).

52.  C. McConnell, S. Kanakaraj, J. Dugree, R. Malik, G. Zhang, M. Haase, Y-Y Hsieh, Y. Fang, D. Mast, V. Shanov, “Hydrogen Sensor Based on Flexible Carbon Nanotube-Palladium Composite Sheet Integrated with Fabric”, ACS Omega, 5, pp. 487-497, (2020).

53.  Chenhao Xu, Zhangzhang Yin, Prabir Roy-Chaudhury, Begona Campos-Naciff, Guangfeng Hou, Mark Schulz. The Development of a Magnesium Biodegradable Stent: Design, Analysis, and Fabrication. Medical Research Archives vol 8 issue 9. 2020

54.  B. S. P. K. Kandala, G. Zhang, T. Hopkin, X. An, S.  Pixley, V. Shanov, "In Vitro and In Vivo Testing of Zinc as a Biodegradable Material for Stents Fabricated by Photo-Chemical Etching”, Applied Sciences, Special Issue on Degradable/Resorbable Metallic Alloys for Biomedical Applications, 9, 4503, pp. 1-22, (2019).

55.  D. ChenM. ChitranshiM. Schulz, V. Shanov, “A Review of Three Major Factors Controlling Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis from the Floating Catalyst Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Nano LIFE, 9, 4, 190002, (2019).

56.  S. Gbordzoe, P.K. Adusei, D. Chauhan, N. Alvarez, M. Haase, K. Mansari, S. Kanakaraj, Y-Y. Hsieh, V. Shanov, “A Simple Two-Step Process for Producing Strong and Aligned Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites", C Journal of Carbon Research, 5, 35, pp. 1-10, (2019).

57.  S. Kanakaraj, Y-Y. Hsieh, P.K. Adusei, B. Homan, Y. Fang, G. Zhang, S. Mishra, S. Gbordzoe, V. Shanov, ”Nitrogen-Doped CNT on CNT Hybrid Fiber as a Current Collector for High-Performance Li-ion Capacitor”, Carbon, 149, pp. 407-418, (2019).

58.  P.K. Adusei, S. Kanakaraj, S. Gbordzoe, Y-Y. Hsieh, K. Johnson, Y. Fang, S. Mishra, N. Phan, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, A Scalable Nano-Engineering Method to Synthesize 3D-Graphene-Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Fibers for Supercapacitor Applications”, Electrochemica Acta, 312, pp. 411-423, (2019).

59.  V. Vogiazi, A. DelaCruz, S. Mishra, V. Shanov, W. Heineman, D. Dionysiou, "A Comprehensive Review: Development of Electrochemical Biosensors for Detection of Cyanotoxins in Water", ACS Sensors, 4, 5, pp. 1151-1173, (2019).

60.  R. Prabhakar, Md. S. Hossain, W. Zheng, P. Athikam, Y. Zhang, Y-Y. Hsieh, E. Skafidas, Y. Wu, V. Shanov, Je-Hyeong Bahk, “Tunneling-Limited Thermoelectric Transport in Carbon Nanotube Networks Embedded in Polydimethylsiloxane Elastomer”, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2, 4, pp. 2419-2426, (2019).

61.  G. Coyan, A. D'Amore, Y. Matsumura, D. Pedersen, S. Luketich, V. Shanov, T. David, W. Wagner, V. Badhwar, “In Vivo Functional Assessment of a Novel Degradable Metal and Elastomeric Scaffold-Based Tissue Engineered Heart Valve”, J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surgery, 157, 5, pp.1809-1816, (2019).

62.  Y-Y. Hsieh, Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. Fan, S. Kanakaraj, Je-Hyeong Bahk, V. Shanov, "High Thermoelectric Power-Factor Composites Based on Flexible Three-Dimensional Graphene and Polyaniline”, Nanoscale, 11, pp. 6552-6560, (2019).

63.  Y. Oh, R. Noga, V. Shanov, H. Ryu, H. Chandra, B. Yadav, J. Yadav, R. Chae, “Electrically Heatable Carbon Nanotube Point-of-Use Filters for Effective Separation and In-Situ Inactivation of Legionella Pneumophila”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 366, pp. 21-26, (2019).

64.  S. Ye, Y. Chen, X. Gu, Z. Mao, V. Shankarraman, Y. Hong, V. Shanov, W. Wagner, "Biodegradable Zwitterionic Polymer Coatings for Magnesium Alloy Stents", Langmuir, 35, pp. 1421-1429, (2019).

65.  Y-Y. Hsieh, L. Zhang, J. Daum, S. Mishra, Y. Fang, S. Kanakaraj, G. Zhang, S. Gbordzoe, V. Shanov, "Bio-Inspired, Nitrogen Doped CNT-Graphene Hybrid with Amphiphilic Properties as a Porous Current Collector for Lithium-Ion Batteries”, Carbon, 145, pp. 677-689, (2019).

66.  M. Schulz, C. Xu, D. Chen, D. Chauhan, A. Kubley, B. Brandewie, G. Hou, W. Li, V. Ng, M. Rabiee, M. Cahay, W. Kim, S. Chaudhary, K. Moinuddin, M. Paine, R. Kleismit, D. Mast, S. Devarakonda, S. Son, V. Shanov, “Introduction to Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Textiles”, Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology, pp. 1-7, (2019).

67.  N. Alvarez, P. Miller, M. Haase, R. Lobo, R. Malik, V. Shanov, “Tailoring Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Threads During Assembly”, Carbon, 144, pp. 55-62, (2019).

68.  Megha Chitranshi, Devika Chauhan, Ashley Kubley, Anuptha Pujari, Chenhao Xu, Daniel Chen, Sumeet Chaudhary, Guangfeng Hou, Gregory Bell, Brooke Brandewie, Rutvik Kaneria, Ronald Hudepohl, Mark J Schulz, Pioneering Carbon Nanotube Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology, Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology (JTEFT), vol 5, issue 2, March 26, 2019.

69.  Daniel Rui Chen, Megha Chitranshi, Mark Schulz, Vesselin Shanov, A review of three major factors controlling carbon nanotube synthesis from the floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition, Nanolife, Accepted 8/12/19.

70.  Devika Chauhan, Chenhao Xu, Daniel Chen, Ashley Kubley, Brooke Brandewie, Guangfeng Hou, Weifeng Li, Vianessa Ng, Massoud Rabiee, Marc Cahay, Woo Kyun Kim, Sumeet Chaudhary, Khwaja Moinuddin, Michael Paine, Richard Kleismit, David Mast, Surendra Devarakonda, Sang Young Son, Vesselin N Shanov and Mark J Schulz. Introduction to Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Textiles. J Textile Sci & Fashion Tech. 1(5): 2019.

71.  S. Mishra, H. Nguyen, PK Adusei, Y-Y. Hsieh, V. Shanov, “Plasma Enhanced Synthesis of N Doped, Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofibers on 3D Graphene”, Surface Interface and Analysis, pp. 1-1, (2018).

72.  Y-Y. Hsieh, L. Zhang, D. DeArmond, S. Kanakaraj, P. K. Adusei, N. Alvarez, Y. Fang, J. Daum, V. Shanov, “Integrated Graphene-Sulfur Cathode and Separator with Plasma Enhancement for Li-S Batteries”, Carbon, 139, pp.1093-1103, (2018).

73.  S. Kanakaraj, N. Alvarez, S. Gbordzoe, M. Lucas, B. Maruyama, R. Noga, Y-Y. Hsieh, V. Shanov, “Improved Dry Spinning Process at Elevated Temperatures for Making Uniform and High Strength CNT Fibers”, Mater. Res. Express, 5, 065036, pp. 1-11, (2018).

74.  P. Salunke, V. Chaswal, G. Zhang, S. Fialkova, S. Yarmolenko, V. Shanov, “Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of Magnesium Single Crystals”, J. Materials Research, 32, 22, pp. 4196-4205, (2017).

75.  Y. Chen, S. Ho-Ye, H. Sato, Y. Zhu, V. Shanov, T. Tiasha, A. D’Amore, S. Luketich, G. Wan, W. Wagner, “Hybrid Scaffolds of Mg Alloy Mesh Reinforced Polymer/Extracellular Matrix Composite for Critical-Sized Calvarial Defect Reconstruction”, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 12, pp. 1374-1388, (2018),

76.  N. Alvarez, R. Noga, So-Ryong Chae, G. Sorial, H. Ryu, V. Shanov, “Self-Cleaning Carbon Nanotube Membranes to Inhibit Biofouling”, Biofouling, pp. 1-8, (2017).

77.  K. Nahan, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, A. Vonderheide, “Nano-Carbon Fiber Ionization Mass Spectrometry: A Fundamental Study of a Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Functionalized Corona Discharge Pin for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Analysis”, JASMS, pp. 1-6, published online September 7, (2017).

78.  D. Zhao, D. Siebold, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, W. Heineman, “Carbon Nanotube Thread Electrochemical Cell: Detection of Heavy Metals”, Anal. Chem., 2017, 89. 18, pp 9654-9663, (2017).

79.  G. Hou, D. Chauhan, V. Ng, C. Xu, Z. Yin, M. Paine, R. Su, V. Shanov, D. Mast, M. Schulz, Y. Liu, “Gas Phase Pyrolysis Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes at High Temperature”, Materials and Design 132, pp. 112-118, (2017).

80.  S. Gbordzoe, S. Kanakaraj, R. Wolf, M. Haase, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, “Effects of Laser Cutting on the Mechanical and Structural Properties of Carbon Nanotubes”, Materials Science and Engineering-B, 223, pp. 143-152, (2017).

81.  M. Ayub, C. Howard, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, D. Huang, A. Zander, B. Cazzolato, “Normal Incidence Acoustic Absorption Characteristics of a Carbon Nanotube Forest”, Applied Acoustics, 127, pp. 223-239, (2017).

82.  S. Gbordzoe, S. Yarmolenko, Y-Y. Hsieh, P. Adusei, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, “Three-Dimensional Texture Analysis of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Structures”, Carbon 121, pp. 591-601, (2017).

83.  S. Keller, A. Zaghloul, N. Alvarez, R. Malik, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, D. Mast, "Effects of Metal Nanoparticle Doping and In-Situ Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment on Carbon Nanotube Sheet Antenna Performance", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, 1, pp. 1076-1079, (2017)

84.  D. Zhao, L. Zhang, D. Siebold, D. DeArmond, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, W. Heineman, “Electrochemical Studies of Three-Dimensional Graphene Foam as an Electrode Material”, Electroanalysis, 29, pp. 1-8, (2017),

85.  R. Malik, L. Zhang, C. McConnell, M. Schott, Y-Y. Hsieh, R. Noga, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, “Three-dimensional, Free-standing Carbon Nanotube Electrode Design for Polyaniline/Carbon Nanotube Supercapacitors”, Carbon, 116, pp. 579-590, (2017).

86.  L. Zhang, D. Armond, N. Alvarez, R. Malik, N. Oslin, Colin McConnell, P. Adusei, V. Shanov, “Flexible Micro-Supercapacitor based on Graphene with Three-Dimensional Structure”, Small, pp. 1603114, (2017).

87.  Y. Koo, T. Tiasha, V. Shanov, Y. Yun, “Expandable Mg-based Helical Stent Assessment using Static, Dynamic, and Porcine Ex Vivo Models”, Scientific Reports, 7, 1173, pp. 1-10, (2017).

88.  M. Ramanathan, M. Patil, R. Epur, Y. Yun, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, W. Heineman, M. Datta, P. Kumta, “Gold-Coated Carbon Nanotube Electrode Arrays: Immunosensors for Impedimetric Detection of Bone Biomarkers”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 77, pp. 580-678, (2016).

89.  K. Ojo, T. Hopkins, M. Joshi, P. Salunke, G. Zhang, K. Nahan, Z. Zhang, S. Pixley, V. Shanov, W. Heineman, “Conductivity as a Sensor for Monitoring Relative Magnesium Corrosion Rates in Real-Time, in Serum-Containing Media under Cell Culture Conditions”, Electroanalysis, 28, 12, pp. 3000–3008 (2016).

90.  R. Malik, C. McConnell, N. Alvarez, M. Haase, S. Gbordzoe, V. Shanov, “Rapid, In-Situ Plasma Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes for Improved CNT/Epoxy Composites”, RSC Advances, 6, pp. 108840-108850, (2016).

91.  P. Salunke, M. Joshi, V. Chaswal, G. Zhang, L. A. Rosenbaum, K. Dowling, P. Decker, V. Shanov, Apparatus for Growing of Magnesium Single Crystals Used in Biomedical Applications”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 87, 105126, pp.1-15, (2016).

92.  L. Zhang, G. Hou, V. Shanov, “Recent Advances in Graphene-Based Pressure Sensors”, NanoLIFE, 6, 3 & 4, 1642005 (12 pages), (2016).

93.  W. Heineman, D. Zhao, T. Wang, J. Kuhlmann, Z. Dong, S. Chen, M. Joshi, P. Salunke, V. Shanov, D.  Hong, P. Kumta, “In Vivo Monitoring the Biodegradation of Magnesium Alloys with an Electrochemical H2 Sensor”, Acta Biomaterialia.

94.  D. Zhao, T. Wang, X. Guo, J. Kuhlmann, X. A. Doepke, Z. Dong, V. Shanov, W. Heineman, “Monitoring Biodegradation of Magnesium Implants with Sensors”, JOM (Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 68, (4), pp. 1204-1208, (2016).

95.  X. Gu, Z. Mao, S.-H. Ye, Y. Koo, Y. Yun, T. Tarannum, V. Shanov, W. R. Wagner, “Biodegradable, Elastomeric Coatings with Controlled Anti-proliferative Agent Release for Magnesium-based Cardiovascular Stents”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 140, pp.170-179, (2016).

96.  G. Hou, R. Su, A. Wang, V. Ng, W. Li, Y. Song, L. Zhang, M. Sundaram, V. Shanov, D. Mast, D. Lashmore, M. Schulz, Y. Liu, "The Effect of a Convection Vortex on Sock Formation in the Floating Catalyst Method for Carbon Nanotube Synthesis", Carbon, 102, pp. 513-519, (2016).

97.  Y. Koo, V. Shanov, and Y. Yun, “Carbon Nanotube Paper-Based Electroanalytical Devices”, Micromachines, 7, 72, (2016).

98.  F. Bosia, E. Lepore, N. Alvarez, P. Miller, V. Shanov, N. Pugno, “Knotted Synthetic Polymer or Carbon Nanotube Microfibres with Enhanced Toughness, up to 1400 J/g”, Carbon, 102, Pages 116-125; (2016).

99.  Q. Yu, N. Alvarez, Peter Miller, R. Malik, M. Haase, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, X. Zhu, “Mechanical Strength Improvements of Carbon Nanotube Threads Through Epoxy Cross-Linking”, Materials, 9, 68; (2016).

100.         J. Niven, M. Johnson, S. Juckes, M. A. White, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, "Influence of Annealing on Thermal and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Yarns", Carbon, 99, pp. 485-490, (2016).

101.         L. Zhang, D. DeArmond, N. Alvarez, Daoli Zhao, T. Wang, G. Hou, R. Malik, W. Heineman, V. Shanov, “Beyond Graphene Foam, a New Form of Three-Dimensional Graphene for Supercapacitor Electrode”, J. Materials Chemistry A, 4, pp. 1876-1886, (2016).

102.         Guangfeng Hou, Ruitao Su, Anli Wang, Vianessa Ng, Weifeng Li, Yi Song, Lu Zhang, Murali Sundaram, Vesselin Shanov, David Mast, David Lashmore, Mark Schulz, Yijun Liu; The Effect of a Convection Vortex on Sock Formation in the Floating Catalyst Method for Carbon Nanotube Synthesis, Carbon, Volume 102, June 2016, Pages 513–519.

103.         J.Sullivan, M. Schulz, K. Vemaganti, A. Bhattacharya, B.J. Jetter, V. Shanov, N. Alvarez, Jay Kim, Carbon Nanotube Fabric Cooling System for Firefighters and First Responders: Modeling and Simulation, Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics 8:1 (2015) 1–12.

104.         M. Haase, N. Alvarez, R. Malik, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, “Unifying the Templating Effects of Porous Anodic Alumina on Metallic Nanoparticles for Carbon Nanotube Synthesis", Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 17:359, pp. 1-8.

105.         T. Wang, D. Zhao, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, B. Heineman, "Optically Transparent Carbon Nanotube Film Electrode for Thin Layer Spectro-electrochemistry", Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87 (19), pp 9687–9695 (2015).

106.         Y. Koo, V. Shanov, S. Yarmolenko, M. Schulz, J. Sankar, Y. Yun, "Inverse-ordered Fabrication of Free-Standing CNT Sheets for Supercapacitors", Langmuir 31, 27, pp. 7616-7622, (2015).

107.         Y.  Koo, R.  Malik, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, J. Sankar, “Free-standing Carbon Nanotube-Titania Photoactive Sheets”, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 448, 15, pp. 148-155, (2015).

108.         J. Sullivan, M. Schulz, K. Vemaganti, A. Bhattacharya, B.J. Jetter, V. Shanov, N. Alvarez, Jay Kim, “Carbon Nanotube Fabric Cooling System for Firefighters and First Responders:Modeling and Simulation”, Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, 8, 1, pp. 1-12, (2015).

109.         N. Alvarez, P. Miller, M. Haase, N. Kienzle, L. Zhang, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, “Carbon Nanotube Assembly at Near-Industrial Natural-Fiber Spinning Rates”, Carbon, 86, pp. 350-357, (2015).

1.     Edited Book, NANOTUBE SUPERFIBER MATERIALS, Science, Manufacturing, Commercialization; Mark Schulz, Vesselin Shanov, Zhangzhang Yin, Marc Cahay, (Elsevier Science). Available online: Published 3/19.

2.     Edited Book, NANOTUBE SUPERFIBER MATERIALS, Transforming Engineering Design; Mark Schulz, Vesselin Shanov, Zhangzhang Yin, (Elsevier Science). Published 9/13.

3.     Edited Book, NANOMEDICINE Design of Particles, Sensors, Motors, Implants, Robots & Devices, with Solutions Manual; Mark Schulz, Vesselin Shanov, Yun YeoHeung, (Artech House Publishers, "Engineering in Medicine & Biology" book series). Published 9/09.

4.     Edited Supplemental Material and Solution Manual, Solution Manual for the Book NANOMEDICINE Design of Particles, Sensors, Motors, Implants, Robots & Devices; Mark Schulz, Vesselin. Shanov, Yun YeoHeung, (Artech House Publishers, "Engineering in Medicine & Biology" book series). Published 9/09.

5.     Vesselin Shanov, Textbook "Semiconductors Technology", Edition of Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, Sofia. Published in 1985.

6.     Vesselin Shanov, Maria Mitkova, Aneta Nikolova, Georgy Peev, Todorka Ratcheva, Dimitrina Shurbanova, "English-Bulgarian Dictionary: Chemical Technology, Electronic Materials and Components", Edition of Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, Sofia. Published in 1987.

7.     Ng, V., Chauhan, D., Noga, R., Chitranshi, M., Pujari, A., Bhattacharya, A., Grinshpun, S., Fialkova, S., Yarmolenko, S., Selcen Kilinc-Balci, F., Campbell, J., Jetter, B.J., Shanov, V.N., Kubley, A., Schulz, M.J. Chapter 10. CNT Hybrid Fabric - Manufacturing and Applications Including Structural and Wearables. In book: Toughened Composites - Micro Macro Systems. editors Sri Bandy & R Gujjala. CRC Press, 2022.

8.     Sook Kuan Goh, Sumeet Chaudhary, Griffin Wagner, Nicholas Lalley, John Yin, Sarah Pixley, Kevin J. Haworth, Maham Rahimi, Marc Cahay, Keshav Alagarsamy, Zhongyun Dong, Frank J. Boehm, Mark Schulz. Chapter 10, Development of Universal Medical Millirobots, in Edited Book: Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, and AI: Toward the Dream of Global Health Care Equivalency, by Frank Boehm, submitted 7/21.


1.     Chitranshi, M. CNT Hybrid Fabric Facemask to Filter Virus for Air Filtering Applications. 22nd Annual Pilot Research Project Symposium University of Cincinnati NIOSH Education and Research Center October 21-22, 2021. (Distinguished Podium Presenter award)

2.     Vianessa Ng, Guangfeng Hou, David B. Mast, Svitlana Fialkova, Gregory Beuacage, Mark J. Schulz. “One Step Synthesis of High-Quality Carbon Nanofabric.” Video Proceeding of European Advanced Materials Congress, 23 August 2021 - 25 August 2021. Vol. 2. Article ID 2108254.

3.     Mark Schulz, Devika Chauhan, Ashley Kubley, Megha Chitranshi, Vianessa Ng, Anuptha Pujari, Vesselin Shanov, Sung Yong Kim, David Mast, Rui Chen, Amit Bhattachary, Svitlana Fialkova, Sergey Yarmolenko, Ronald Hudepohl, Devanathan Anantharaman. Carbon Hybrid Materials - Imagination on the Wild Side. Vebleo Webinar on Science, Engineering and Technology, January 22, 2021,,

4.     Mark Schulz, Vesselin Shanov, Sung Yong Kim, David Mast, Devika Chauhan, Rui Chen, Vianessa Ng, Megha Chitranshi, Anuptha Pujari, Ronald Hudepohl, Ashley Kubley, Devanathan Anantharaman, Amit Bhattacharya, Svitlana Fialkova, Sergey Yarmolenko. Carbon Hybrid Materials - by Design. IAAM Lecture, November 27, 2020.

5.     Mark Schulz, Devika Chauhan, Ashley Kubley, Megha Chitranshi, Vianessa Ng, Anuptha Pujari, Vesselin Shanov, Sung Yong Kim, David Mast, Rui Chen, Amit Bhattachary, Svitlana Fialkova, Sergey Yarmolenko, Ronald Hudepohl, Devanathan Anantharaman. Carbon Hybrid Materials - Imagination on the Wild Side. Vebleo Webinar on Science, Engineering and Technology, January 22, 2021,,

6.     Mark Schulz, Vesselin Shanov, Sung Yong Kim, David Mast, Devika Chauhan, Rui Chen, Vianessa Ng, Megha Chitranshi, Anuptha Pujari, Ronald Hudepohl, Ashley Kubley, Devanathan Anantharaman, Amit Bhattacharya, Svitlana Fialkova, Sergey Yarmolenko. Carbon Hybrid Materials - by Design. IAAM Lecture, November 27, 2020.

7.     Megha Chitranshi, Anputha Pujari, Vianessa Ng, Chenhao Xu, Rutvik Kaneria, Nhan Huynh, Travis Neuendorf, Trung Huynh, Ronald Hudepohl, Ashley Kubley, Brooke Brandewie, Priya Jaswal, Vesselin Shanov, Devanathan Anantharaman, Khwaja Moinuddin, Daniel Chen, Devika Chauhan, Mark Schulz, Carbon Nanotube Fabric Manufacturing, paper 197, 2nd World Summit on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology”, Indiana Summit-2019, Oct. 3-5. 2019.

8.     Daniel Chen, Devika Chauhan, Guangfeng Hou, Weifeng Li, Vianessa Ng, Massoud Rabiee, Marc Cahay, Woo Kyun Kim, Sumeet Chaudhary, Khwaja Moinuddin, Michael Paine, Chenhao Xu, Megha Chitranshi, Anuptha Pujari, Richard Kleismit, David Mast, Vesselin N. Shanov, Mark J. Schulz, Introduction to Carbon Hybrid Materials, Nanotechnology Materials And Devices Workshop, May 21, 2018, University Of Cincinnati.

9.     Vesselin Shanov, Lu Zhang, Noe Alvarez, D. Dearmond, Yu-Yun Hsieh, Sathya Narayan Kanakaraj, Matthew Nichols, Sid Mishra, Pk Adusei, Yanbo Feng, Rachit Malik, Mark Schulz, David Mast, CVD Synthesis and Characterization of Three Dimensional (3D) Graphene for Advanced Applications, Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Workshop, May 21, 2018, University of Cincinnati.

10.  S.Keller, A. Zaghloul, S. Weiss, N. Alvarez, R. Malik, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, D. Mast, “Effects of Physical Geometry and Post-Processing Treatments on the RF Performance of Carbon Nanotube Antennas”, Antenna Applications Symposium, Allerton Park, Monticello, Illinois, September 20-22, (2016).

11.  V. Shanov, N. Alvarez, L. Zhang, D. Dearmond, R. Malik, S. Gbordzoe, S. K. Narayan, M. Haase, M. Zhang, W. Cho, M. Schulz, D. Mast, “CVD Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene”, Invited presentation at the 2016 INERA European Conference, Velingrad, Bulgaria, July 5-9, (2016).

12.  Devika Chauhan, Guangfeng Hou, Vianessa Ng, Sumeet Chaudhary, Michael Paine, Khwaja Moinuddin, Massoud Rabiee, Marc Cahay, Nicholas Lalley, Vesselin Shanov, David Mast, Yijun Liu, Zhangzhang Yin, Yi Song, Mark Schulz, Multifunctional Smart Composites with Integrated Carbon Nanotube Yarn and Sheet, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Conference, March 25-29, 2017, Portland, Oregon.

13.  Mark J. Schulz, Guangfeng Hou, Vianessa Ng, Massoud Rabiee, Marc Cahay, Sumeet Chaudhary, Dustin Lindley, Devika Chauhan, Michael Paine, Dineshwaran Vijayakumar, Chenhao Xu, Zhangzhang Yin, Kevin Haworth, Yijun Liu, Murali Sundaram, Weifeng Li, David Mast, Vesselin N. Shanov; Science to Commercialization of Carbon Nanotube Sheet and Yarn; World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 8th International Conference on Nanotechnology, Cambridge, UK, February 24-26, 2017.

14.  Yi Song, Devika Chauhan, Guangfeng Hou, Xinshuo Wen, Michael Kattoura, Christine Ryan, Vesselin Shanov, Mark Schulz; Carbon Nanotube Sheet Reinforced Laminated Composites, ASC 31st Technical Conference & ASTM Committee D30 Meeting, September 19, 2016, Williamsburg, VA.

Book Chapters:

1.     M. Haase, S. Kanakaraj, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, “Chapter 8. Tomography of Carbon Nanotube Materials”, pp. 185-200, Book: NANOTUBE SUPERFIBER MATERIALS, Science, Manufacturing, Commercialization, Ed. by M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, M. Cahay, (Elsevier Science). Published 3/19.

2.     D. Chauhan, R. Chen, C. Xu, D. Mast, R. Kleismit, V. Shanov, A. Kubley, G. Hou, M. Chitranshi, A. Pujari, S. Devarakonda, S. Son, M. Schulz, “Chapter 11. Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Fabric and Tape”, pp. 239-258, Book: NANOTUBE SUPERFIBER MATERIALS, Science, Manufacturing, Commercialization, Ed. by M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, M. Cahay, (Elsevier Science). Published 3/19.

3.     A. Kubley, D. Chauhan, S. Kanakaraj, V. Shanov, C. Xu, R. Chen, V. Ng, G. Bell, P. Verma, X. Hou, M. Schulz, “Chapter 12. Smart Textiles and Wearable Technology Innovation with Carbon Nanotube Technology”, pp. 263-308, Book: NANOTUBE SUPERFIBER MATERIALS, Science, Manufacturing, Commercialization, Ed. by M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, M. Cahay, (Elsevier Science). Published 3/19.

4.     R. Malik, C. McConnell, L. Zhang, R. Borgemenke, R. Kleismit, R. Wolf, M. Haase, Y. Hsieh, R. Noga, N. Alvarez, D. Mast, V. Shanov, “Chapter 16. Processing and Applications of CNT Sheets in Advanced Composite Materials”, pp. 383-429, Book: NANOTUBE SUPERFIBER MATERIALS, Science, Manufacturing, Commercialization, Ed. by M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, M. Cahay, (Elsevier Science). Published 3/19.

5.     S. Keller, A. Zaghloul, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, D. Mast, N. Alvarez, R. Malik, “Chapter 20., Design and Development of Carbon Nanotube Antennas”, pp. 489-507, Book: NANOTUBE SUPERFIBER MATERIALS, Science, Manufacturing, Commercialization, Ed. by M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, M. Cahay, (Elsevier Science). Published 3/19.

6.     N. Alvarez, S. Kanakaraj, K. Gazica, Q. Yu, S. Gbordzoe, V. Shanov, “Chapter 13. Carbon Nanotube Fiber Strength Improvements: Cross-Linking and Densification”, pp. 313-333, Book: NANOTUBE SUPERFIBER MATERIALS, Science, Manufacturing, Commercialization, Ed. by M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, M. Cahay, (Elsevier Science). Published 3/19.

7.     M. Schulz, G. Hou, D. Mast, R. Kleismit, D. Chauhan, V. Shanov, C. Xu, J. Dugre, V. Ng, Z. Turgut, R. Chen, “Chapter 23. Industrializing Nanotube Superfiber Materials”, pp. 573-601, Book: NANOTUBE SUPERFIBER MATERIALS, Science, Manufacturing, Commercialization, Ed. by M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, M. Cahay, (Elsevier Science). Published 3/19.

8.     L. Zhang, P.K. Adusei, Y. Fang, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, “Chapter 25. Fiber-Like Supercapacitor Devices Based on CNT and Graphene”, pp. 625-639, Book: NANOTUBE SUPERFIBER MATERIALS, Science, Manufacturing, Commercialization, Ed. by M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, M. Cahay, (Elsevier Science). Published 3/19.

9.     R. Chen, D. Chauhan, C. Xu, V. Ng, G. Hou, V. Shanov, D. Mast, S. Fialkova, M. Schulz, “Chapter 32. Floating Catalyst Reactor Design and Safety Features for Carbon Nanotube Synthesis”, pp. 851-866, Book: NANOTUBE SUPERFIBER MATERIALS, Science, Manufacturing, Commercialization, Ed. by M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, M. Cahay, (Elsevier Science). Published 3/19.

10.  S. Narayan Kanakaraj, P.K. Adusei, Y. Hsieh, Y. Fang, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, “Chapter. Fabric-Integrated, Ionic Liquid-Based Supercapacitor as a Tunable and Flexible Power Source”, Book: “Science, Technology and Advanced Application of Supercapacitors”, Ed. by Takaya Sato, InTech. Published November 05, 2018.

11.  P.K. Adusei, Y. Hsieh, S. Narayan Kanakaraj, Y. Fang, K. Johnson, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, “Chapter. Fiber Supercapacitors Based on Carbon Nanotube-PANI Composites”, Book: “Science, Technology and Advanced Application of Supercapacitors”, Ed. by Takaya Sato, InTech: Published November 05, 2018.

12.  S. Gbordzoe, R. Malik, N. Alvarez, R. Wolf, V. Shanov, “Chapter. Flexible Low Voltage Carbon Nanotube Heaters and Their Applications”, Book: “Advances in Carbon Nanostructures”, Ed. by Adrian Silva and Sonia Carabineiro, InTech, Chapter 6, pp. 123-136, ISBN 978-953-51-4784-8. Published 2016.

13.  M. Patil, M. Ramanathan, V. Shanov, P. Kumta, “Chapter. Carbon Nanotube-Based Impedimetric Biosensors for Bone Marker Detection”, Book: “Advances in Materials Science for Environmental and Energy Technologies IV: Ceramic Transactions”, Chapter 18, Volume 253, Ed. by J. Matyáš, T. Ohji, G. Pickrell, W. Wong-Ng and R. Kanakala, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), Hoboken, NJ, USA. Published 2016.

1.         N. Alvarez, R. Noga, S. Gbordzoe, V. Shanov, “Process of Making a Conformable, Low Power Consumption, Low Mass Carbon Nanotube Based Joule-heating Elements”, US Patent 11,696,362 B2, July 4, 2023, based on UC Invention Disclosure UC 117-025, 10/12/16.

2.         V. Shanov, V.K.R. Kondapalli, “Method for Making 3D-Shaped 3D Graphene”, International Patent Application WO 2023/233481 A1, issued January 12, 2023. US Provisional Patent Application 63/220,189 filed on July 09, 2021, based on UC Invention Disclosure 2021-150, 05/31/2021.

3.         V. Shanov, S. Chae; Y. Fang, H. Kim, Y. Oh, H. Nguyen, “Carbon-Based Filters for Use in Eliminating Pathogens”, US Patent Application No US 2022/0296949 A1, September 22, 2022.

4.         N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, W. Heineman, D. Zhao, D. Siebold, “Carbon Nanotube Based Reference Electrodes and All-Carbon Electrode Assemblies for Sensing and Electrochemical Characterization”, US Patent 11,307,163 B2, April 19, 2022.

5.         V. Shanov, V. Chaswal, P. Salunke, M. Joshi, G. Zhang, M. Schulz, S. Yarmolenko, D. Nienaber, “Magnesium Single Crystal for Biomedical Applications and Methods of Making Same”, US Patent Application, US 2021/0196854 A1, Issued July 1, 2021, International Patent Application WO 2016/028764 A1, filed 09/18/2015 with priority from 02/25/2016.

6.         Y. Park; V. Shanov; X. He; S. Lim, “Micropillar-Tethered Stents”, US Provisional Patent Application No 63/154,849, filed March 01, 2021, based on UC Invention Disclosure 2021-057, 11/09/2020.

7.         M. Schulz, S. Kanakaraj. D. Mast, V. Shanov, D. Chauhan, G. Hou, V. Ng, C. Xu, D. Chen, A. Kubley, X. Hou, R. Kleismit, “Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Material Fabric, Composite Fabric, and Personal Protective Apparel and Equipment”, US Patent Application No. US-2020-0270774-A1, August 27, (2020). International Paten Application WO 2019/014212 A1, filed January 17, (2019).

8.         V. Shanov, Y. Fang, H. Nguyen, “Heatable Face Masks for Preventing Respiratory Diseases”, US Provisional Patent Application No 62991759, filed March 19, 2020, based on UC Invention Disclosure 2020-088, 03/03/2020.

9.         E. Boswell, S. Mirle, V. Shanov, R. Malik, C. McConnell, “Films Including a Water-Soluble Layer and a Vapor-Deposited Inorganic Coating”, US Patent 10,450,119 B2, October 22, 2019.

10.       W. Wagner, A. D'Amore, V. Shanov, “Biodegradable Metallic - Polymeric Composite Prosthesis for Heart Valve Replacement”, International Patent Application No. WO 2019/210059 A1, filed April 25, (2019). US Patent Application No US 2021/0236688, August 5, 2021.

11.       S. Chae, V. Shanov, Y. Oh, Y. Fang, “Electrically Heatable Carbon Nanotube Hollow Fibers-Assisted Membrane Distillation for Water Purification”, US Provisional Patent Application No 62/754,951, filed November 2, 2018, based on UC Invention Disclosure 2019-043, 10/05/2018.

12.       W. Wagner, S. Ye, Y. Chen, V. Shanov, “Mg Alloy Mesh Reinforced Polymer/ECM Hybrid Scaffolds for Critical-Sized Bone Defect Regeneration”, U.S. Patent Application No. 16/498,035 filed September 26, (2019).  

13.       E. Boswell, S. Mirle, V. Shanov, R. Malik, C. McConnell, “Films Including a Water-Soluble Layer and a Vapor-Deposited Organic Coating”, US Provisional Patent Application No. US 2018/0369859 A1, filed June 22, (2018).

14.       E. Boswell, S. Mirle, V. Shanov, R. Malik, C. McConnell, “Films Including a Water-Soluble Layer and a Vapor-Deposited Inorganic Coating”, International Patent Application No. WO 2018/237213 A1, filed June 22, (2018).

15.       E. Boswell, S. Mirle, V. Shanov, R. Malik, C. McConnell, “Films Including a Water-Soluble Layer and a Vapor-Deposited Organic Coating”, International Patent Application No. WO 2018/237212 A1, filed June 22, (2018).

16.       E. Boswell, E. Wilder, R. Malik, C. McConnell, V. Shanov, “Films Including a Water-Soluble Layer and a Vapor-Deposited Coating”, US Provisional Patent Application No. US 2018/0369079 A1, filed June 22, (2018).

17.       E. Boswell, E. Wilder, R. Malik, C. McConnell, V. Shanov, “Beauty Care Films Including a Water-Soluble Layer and a Vapor-Deposited Coating”, International Patent Application No. WO 2018/237214 A1, filed June 22, (2018).

18.       E. Boswell, E. Wilder, R. Malik, C. McConnell, V. Shanov, “Beauty Care Films Including a Water-Soluble Layer and a Vapor-Deposited Coating”, European Patent No. EP3641952 A1, published April 29, (2020).

19.       E. Boswell, E. Wilder, R. Malik, C. McConnell, V. Shanov, “Films Including a Water-Soluble Layer and a Vapor-Deposited Coating”, US Provisional Patent Application No. US 2018/038896, filed June 22, (2018).

20.       L. Zhang, N. Alvarez, D. DeArmond, R. Malik, V. Shanov, “Process for Making of Flexible Microsupercapasitor with 3-Dimensional Graphene and Method of Scaling up the Fabrication of 3-Dimensional Graphene”, US Provisional Patent Application 62/575,556, filed October 23, 2017, based on UC Invention Disclosure UC 117-016, 08/29/16.

21.       V. Shanov, M. Schulz, “Methods of Growing Carbon Nanotubes and Forming a Carbon Nanotube Thread”, US Patent 9,796,121 B2, October 24, 2017.

22.       N. Alvarez, D. Zhao, W. Heineman, V. Shanov, D. Siebold, “Carbon Nanotube based Reference Electrodes and All-Carbon Electrode Assemblies for Sensing and Electrochemical Characterization”, US Patent Application No. US 2017/0363563 A1, filed June 16, 2017, based on UC Invention Disclosure 116-015, 08/19/2015.

23.       V. Shanov, P. Roy-Chaudhury, M. Schulz, Z. Yin, B. Campos-Naciff, Y. Wang, “Method for Making Magnesium Biodegradable Stent for Medical Implant Applications”, US Patent 9,655,752, May 23, 2017.

24.       X. Zhu, P. Buca, J. Lee, M. Schulz, S. Sundaramurthy, V. Shanov, “Sensor Sleeve for Health Monitoring of an Article”, US Patent 9,582,629, February 02, 2017.

25.       V. Shanov, N. Alvarez, R. Noda, C. Jayasinghe, R. Malik, “Method for Making of Carbon-Based, Self-Cleaning Fluid Filter and Components for Filter”, US Provisional Patent Application 62/237,752, filed October 6, 2015, based on Invention Disclosure UC 116-025, 10/06/15.

26.       V. Shanov, R. Noda, N. Alvarez, “Method and Apparatus for Making of Self-Cleaning Fluid Filter”, US Provisional Patent Application 62/233,558, based on Invention Disclosure UC 116-023, 09/28/15.

27.       V. Shanov, L. Zhang, N. Alvarez, M. Zhang, M. Haase, D. Mast, R. Malik, D. DeArmond, “A Graphene Paper and a Process for Making Graphene Paper and a Graphene with Three-Dimensional Structure for High Performance Pseudocapacitor Electrode”, US Provisional Patent Application 62/144922, filed April 09, 2015, based on Invention Disclosure UC 114-036, 02/03/2014 and UC Invention Disclosure, 115-100, 03/26/2015.

28.       V. Shanov, T. Diwan, P. Roy-Chaudhury, “Method for Making of Magnesium Staple for Surgical and Biomedical Applications”, International Patent Application No. PCT/US 62/295,573, February 16, 2016.

29.       M. Schulz, J. Yin, Y. Zhang, V. Shanov, P. Roy-Chaudhury, B. Campos-Naciff, Y. Wang et al, “Smart Biomedical Implants, US Provisional Patent Application 62/006355 filed June 2, (2014).

30.       V. Shanov, L. Zhang, N. Alvarez, M. Zhang, M. Haase, D. Mast, R. Malik, “A Graphene Paper and a Process for Making of Graphene Paper”, US Provisional Patent Application 61/971,237, filed March 27 (2014), based on Invention Disclosure UC 114-036 UC 114-036, 02/03/2014.

31.       J. Yin, Y. Zhang, D. Mast, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, P. Roy-Chaudhury, B. Campos-Naciff, Y. Wang, “Smart Biomedical Implants Wiring-Up the Body to Live Longer“, US Provisional Patent Application 61/779,356, EFS ID: 15200276; Application Number: 61/779356, 13-March-2013, based on Invention Disclosure UC Invention Disclosure 113-054 from February 11, (2013).

32.       V. Shanov, M. Schulz, C. Jayasinghe, “Method for Making Multilayer Carbon Nanotube Sheet", US Provisional Patent Application 61/432,459, January 13, (2011).

33.       V. Shanov, M. Schulz, G. Conroy “Carbon Nanotube Elongates and Methods of Making”, Patent Application Serial No. WO 2012/106406 A1, August 09 (2012).

34.       M. Schulz, S. Sundaramurthy, L. Mullapudi, J. Yin, V. Shanov, D. Hurd, S. Yarmolenko, S. Fialkova, W. Wagner, “Application of Carbon Nanotube Fiber for Inbody Biomedical Devices” US Provisional Patent Application 61/387,509, September 29, (2010).

35.       M. Schulz, V. Shanov, D. Hurd, G. Li, P. Salunke, “Base Flow Chemical Vapor Deposition with Catalyst Wells to Revolutionize Carbon Nanotube Synthesis and Instrumentation for Patterning Catalyst Wells to Synthesize High Quality CNT Arrays”, US Provisional Patent Application 61/392,244, October 12, (2010).

36.       P. Roy-Chaudhury, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, “Biodegradable, Drug and Chemical Eluting Stents for Enhancing Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation”, US Provisional Patent Application 61/422386, December 13, (2010).

37.       J. Abot, C. Jayasinghe, Z. Kier, M. Schulz, V. Shanov Y. Song, S. Sundaramurthy, “Self-Sensing Composite Materials”, US Provisional Patent Application 11248174, October 02, (2009).

38.       R. Morrison, V. Shanov, K. Quan, P. Cimiluca, US Patent, “Apparatus and Method for Mixing by Producing Shear and/or Cavitation, and Components for Apparatus” US Patent No 8,517,595 B2, August 27, (2013).

39.       V. Shanov, A. Gorton, Y. Yun, M. Schulz, “Composite Catalyst and Method for Manufacturing Carbon Nanostructured Materials”, U.S. Patent No 8,753,602, June 17, (2014).

40.       K. A. Crutcher, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, Y. Yun, “A Device to Support Directional Neurite Growth”, US Provisional Patent Application 61/046175, April 18, (2008).

41.       V. Shanov, S. Datta, F. Miralai, and J. McDaniel, “Apparatus and Method for Treating a Workpiece Using Plasma Generated from Microwave Radiation”, US Patent No 6,841,201, January 11, 2005.

42.       S. Datta, J. McDaniel, F. Miralai, and V. Shanov, “Portable Apparatus and Method for Treating a Workpiece,” US Patent No 6,821,379, November 23, (2004).

43.       V. Shanov, D. Nenkova, A. Apostolov, "Method of Making a Coated with Titanium Nitride Titanium Body", Bulgarian Patent No.97264 (1993).

44.       V. Shanov, D. Nenkova, A. Apostolov, "Gas Mixture for Chemical Vapor Deposition of Aluminum Oxide on Cutting Tools", Bulgarian Patent No.96864 (1992).

45.       V. Shanov, D. Nenkova, A. Apostolov, "Method of Making Coated with Titanium Nitride Cemented Carbide Cutting Tools", Bulgarian Patent No.92867 (1990).

46.       V. Shanov, D. Nenkova, A. Apostolov, "Method of Making Coated with Aluminum Oxide Cemented Carbide Cutting Tools", Bulgarian Patent No.92868 (1990).

47.       V. Shanov, B. Ivanov, M. Yankova, "Method for Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition of Thin Metal Films", Bulgarian Patent No.76035 (1986)

48.       V. Shanov, D. Djoglev, I. Markova, "Method of Purifying of Polycrystalline Silicon", Bulgarian Patent No.72831 (1985).

49.       V. Shanov, I. Markova, V. Rusovski, "Method of Making Coated with Titanium Carbide Cemented Carbide Cutting Tools", Bulgarian Patent No.67317 (1984).

50.       V. Shanov, D. Djoglev, "Method of Growing Diamond Seed Crystals from Gaseous Phase", Bulgarian Patent No.39563 (1978).

51.       V. Shanov, D. Djoglev, H. Vlaev, E. Ovcharova, I. Karamanov, I. Chakov, Z. Kumanov, "Device for preparation of Composite Coatings", Bulgarian Patent No.29688 (1975).

52.       V. Shanov, D. Djoglev, M. Minkova, J. Stanislavova, H. Vlaev, R. Andreichin, I. Karamanov, "Photoresistors Array Device", Bulgarian Patent No.25491 (1974)

53.       V. Shanov, D. Djoglev, H. Vlaev, E. Ovcharova, I. Chakov, "Method of Increasing Wear Resistance of Cemented Carbides", Bulgarian Patent No.23668 (1973).


Invention Disclosures:

1.         UC Invention Disclosure 2023-085, “Cooling Device for Firefighter Coat”, 03/15/2023, A. Kubley, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, M. O. Kim, Q. Fang, C. Cooley, I. Wu.

2.         UC Invention Disclosure 2023-084, “Garment (Coat) for Firefighters”, 03/15/2023, A. Kubley, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, M. O. Kim, Q. Fang, C. Cooley, I. Wu.

3.         UC Invention Disclosure 2022-130, “Method of Welding 3-Dimentional Graphene by Compression and its Application for Making Multi-layered Composites and Masks for Reactive Ion Etching”, 06/06/2022, V. Shanov, V. K. R. Kondapalli.

4.         UC Invention Disclosure 2022-120, “Methods for Manufacturing Carbon Nanotube Composite Textiles for PPE”, 05/17/2022, M. Schulz, H. Spitz; V. Shanov, W. Jetter, A. Schwartz, V. Ng, D. Chauhan, G. Bell, B. Brandewie, A. Kubley, M. Chitranshi, A. Bhattacharya, M. Kim, W. Williams.

5.         UC Invention Disclosure-2022-111, 04/22/2022, “Smart Biodegradable Implants”, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Dong, Y. Yun, P. Chaudhury, S. Pixley, M. Kumar, X. Jia, D.  Bergoint.

6.         UC Invention Disclosure 2022-021, 08/24/2021, “Carbon Nanotube Nanoelectrodes and Nanopore Ensembles”, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, R. Malik, G. Dangel.

7.         UC Invention Disclosure 2022-092, 03/29/2022, “Galvanic Energy Production, Electrode Materials and Design“, M. Schulz, V. Shanov.

8.         UC Invention Disclosure 2021-150, 05/31/2021, “CVD Synthesis of 3D Shaped Graphene (3D2G) using 3D Printed Nickel-PLGA Catalyst Precursor”, V. Shanov, V.K.R. Kondapalli.

9.         UC Invention Disclosure 2021-141, 05/15/2021, “Heatable Face Masks Using Carbon Veil as a Heater for Airborne Pathogen Inactivation”, V. Shanov, S. Chae; Y. Fang, H. Kim, Y. Oh.

10.       UC Invention Disclosure 2021-057, 11/09/2020, “Micropillar-Tethered Stents”, Y. Park, V. Shanov, X. He, S. Lim.

11.       UC Invention Disclosure 2021-047, 10/02/2020, “Smart Stent for Arteriovenous Fistula Dialysis Access”, M. Schulz; W. Heineineman; V. Shanov, Z. Dong, P. Roy-Chaudhury, T. Helmy, B. Campos-Naciff; D. Celdran-Bonafonte, W. Wagner, C. Xu, M. Smith.

12.       UC Invention Disclosure 2020-117, 04/29/2020, “Carbon Nanotube Hybridized Fabric for Filtering and Deactivation of Virus”, A. Kubley, M. Chitranshi, A. Pujari, M. Saleminik, S. Y. Kim; M. Schulz, S. Grishpun, V. Shanov, V. Ng, D. Chauhan, B. Brandewie, D. Chen.

13.       UC Invention Disclosure 2020-088, 03/03/2020, “Heatable Face Masks for Preventing Respiratory Diseases”, V. Shanov, Y. Fang, H. Nguyen.

14.       UC Invention Disclosure 2020-068, 01/08/2020, “CVD Synthesis of Graphene with Three-Dimensional Structure from a Cast Catalyst”, V. Shanov, D. DeArmond, L. Zhang, R. Malik.

15.       UC Invention Disclosure 2019-040, 10/26/2018, “Self-Expanding Biodegradable Metal Stents”, M Schulz; V. Shanov; P. Roy-Chaudhury; T. Helmy; B. Campos-Naciff; D. Celdran-Bonafonte; W. Wagner; C. Andy Xu.

16.       UC Invention Disclosure 2019-051, 10/24/2018, “Power Generation from Salinity Gradient using Carbon Nanomaterial-Based Electrodes in Capacitive Reverse Electrodialysis”, S. Chae, V. Shanov, Y. Oh, Y. Hsieh, N. Jeong, H. Kim, K. Hwang, S. Lee, J. Han; J. Nam.

17.       UC Invention Disclosure 2019-043, 10/05/2018, “Electrically Heatable Carbon Nanotube Hollow Fibers-Assisted Membrane Distillation for Water Purification”, V. Shanov, S. Chae, Y. Oh, Y. Fang.

18.       University of Pittsburgh Invention Disclosure 04492, 01/23/2018, “Biodegradable Metallic Stent for Heart Valve Tissue Engineering”, A. D'Amore, V. Shanov, W. Wagner.

19.       UC Invention Disclosure 117-086, 05/26/2017, “Firefighter Nanofabric Apparel”, G. Hou, V. Ng, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, R. Noga, D. Mast, Z. Yin. A. Xu, D. Chauhan, R. Kleismit.

20.       UC Invention Disclosure 117-061, 04/03/2017, “Method of Making Composition of Lightweight and Electrically Conductive Fibrous Particles with Dual Functionality (Janus) for Airborne Applications and Countermeasures against Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)”, V. Shanov, R. Noga, N. Alvarez.

21.       UC Invention Disclosure UC 117-051, 03/09/17, “Mg Alloy Mesh Reinforced Polymer/ECM Hybrid Scaffolds for Critical-Sized Bone Defect Regeneration”, V. Shanov, W. Wagner, Y. Chen, S. Ye.

22.       UC Invention Disclosure UC 117-058, 03/21/17, “Vapor Phase Barrier Coatings for Multiple Applications”, V. Shanov, R. Malik, V. McConnell.

23.       UC Invention Disclosure UC 117-025, 10/12/16, “Process of Making a Conformable, Low Power Consumption, Low Mass Carbon Nanotube Based Joule-heating Elements”, N. Alvarez, R. Noga, S. Gbordzoe, V. Shanov.

24.       UC Invention Disclosure UC 117-016, 08/29/16, “Process for Making of Flexible Microsupercapasitor with 3-Dimensional Graphene and Method of Scaling up the Fabrication of 3 Dimensional Graphene”, L. Zhang, N. Alvarez, D. DeArmond, R. Malik, V. Shanov.

25.       UC Invention Disclosure UC 116-098 “Carbon Nanotube Based Microelectrodes for Neuroscience Applications (Electrodes for Physiological Applications)”, N. Alvarez, E. Buschbeck, A. Stowasser, V. Shanov, I. Vilinsky. 5/05/2016. 

26.       UC Invention Disclosure 116-052, 01/13/16, “Multifunctional Laminated Composite Materials”, A. Song, G. Hou, J. Yin, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, N. Alvarez, R. Malik, D. Mast.

27.       Invention Disclosure 116-058, 02/01/16, “Structural Conductive Composites for Structural Health Monitoring”, A. Song, G. Hou, J. Yin, M. Schulz, A. Hehr, W. Li, V. Shanov, N. Alvarez, R. Malik, D. Mast, D. Vijayakumar.

28.       Invention Disclosure 116-057, 02/01/16, “Structural Conductive Composites for Lightweight Capacitive Power Generators and Motors”, A. Song, G. Hou, J. Yin, M. Schulz, W. Li, V. Shanov, N. Alvarez, R. Malik, D. Mast, D. Vijayakumar.

29.       UC Invention Disclosure 116-053, 01/13/16, “Structural Composite Wire”, A. Song, G. Hou, J. Yin, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, N. Alvarez, R. Malik, D. Mast.

30.       UC Invention Disclosure 116-025, 10/06/15, “Method for Making of Carbon-Based, Self-Cleaning Fluid Filter and Components for Filter”, V. Shanov, N. Alvarez, R. Noda, C. Jayasinghe, R. Malik.

31.       UC Invention Disclosure 116-023, 09/28/15, “Method and Apparatus for Making of Self-Cleaning Fluid Filter”, V. Shanov, R. Noda, N. Alvarez.

32.       UC Invention Disclosure 116-016, 08/20/2015, “Self-cleaning Membrane for Eliminating Biofouling”, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, G. Sorial, R. Noda.

33.       UC Invention Disclosure 116-015, 08/19/2015, “Electrode Assembly for Sensing and Electrochemical Characterization Based on Carbon Nanotube Materials”, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, W. Heineman, D. Zhao, D. Siebold.

34.       UC Invention Disclosure 116-001, 07/06/2015, “Resist-free Catalytic Patterning and Electric-Field Assisted High Temperature Synthesis of Nanoscale Materials”, M. Schulz, A. Krishnaswamy, G. Li, J. Sprengard,  S. Fialkova, W. Li, V. Shanov, S. Yarmolenko.

35.       UC Invention Disclosure 116-002, 07/06/2015, “Firefighter IsoCool Apparel”, M. Schulz, B. Jetter, A. Schwartz, J. Sullivan, A. Song, A. Bhattacharya, R. Malik, V. Shanov

36.       UC Invention Disclosure, 115-100, 03/26/2015, “Method for Making of Graphene with Three-Dimensional Structure for High Performance Pseudocapacitor Electrode”, L. Zhang, D. DeArmond, N. Alvarez, R. Malik, V. Shanov.

37.       UC Invention Disclosure, 115-080, 01/30/2015, “Carbon Nanotube Filter for Environmental Toxicant Removal and Desalination”, M. Schulz, W. Li, G. Hou, V. Shanov, R. Su, A. Wang.

38.       UC Invention Disclosure, 115-027, 09/23/2014, “Additive Manufacturing using Carbon Nanotube Yarn and Ribbon Filament Materials”, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, P. Miller, S. Ruitao, Y. Song, G. Hou, D. Vijayakumar, P. Roy-Chaudhury, N. Alvarez, R. Millik, M. Rahimi.

39.       UC Invention Disclosure, 115-008, 07/31/2014, “Method for Making Magnesium Single Crystal for Biomedical Applications”, V. Shanov, V. Chaswal, P. Salunke, M. Joshi, G. Zhang, M. Schulz, S. Yarmolenko.

40.       UC Invention Disclosure, 115-007, 07/25/2014, ”Biodegradable Medical Implants and Corrosion Resistant Engineering Components Based on Magnesium Carbon Covetic Material”, M. Schulz, J. Shugart, R. Kleismit, V. Shanov, D. Mast, J. Yin.

41.       UC Invention Disclosure, 115-006, 07/23/2014, “Method for Continuous Carbon Nanotube Ribbon Formation”, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, P. Miller, M. Schulz.

42.       UC Invention Disclosure, 115-034, 07/26/2014, “Principles and Practices for Manufacturing Long Nanotubes”, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, et al.

43.       UC Invention Disclosure, 114-004, 07/29/2013, “Method and Apparatus for Assembling Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Bodies”, N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, R. Malik, M. Schulz.

44.       UC Invention Disclosure, UC 114-020, 10/24/2013, “Additive Manufacturing using Carbon Nanotube Yarn and Ribbon Filament Materials" M. Schulz, B. Ruff, V. Shanov, Y. Song.

45.       UC Invention Disclosure, 113-063, 03/15/2013, “Nanovivo Robots to Change Interventional Medicine”, M. Schulz, W. Li, D. Mast, S. Pixley, B. Ruff, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, Y. Zhang.

46.       UC Invention Disclosure, 113-054, 02/11/2013, “Smart Biomedical Implants”, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, Y. Zhang Roy-Chaudhury, B. Campos, Y. Wang.

47.       UC Invention Disclosure, 07/15/2012, “Electromagnetic Nanocomposite Materials for Machines and Biomedical Devices”, R. Venkatasubramanian, M. Schulz, B. Ruff, W. Li, V. Shanov, D. Mast, N. Alvarez, J. Yin, A. Hehr.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

48.       UC Invention Disclosure, 112-096, 04/19/2012, “Method and Apparatus for Improving Neural Tissue Regeneration using Bioresorbable Metal”, S. Pixley, V. Shanov, J. Vennemeyer.

49.       UC Invention Disclosure, 112-055, 02/13/2012, “Method for Making Mg Biodegradable Stent for Medical Implant Applications”, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, M. Schulz, P. Roy-Chaudhury, B. Campos, Y. Wang.

50.       UC Invention Disclosure 112-071, 03/02/2012, “Patterned Carbon Nanotube Arrays for Interlaminar Reinforcement of Composite Materials”, M. Schulz, B. Ruff, W. Li, V. Shanov, A. Krishnaswamy, A. Song, B. Suberu, G. Li, S. Yarmolenko, S. Fialkova.

51.       UC Invention Disclosure, 02/21/2012, “Substrate Engineering for Nanotube Growth Control”, M. Schulz, A. Krishnaswami, B. Ruff, M. Haase, W. Li, W. Cho, V. Shanov, G. Li, C. Jayasinghe, J. Kim, J. Sprengard, S. Yarmolenko, S. Fialkova.

52.       UC Invention Disclosure, 02/21/2012, “vdW Capacitor Design and Manufacturing”, M. Schulz, W. Li, A. Krishnaswami, B. Ruff, W. Cho, V. Shanov, D. Mast, G. Li, C. Jayasinghe, J. Kim, J. Sprengard, S. Yarmolenko, S. Fialkova.

53.       UC Invention Disclosure, 112-058, 12/11/2012, “Elastic Biodegradable Metallic Stent”, Z. Yin, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, P. Roy-Chaudhury, B. Campos-Naciff, Y. Wang.

54.       UC Invention Disclosure, 04/03/2011, “Magnetically Controlled Metal Stents and Implants”, P. Roy-Chaudhury, Y. Wang, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, Z. Yin.

55.       UC Invention Disclosure, 02/09/2011, “Optimizing Flow Conditions for Carbon Nanotube Synthesis”, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, G. Li, et al.

56.       UC Invention Disclosure, 112-016, 08/12/2011, “Carbon Electromagnetic Materials to Replace Copper, Iron and Rate Earth Metals in Electric Motors”, M. Schulz, W. Li, B. Ruff, D. Mast, V. Shanov.

57.       UC Invention Disclosure, 111-023, 09/06/2011, “Carbon Electromagnetic Materials for Electric Motors and Actuators”, M. Schulz, W. Li, B. Ruff, D. Mast, V. Shanov.

58.       UC Invention Disclosure, 04/19/2011, “Carbon Nanotube Antenna and Transdermal Electrical Fiber for In vivo Communication”, M. Schulz, D. Mast, V. Shanov, B. William.

59.       UC Invention Disclosure, 111-023, 09/07/10, “Carbon Electromagnetic Materials for Electric Motors and Actuators”, M. Schulz, W. Li, V. Shanov, J. Sprengard.

60.       UC Invention Disclosure, 111-015, 08/15/2010, “Instrumentation for Patterning Catalyst Wells to Synthesize Long High-Quality Carbon Nanotube Arrays”, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, G. Li.

61.       UC Invention Disclosure, 12/04/2010, “Carbon Nanotube Electromagnetic Cable with Ultra-high Magnetic Fields for Transformers, Shielding, Antennas, Sensing, Electric Motors, Actuators, and Inductor Batteries”. M. Schulz, V. Shanov, G. Li, G. Conroy, C. Jayasinghe, J. Kluner, K. Simmons, J. Lawson, C. Dandino, W. Li.

62.       UC Invention Disclosure, 10/31/2010, “Combining Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Array, Ribbon, and Thread Materials with High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) Materials to form Hybrid CNT-HTS Black Cotton, Paper, and Cable Materials”, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, E. Escallon, G. Conroy, C. Jayasinghe, J. Kluner, J. Swenson, K. Simmons, J. Groshong, J. Sprengard, D. Mast. 

63.       UC Invention Disclosure, 110-064, 05/22/10, “Magnesium and Iron Metallic Screws with Controlled Biodegradability”, Z. Yin, D. Hurd, V. Shanov, Y. Yun, D. Xue, W. Van Ooij, H. Liu, M. Fisher, S. Woo, S. Yarmolenko, Z. Xu, L. Mullapudi, S. Sundaramurthy, M. Schulz.

64.       UC Invention Disclosure, 111-031, 10/12/10, “Plasma Processing of Carbon Nanostructured Materials”, V. Shanov, R. Kotecha, M. Schulz, J. Sprengard.

65.       UC Invention Disclosure, 111-007, 07/19/10, “Carbon Nanotube Thread for Distributed Sensing”, M. Schulz, W. Li, V. Shanov, S. Sundaramurthy.

66.       UC Invention Disclosure,109-111, 06/23/09, “Permanent and Biodegradable Responsive Implants that Expand and Adapt to the Human Body”, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, J. Sankar, W. Wagner, F. Witte, H. Borovetz, P. Kumta, C. Sfier.

67.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-110, 6/22/09, “Base Flow Chemical Vapor Deposition with Catalyst Wells to Revolutionize Carbon Nanotube”, M. Schulz, V. Shanov.

68.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-089, 05/05/09, “Composition and Method for Mg Biodegradable Material for Medical Implant Applications”, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, Y. Yun, D. Rai, D. Xue.

69.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-085, 04/30/09, “Device for Controlling Corrosion of Implanted Metallic Biomaterials”, Y. Yun, Z. Dong, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, M. Behbehani, W. Heineman, B. Halsall, A. Doepke, P. Kumta, C. Sfeir, W. Wagner, H. Borovetz, S. Yarmolenko.

70.       UC Invention Disclosure, 110-018, 09/30/09, “Self-Expanding Biodegradable Drug-Eluting Metallic Stent for Use in Coronary Arteries and Grafts”, M. Schulz, P. Roy-Chaudhury, V. Shanov, Z. Yin, W. Wagner, F. Witte.

71.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-085, 04/26/09, “Corrosion Measurement for Biodegradable Metal Implants”, M. Schulz, V. Shanov, S. Sundaramurthy, Y. Yun, W. Wagner, P. Nagy, C. Fox, F. Witte, Z. Xu, S. Yarmolenko.

72.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-084, 04/28/09, “Carbon Nanotube Super-Electronic Components and Devices”, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, D. Hurd, W. Li, C. Jayasinghe.

73.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-077, 04/10/09, “Remote, Non-Destructive Approach for Detecting Defects and Cracks in Solid Structures”, V. Shanov, C. Jayasinghe, J. Abot, Y. Song, M. Schulz.

74.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-076, 04/09/09, “De-Icing of Solid Structures by Surface Heating Through CNT Thread and Ribbon”, V. Shanov, J. Abot, Y. Song, M. Schulz.

75.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-068, 03/24/09, ”Growth of Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Copper Substrates by CVD”, V. Shanov, G. Li, M. Schulz, S. Chakrabarti.

76.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-064, 03/09/09, “Self-Sensing Composite Materials”, J. Abot, Z. Kier, V.  Shanov, Y. Song, C. Jayasinghe, S. Sundaramurthy, M. Schulz.

77.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-062, 02/26/09, “An Improved Clip-On Sensor for Structural Health and Usage Monitoring”, M. Schulz, S. Sundaramurthy, L. Mullapudi, F. Zhang, W. Zhao, D. Siegel, V. Shanov, J. Lee, P. Buca, I. Shilad, L. Moreiras, X. Zhu, M. Ghaffari.

78.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-059, 03/03/09, ”Carbon Nanotube Materials for High Performance and Low Power Light Source”, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, W. Li, C. Jayasinghe, S. Chakrabarti.

79.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-058, 02/19/09, “Sensor Skin for Structural Health Monitoring of Surfaces”, M. Schulz, S. Sundaramurthy, L. Mullapudi, F. Zhang, W. Zhao, D. Siegel, V. Shanov, J. Lee, P. Buca, I. Shilad, L. Moreiras, X. Zhu, S. Song, C. Fox, P. Nagy, D. Hurd, M. Ghaffari, H. Westheider.

80.       UC Invention Disclosure, 108-091, 04/21/08 “Composition and Method for Producing Magnesium Based Biodegradable Composite Implants”, V. Shanov, F. Witte, M. Schulz, Y. Yun, P. Kumta, C. Sfeir, S. Yarmolenko.

81.       UC Invention Disclosure, 108-073, 03/30/08, “Therapeutic Mg Alloys to Promote Bone Healing”, March 30, 2008, Y. Yun, Z. Dong, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, N. Watts, P. Kumta, C. Sfeir, S. Yarmolenko.

82.       UC Invention Disclosure, 108-072, 03/30/08, “Mg Nanowires for Biology and Nanomedicine”, Y. Yun, Z. Dong, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, W. Heineman, P. Kumta, C. Sfeir, S. Yarmolenko.

83.       UC Invention Disclosure, 108-071, 03/30/08, “Device for Controlling Corrosion of Implanted Metallic Biomaterials”, Y. Yun, Z. Dong, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, M. Behbehani, W. Heineman, B. Halsall, A. Doepke, P. Kumta, C. Sfeir, W. Wagner, H. Borovetz, S. Yarmolenko.

84.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-035, 11/18/08, “Use of Carbon Nanotube Thread, Ribbon, and Arrays for the Transmission and Reception of Electromagnetic Signals and Radiation”, D. Mast, V. Shanov, C. Jayasinghe, M. Schulz.

85.       UC Invention Disclosure, 108-026, 10/02/07, “Nanotube Spinning Machine”, N. Mallik, D. Hurd, V. Shanov, M. Schulz.

86.       UC Invention Disclosure, 109-025, 10/17/08, “Direct Growth of Millimeter Long Vertical Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on Silicon Carbide by Chemical Vapor Deposition”, V. Shanov, S. Chakrabarti, G. Li, M. Schulz.

87.       UC Invention Disclosure, 105-046, 6/29/05, “A Multifunctional Carbon Nanotube Neuron for Structural Health Monitoring”, I. Kang, J. Lee, Y. Yun, V. Shanov, M. Schulz.

88.       UC Invention Disclosure, 104-072, 9/04, “A Versatile Carbon Nanofiber Bioelectronic Sensor,” Y. Yun, V. Shanov, M. Schulz, Z. Dong, T. He, D. Shi.

89.       UC Invention Disclosure, 104-045, 7/16/04, “Carbon Nanofiber Hybrid Actuators,” Y. Yun, A. Miskin, P. Kang, V. Shanov, M. Schulz.