Advanced Research in Transportation Engineering Systems Laboratory
ART-Engines Lab at UC, the transportation engineering research and educational laboratory, is located in 735 Engineering Research Center. ART-Engines Lab includes personal computers, video equipment, cameras, radio communication devices, and traffic sensors. This equipment provides the capability to examine traffic flow on a real-time basis and to develop algorithms, mathematical models, and software for applications to study freeways and surface streets problems. VEVID (Vehicle Video-Capture Data Collector), developed by the PI, allows vehicle trajectory data to be extracted with cost‑efficiency, flexibility, and accuracy, under almost all weather conditions.
The availability of vehicular trajectory data, made it easier to study microscopic traffic characteristics and to utilize simulation modeling. Traffic signal controller simulator system is also available to provide the capability of integrating controller functionality with simulation-based traffic conditions. ART-Engines lab also provides graduate students office space and facilities for research activities. Traffic analysis devices and experimental equipment include: traffic counters, video camcorder, GPS travel data logger, wheel metering, controller system installed in cabinet, and other supplies. Software include: VISSIM/VISUM, PARAMICS, ArcGIS, HCS, Tyansit-7F, and PASS-II. The Web development hardware includes: database and web server. The photographs show key equipment available at the ART-Engines Lab.