Siemens Simulation Technology Center

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UC-Siemens Simulation Technology Center was established by generous gift of Siemens PLM to University of Cincinnati. The Center aims at modernizing Engineering Education and Research by taking full advantage of modern simulation and computing power.

Engineering Education

Multi-physics simlation example shoting solution time of 0.01 seconds and pressure

Multi-physics simluation example

  • Nurture engineers who can collaborate across disciplines by utilizing modern engineering toolsTeach simulation technology in multiple courses starting from freshman courses
  • Improve student learning in fundamental courses by connecting theory to realistic engineering applications
  • Develop students’ ability to tackle engineering problems beyond text book examples
  • Instill a habit in students to utilize simulation technology in all aspects of engineering: design, experiment and development
  • Vertical, systematic integration of engineering courses from freshmen computer graphics course to senior capstone design course


Example, freshmen engineering graphics project

Example, freshmen engineering graphics project

  • Develop and conduct simulation based research in collaboration with industry partners
  • Solve complicated, large-scale multi-physics problems
  • V&V and Simulation-Test Correlation
  • Improve Simulation Technology and Software


Contact us if you want to collaborate with us in engineering education or research.

SIEMENS Simulation Technology Center
551 Baldwin Hall
2901 Woodside Drive
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221


Headshot of Sam Anand

Sam Anand

Professor, Director - Siemens PLM Simulation Technology Center , CEAS - Mechanical Eng

697 Rhodes Hall


Research and Teaching Interests: Intelligent Design, Manufacturing Systems Optimization, Modelling and Optimization of Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Augmented Reality
Headshot of Jay Kim

Jay Kim

Professor - Emeritus, CEAS - Mechanical Eng


Dr. Jay Kim is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering.  His research and teaching interests are vibration of structures, rotordynamics, acoustics, noise and vibration controls, and engineerng education. He is currently serving as the Department Head, director of Occupational Safety and Health Engineering program and education director of Siemens Simulation Technology Center.