Structural Dynamics Research Laboratory Seminars

In the effort to solve vibration and noise problems in today's advanced machines, vehicles and structures, experimental modal analysis provides a means for modeling and modifying complicated dynamic behavior. 

Experimental Techniques Seminar Series

This seminar series is intended to provide a thorough coverage of experimental techniques including measurement and digital signal processing concepts, structural dynamics theory, modal parameter estimation techniques, and application of frequency fresponse function and modal models suitable for practical vibration analysis problems. Experimental techniques are an important tool in the product design and development cycle. Complex structural vibration problems can be identified and the results can be used to update analytical models. Modern digital systems provide the opportunity to incorporate measurement, analysis and data display into a format which gives engineers a tool to help solve problems including:

Diagram depicting measurement points and frequency
  • Characterization of industrial process dynamics
  • Automotive vibration and noise reduction
  • Machine tool vibration and chatter analysis
  • Aircraft flutter and ground vibration testing
  • Interaction of structural vibration with control systems
  • Vibration of buildings and large structures
  • Analysis and trouble-shooting of rotating machinery
  • Modeling dynamic behavior of space vehicles

August 10-12, 2022

Who Should Attend?

For any practitioner who needs to understand the advantages and limitations of different measurement techniques or needs to make measurements suitable for modal analysis and/or operating data applications in the shortest time possible.

Course Outline

  • Fourier Analysis
    • Discrete vs. Integral Transforms
  • Digital Signal Procesing
    • Windowing
    • Averaging, Triggering
    • Cyclic Averaging, Digital Filtering
    • Error Analysis
  • Structural Measurements
    • Power Spectra
    • FRF (H1, H2, Hv)
      • Single/Multiple Input
    • Coherence (Ordinary/Multiple)
    • Quantification of Uncertainty
  • Excitation Techniques
    • Shaker Testing
    • Impact Testing
    • Optimum Input Evaluation
    • Operating Excitation
  • Operating Measurements
    • Power Spectral Density
    • Cepstrum, Quefrency
    • Time Spectral Map (Spectragram)
  • Non-Linear System Issues
  • Rotating System Analysis
    • RPM Spectral Map
    • Order Analysis/Tracking
    • Kalman Filtered Order Tracking

August 15-17, 2022

Who Should Attend?

For any practitioner, beginner to experienced, experimental or analytical, who wishes to review modal analysis theory and to understand the advantages and limitations of different experimental modal analysis techniques and modal parameter estimation algorithms.

Course Outline

  • Experimental Modal Analysis Theory
    • FRF vs. MCK Models
    • Modal Scaling
    • IRF (Time Domain) Models
    • FRF (Frequency Domain) Models
    • Advanced Issues (Repeated Roots, etc.)
  • Modal Parameter Estimation
    • SDOF Methods
    • MDOF Methods, Single/Multiple Reference
    • Unified Matrix PolynomialApproach (UMPA)
      • Othogonal Polynomials
      • Poly LSCF (PolyMAX)
    • Autonomous MPE Procedure
  • Modal Parameter Validation
    • Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC, COMAC)
    • Mode Indication Functions (MvMIF, CMIF)
    • Error Evaluation
  • Operating Modal Analysis
    • Time Domain Methods
    • Frequency Domain Methods
    • Specialized Data Processing
  • Non-Linear System Issues

Class offered upon request.

Who Should Attend?

For practitioners with some experience with measurement and modal analysis who wish to understand the advantages and limitations of different modeling techniques and other related applications. Since this course is very specialized, the interest and demand for this course varies.

The UC-SDRL plans to offer this course each year if there is sufficient course interest and enrollment. We apologize if there is insufficient interest for the course date that you select. Please contact us for further information.

Course Outline

  • Structural Measurement Issues
  • Modal Parameter Estimation Issues
  • Sensitivity Analysis
  • FRF Model Applications
    • Impedance/Compliance Modeling Theory
    • Inverse FRF Technique Theory
    • Demonstration Example
  • Modal Model Applications
    • Modal Modeling Theory
      • Real/Complex Mode Issues
    • Demonstration Example
  • Finite Element Modeling Validation
    • Modal Modeling Validation/Correction
    • FRF Modeling Validation/Correction
  • Non-Linear System Modeling


Lectures are given by the various members of the staff of the Structural Dynamics Research Laboratory, as well as prominent authorities from the experimental techniques community. In the past, invited lecturers have come from Anatrol Corporation, The Boeing Company, Chuo University (Tokyo, Japan), Entek Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Corporation, Leuven Measurement Systems, MB Dynamics, The Modal Shop, Inc., PCB Piezotronics Inc., Vold Solutions, Structural Dynamics Research Corporation, the University of Lowell (Lowell, Massachusetts) and the University of Leuven (Leuven, Belgium).

For details on the specific lecturers included in the current course, please contact the Course Administrator or Course Director. Those members of the staff lecturing in each short course include: Dr. David L. Brown, Dr. Randall J. Allemang, Dr. Robert W. Rost, and Dr. Allyn Phillips. Various Doctorate and Masters candidates assist with the demonstrations in their areas of research.


Each course is limited to thirty participants. All spaces in the course are reserved: attendees must register in advance. A tentative reservation may be made by telephone call to the course administrator or by filling out the following email registration form.  No reservation is guaranteed until receipt of payment information or company purchase order covering the course fee is received.

If you would like to make a reservation now, please use the following link to the reservation form.  You will be asked for your payment method but no payment information will be requested at this time for security reasons.  You will be contacted via email and/or telephone call to obtain detailed payment information.


The fee for each course is $1400. This payment includes the course notebook and references, noon meals (three days), and refreshments at break periods. No discounts will be given to those who do not wish to accept the course materials, meals, or refreshments. The course materials will not be published, and are not available except to course participants.


Any full-time faculty member or full-time graduate student from an accredited university may apply for a fellowship to reduce the required fee. This fellowship, if awarded, pays one half of the fee. Written applications should be submitted along with verification of full-time status at least thirty days prior to the course.


The full fee will be refunded upon cancellation of an attendee's registration at least fourteen days before the start of the course. Later cancellation will incur a processing fee of $50.


The course is held on the campus of the University of Cincinnati, located adjacent to Clifton Avenue approximately two miles north of the business district of Cincinnati. All activities take place in Rhodes Hall which is part of the engineering complex at the University. Lectures are held in a classroom setting and afternoon demonstrations are held in the SDRL main laboratory. Any further information or services can be obtained from the Course Administrator.

Course Director

Headshot of Randall J Allemang

Randall J Allemang


Dr. Allemang is a Professor Emeritus and member of the faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Program in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Cincinnati, where he currently also serves as Director of the Structural Dynamics Research Laboratory (UC-SDRL). Dr. Allemang has been actively involved in the area of experimental structural dynamics and modal analysis for over forty years, pioneering the use of multiple input, multiple output estimation of frequency response functions, developing the concept of cyclic averaging, formulating the modal assurance criterion (MAC) and the enhanced frequency response function and reformulating modal parameter estimation algorithms into the unified matrix (coefficient) polynomial approach (UMPA).  Dr. Allemang has served on the Advisory Board for the International Modal Analysis Conference (1981-2015, Chairman, 1986-1995) and on the Editorial Board of Sound and Vibration Magazine. Dr. Allemang has also served on the Executive Board of Society of Experimental Mechanics (SEM) from 1998-2006, including President for the Society during 2003-2004.  Dr. Allemang is currently involved as Senior Collaborator for the AFRL Structural Sciences Center at WPAFB, working on the verification and validation (experimental quantification of margin and uncertainty) of experimental and analytical dynamic models and has been recognized by three professional societies as a Fellow (SEM, SAE and ASME). Dr. Allemang has also mentored two PhD graduates who went on to win Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).