Superconducting Nanoelectronics with Perovskite Oxides

Project Description

This project is at the intersection between experimental condensed matter physics, electrical engineering, and materials science.

This in an important intersection for the currently emerging quantum information technology, which aims to fundamentally reinvent the algorithms and physical processes we use to compute solutions for certain problems. One of the overarching practical challenges in this area is in figuring out how to operate extensive computing architectures at very low (cryogenic) temperatures, as typically needed to stabilize physical quantum systems. A big part of the solution is in reimagining electrical circuits by integrating materials that are superconducting (i.e. their electrical resistance becomes zero below a certain temperature).

This project will be part of a larger effort to develop new fabrication procedures for superconducting quantum devices that operate at cryogenic temperatures. Scientifically, this project will focus on enabling the use of oxide perovskite materials (SrTiO3 and KTaO3) in cryogenic quantum technologies. The goal is to leverage their unique material properties into new device functionalities, in particular the tunability of superconductivity and dielectric constant by electrics fields.

The student will learn the basics of electrical device testing, Python-based measurement control and automation, cryogenic measurements, and device simulation. The student will have the opportunity to get involved with fabrication of devices in the Mantei Center Cleanroom at UC. 

graphic of how superconductors are made

Figure: Quantum nanoconstriction device defined in a superconducting oxide SrTiO3, using a combination of ionic liquid gating and local tuning with nanopatterned split gates.


Headshot of Marc M Cahay

Marc M Cahay

Professor, Department Head, CEAS - Electrical and Computer Engineeri

812J Rhodes Hall


M. Cahay has thirty seven years experience in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology and vacuum micro- and nano-electronics. He has published over 150 refereed journal papers and 60 refereed conference proceedings papers. He is an active member of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) for which he has co-edited of 11 proceedings volumes of symposia on quantum confinement and cold cathodes. He has been on the board of the IEEE Technical Committee on Spintronics and Nanomagnetism since 2002, has served on the program committees of 30 international conferences. He has written a book on an Introduction to Spintronics with Prof. Bandyopadhyay from Virginia Commonwealth University. His current area of research deals with generation of spin polarized currents by purely electrical means using asymmetrically bias quantum point contacts with in-plane side gates, experimental and theoretical investigations of field emission from carbon nanotube fibers and second electron emission from various anode materials. He is also looking into lasing from hybrid plasmonic Zn-doped GaAs nanowires up to room temperature with Prof. Hans-Peter Wagner in the Physics Department at UC. He is also conducting research on quaternions and their applications in quantum mechanics in collaboration with Dennis Morris.
Headshot of Evgeny Mikheev

Evgeny Mikheev

Asst Professor, A&S Physics

422 Geology-Physics Building

Personal homepage
Condensed matter experiment: quantum devices with oxide superconductors, nanofabrication, cryogenic experiments.