Digital Fabrication Lab Capabilities

Below are a list of printer limitations that we will explain in detail for each printer we have here at the Digital Fabrication Laboratory. Hopefully this in depth analysis of limitations will help answer any question you may have on what our printers can produce as a final product. Here is a short list of capabilities that will be touched on each printer in this section.

  • Wall Thickness
  • Surface Details
  • Escape Holes
  • Clearances
  • Accuracy
  • Design Tips

These limitations were created with the help of the NIST Additive Manufacturing test artifact that helped aid us in the complete assesment of the performance of each additive manucafacturing machine we have.

These files were developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, these files are not subject to copyright protection and are in the public domain. The test part files "NIST Test Artifact online.stl" and "NIST Test Artifact online.amf" are an experimental design. The experimental design will likely be revised based on future development and review.  NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the test part file, design, or publication are used.

NIST Test Artifact

NIST Test Artifact



Pictured to the right is the NIST model printed from our very own Dimension Professional FDM printer. It passed all specs for the NIST model, EXCEPT for these features...

  • Pin Extrusion - Pins must be >0.5 mm in diameter
  • Hole Cut - Holes must be >1 mm in diameter
  • Line Spacing -  Space between extrusions must be >1 mm  
Wall Thickness and Beam Test

Wall Thickness and Beam Test

Here we have a print demonstrating the capabilities of the FDM printer to help understand the capabilities for wall thickness and beam strength.

  • Wall Thickness - The smallest wall thickness the printer can provide with strength is 0.05" inches, and the smallest distance between two walls was 0.3" inches. Any smaller distance between walls and they pretty much melt together to form one wall.
  • Beam Strength -  The 0.1" inch beam was the smallest one printed and came out successfully. HOWEVER, this beam was not sturdy and has a possibility to break under pressure.
FDM Font Accuracy

FDM Font Accuracy

Here to the right you can see the accuracy of font sizes that can be printed on the professional FDM machines here at the Digital Fabrication lab. 

We recommend a 14 font bold for cuts and a 12 font bold for extrusions for the smallest fonts you can create on our professional FDM printers.

Additional FDM Printer Capabilities (Dimensions)

Pin Size

  • 1:1 press fit works, but can break under thin wall conditions
  • 1:1.1 press fit works better

Printing Screws/ Screw Holes

Printing with Overhang

  • Can handle most overhangs and inner geometries due to soluble support
NIST Test Piece

NIST Test Piece

Pictured to the right is the NIST model printed from our very own Connex 260 polyjet printer. It passed all specs for the NIST model EXCEPT for these features...

  • Pin Extrusion - Pins must be >1.5 mm in diameter  
  • Hole Cut - Holes must be >0.5 mm in diameter  


Wall Thickness and Beam Test

Wall Thickness and Beam Test

This print to the right is demonstrating the capabilities of the polyjet printer to help further understand the limits of wall thickness and beam strength of the polyjet machine.

  • Wall Thickness - Smallest wall thickness is 0.02 inches
  • Beam Strength - Smallest beam thickness is 0.01 inches (MUST BE CONNECT AT BOTH SIDES + ALSO VERY FLIMSY AND CAN BREAK DURING POST PROCESSING)
Polyjet Font Accuracy

Polyjet Font Accuracy

Here to the right we have a print demonstrating the accuracy of font size (in bold) that can be printed on the Connex 260 here at the Digital Fabrication Lab.We reccommend a size 8 font be the smallest font size that our printers can print legibly for both cuts and extrusions when printing on this machine.  

Additional Polyjet Limitations

Pin Size

  • 1:1 press fit works, but can break under thin wall conditions
  • Leave at least 0.015” of tolerance room for complex geometries for easier fitting

Printing Screws/ Screw Holes

Printing with Overhangs

  • Can handle most overhangs and inner geometries due to support
NIST Test Piece

NIST Test Piece

Pictured to the right is the NIST model printed from our very own Form 2 desktop SLA printer. It passed all specs for the NIST model EXCEPT for these features...

  • Pin Extrusion - Pins must be >1 mm in diameter  
  • Hole Cut - Holes must be >1 mm in diameter
  • Stepping - Stepping must be >.2 mm in height
NIST Test Piece Bottom

NIST Test Piece Bottom

Cosmetically it is also quite flawed for large models as you can see in the picture on the right. Each print has a base that is connected to the model when printed, and afterwards it must be manually clipped with pliers to remove it from its base. For larger flat builds this can cause a large amount of rough edges on flat surfaces that will need to be sanded down by our technicians, or by the customer (depending on what they prefer).

Wall Thickness and Beam Test

Wall Thickness and Beam Test

This print to the right is demonstrating the capabilities of the Form 2 printer to help further understand the limits of wall thickness and beam strength of the SLA machine.

  • Wall Thickness - Smallest wall thickness is 0.03 inches
  • Beam Strength - Smallest beam thickness is 0.1 inches (MUST BE CONNECT AT BOTH SIDES + ALSO VERY FLIMSY AND CAN BREAK DURING POST PROCESSING)

Additional Form 2 Printer Capabilities

Pin Size

  • 1:1 press fit works, but can break under thin wall conditions
  • 1:1.1 press fit works better


Screw Test


Overhang Test

  • Can handle most overhangs and inner geometries due to removable support
NIST Projet Model

NIST Projet Model

Pictured to the right is the NIST model printed from our very own Projet 4500. It passed all specs for the NIST model, EXCEPT for these features...

  • Pin Extrusion - Pins must be >1 mm in diameter
  • Hole Cut - Holes must be >1 mm in diameter
  • Line Spacing -  Space between extrusions must be >1 mm 

PLEASE ADVISE - We would advise that all models on the Projet 4500 are to be DISPLAY PIECES ONLY. The prints that come out of this printer are fragile if parts are thin, so we advise not to print anything that will be used daily, or to be used in some sort of moving assembly.