NX API based Geometric Modelling Apps

Hermite curve is one of the basic curves that is defined by control points and tangents. A GUI for simulating this curve is developed within NX using C++ and Ufuncs. This tool is used in the course for demonstrating the impact of change in parameters on the shape of hermite curve. Students are assigned problems to create Hermite curves with various parameters and this tool helps them in visualizing and validating their work. 

Bicubic Hermite Surface is an extension of Hermite Curve. The Hermite Surface is defined by 16 parameters (4 end points, 8 tangent vectors at end points, 4 twist vectors). It is challenging for students to understand the changes in surface as the change in parameters. This is a GUI which simulates the behavior of this surface is created within NX using NX API, C++ and Ufuncs. This enables students to interact with GUI by providing various surface parameters and visualize their effect on the shape of surface. This tool assists students with their assignment in visualizing and validating their work.

Bezier curve is generated by a set of control points. The degree of the Bezier curve is one less than the number of control points. The entire Bezier curve lies within the convex hull of the control polygon. It is challenging for students to understand all the properties of a Bezier curve. This is a GUI which simulates the behavior of this Bezier curve using NX API, C++ and Ufuncs. This enables students to interact with GUI by providing various control points and visualize their effect on the shape of curve.

Bezier surface is generated by a set of control points in u, w directions. Usually a Bi-cubic Bezier surface is generated with a set of 16 control points. It is challenging for students to understand the changes in Bezier surface as the change in control points. This is a GUI which simulates the behavior of this Bi-cubic bezier surface using NX API, C++ and Ufuncs. This enables students to interact with GUI by providing various control points and visualize their effect on the shape of surface. This tool assists students with their assignment in visualizing and validating their work.

Rotation of an object in space with respect to any arbitrary axis involves intermediate transformations. This tool demonstrates all the intermediate steps involved leading to final transformation. This helps to visually correlate the 3D geometric transformations with the underlying mathematical formulation.

This tool can reflect any object in space with respect to an arbitrary plane. The plane about which reflection is to be performed is defined by a point and normal. This helps to visually correlate the 3D geometric transformations with the underlying mathematical formulation.

Various complex parts can be scaled using this tool. Both Uniform and Non-uniform scaling can be performed on any CAD object. This helps to visually correlate the 3D geometric transformations with the underlying mathematical formulation.