Fire Science & Emergency Management

Stephen Oughterson, City of Indian Hills Fire Chief, Fire Science graduate in fire scene

Massive fire at Indian Hill residence (2014). In 2019, UC Fire Science graduate Stephen Oughterson [not at this fire scene] was appointed Fire Chief of the Madeira & Indian Hill Joint Fire District.

NOTE: All Fire Science programs are no longer accepting new students. Check back for any future academic opportunities. 

Earn a Bachelor of Science in Fire and Safety Engineering Technology, or an Associate of Applied Science in Fire Service Technology, by taking our online courses. Most courses are "accelerated" 7-week online courses. The department also offers a few 14-week online courses and three new Hybrid courses (2-day residencies, with online components).  

Students may receive advanced standing for Paramedic, Fire Inspector and other state certifications, and from National Fire Academy and other courses.

The Open Learning Fire Service Program adds a high degree of flexibility and convenience to your professional development while maintaining the level of quality and effectiveness consistent with a traditional approach.

The Open Learning Fire Service Program courses include courses from the National Fire Academy 's FESHE Program (Fire & Emergency Services Higher Education).  UC is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges & Secondary Schools.

Questions?  Contact us at 

EMS LAW - new course / free online textbook: FST 1093 (Spring 2)

Expanded online elective course : FST3055 -UAVs & Emerging Technologies (Fall 2).  Interested ? View the UAS / Emerging Technologies and AI course overview video.

Advanced Standing

The following certifications can fulfill Fire Science technical electives (3 credit hours at the Associate level and 15 or more at the Bachelor Level, maximum total 18):

Certifications and Credits Awarded
Certification Cr. Hrs.
FF II  3
Paramedic   9
EMT  3
State Fire Instructor    3
Fire Officer I, II, III, IV   3 each **
Fire Marshall   3
Certification, Credits, and Course Substitution
Certification Cr. Hrs. Course Substitution
BLUE CARD  3 FST4077 Contemporary Issues 
HAZMAT Tech 3 FST2049 Hazardous Materials
Fire Inspector  3 FST3082 Fire Prevention Org & Mgmt.
BERT Technician  3 FST2079 FF Safety & Risk Mgmt.
NFA residency courses 3 Equivalent UC Fire Science Courses

Ohio Fire Executive (OFE) graduate, or National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer (EFO) graduate without Bachelor degree:

  • 12 Technical Elective credits (3 at the Associate level)
  • 3 credits for FST4082, Applications of Fire Research (for use at Bachelor level)

Schedule of Courses

Fire Science courses typically meet for half semesters (7-week courses).  Below are the dates of the upcoming semesters:

Updated UC Fire Science- Schedule of Courses

Sum 1 (5/8/2023 - 6/22/2021) Sum 2 (6/21/2023 – 8/5/2023)

Fall 1 (8/21/2023 - 10/7/2023) Fall 2 (10/10/2023 - 12/2/2023)

Spring 1 (1/8/2024 - 2/25/2024)  Spring 2 (2/26/2024 - 4/1/2024)


Online Courses

Fire Science Courses

Fire Science courses are typically taught twice a year.  Below are a list of offered courses, the instructor(s), and what semester it is offered.

Core Courses
Course Title  Instructor  Semester Offered
FST 2009 - Fire Tactics (14-week course) Tom Lakamp Spr / Fall 
FST 2079 - FF Safety, Risk Mgt, & Mental Health Brian Carlson Spr 2 / Fall 2
FST 3019 - Building Construction in Fire Science Brian Carlson Spr 1 / Fall 1/ Sum 1
FST 3021 - Terrorism for Emergency Responders (14- week course) Steve Kelly / Rob Warfel Spr 2/ Fall 2
FST3071 - Data Analysis & Statistics for Fire & EMS (QR BoK) Eric Reiners Spr 2/ Fall 2
FST 3080 - Fire & Emergency Services Administration Randy Hanifen Sum 1 / Fall 1
FST 3085 - Political & Legal Foundations Larry Bennett  Spr 1 / Fall 1/ Sum 1
FST 3089 - EMS Political, Legal & Management Mark Johnston / Todd Owens Fall /  Spr (6 credits)
FST 3092 - Budget, Finance, & Efficient Communication Demond Simmons Spr 1 / Fall 1
FST 4081 - Personnel Management Chris Eisele Spr 2 / Fall 2
FST 4099 - First Year: Intro Effective Fire Service Research Chris Eisele Spr 1 / Fall 1
FST5044- Capstone: Leadership & Ethics Todd Owens/ Jonathan Westendorf Spr/ Fall (6 credits)

Non- Core Courses

Fire Science non-core classes are typically taught once a year.  These classes are used to fulfill the elective requirements.

Courses that focus on Fire Response
Course Title  Instructor  Semester Offered 
FST 3081 - Analytical Approaches Fire & EMS Demond Simmons Fall 2 / Spr 2
FST 4080- Disaster Planning & Control Randy Hanifen Fall 2
FST 4083 - Fire Related Human Behavior Nathan Bromen Fall 1
FST 4084 - Fire Investigation & Analysis Nathan Bromen Spr 2
FST 4086 - Managerial Issues Hazardous Materials BJ Jetter Spr 1
Courses that focus on Fire Prevention
Course Title Instructor  Semester Offered 
FST 2069 - Fire Determination Strategies Nathan Bromen Fall 1
FST 3082 - Fire Prevention Organization & Mgt BJ Jetter Fall 1
FST 3083 - Fire Protection Structure & Systems BJ Jetter Fall 2
FST 3084 - Community Risk Reduction Demond Simmons Fall 2
FST 3087 - Fire Dynamics Jonathan Westendorf Fall 2
FST 3088 - Fire Scene Reconstruction Nathan Bromen Spr 2
FST 4077 - Contemporary Issues in the Fire Service Randy Hanifen Sum 1
FST 4082 - Applications of Fire Research (14- week course) Nathan Bromen Spr (Full semester)
Courses that focus on Fire & EMS Administration
Course Title Instructor Semester Offered
FST 3043 / 6043 - Community Paramedicine Will Mueller   Fall 2  / Spr 2
FST 4050 - Emerg. Med Response to Hazardous Materials & Cbrne BJ Jetter Sum 2
Courses that focus on Occupational Safety
Course Title Instructor Semester Offered
FST 2049 - Hazardous Materials Mike Gabennesch Fall 2
FST 4072 - Occupational Safety Engineering & Techn Mike Gabennesch Spr 2
FST 4073 - Intro to Industrial Hygiene Mike Gabennesch Spr 2
FST 4076 - Principles of Ergonomics Mike Gabennesch Fall 2
Emergency Management Courses
Course Title Instructor Semester Offered
FST 3047 - Intro Emerg. Mgt. & Public Info Jonathan Westendorf  Spr 2
FST 3052 - Evolution of Emergency Mgt Brian Carlson Fall 1
FST 3055 - UAV's & Other High Tech. for Emer. Responders Bryan Kowalczyk / Kirk McKinzie  Spr 2
FST 4071 - Safety in Emer. Mgt.  Disaster Response Brian Carlson Sum 2
Fire Science offered Math courses
Course Title Instructor Semester Offered
FST 1077 - Problem Solving for Emer. Resp. Eric Reiners Fall 1
Independent Study Course
Course Title Instructor Semester Offered
FST 4088 - Fire Science Portfolio (1 to 3 credits) Randy Hanifen As Needed


Headshot of Lawrence T Bennett

Lawrence T Bennett

Professor - Emeritus, CEAS - Aerospace Eng & Eng Mechanics

Headshot of Raena S. Hoskins

Raena S. Hoskins

Financial Administrator 2, CEAS - Computer Science