Ohio Center for Microfluidic Innovation

The Ohio Center for Microfluidic Innovation (OCMI) at the University of Cincinnati was created by the Ohio 3rd Frontier Wright Projects Program ($5.9M), and has the mission of seeding a new industrial cluster in southwest Ohio for commercializing technologies that manipulate tiny amounts of fluids inside polymer-microchips. 

OCMI provides industrial user access, along with a setting to collaborate with the University of Cincinnati's internationally recognized microfluidics scientists.  OCMI provides the complete tool set needed to take microfluidic devices from concept, to pilot fabrication, all the way through industry standard characterization and performance specification.

1) OCMI Science & Technology 2)Industrial Applications

1) OCMI Science & Technology 2) Industrial Applications

“In the maturing science of microfluidics, it's apparent that small things can make a big impact in the medical, mobile, environmental and other industries… University of Cincinnati is poised to become a leader in developing a myriad of better, faster, more precise products and manufacturing processes through the new Ohio Center for Microfluidic Innovation.”
- Hi Velocity

"The center... bustles with faculty and students working alongside industry partners to develop products that can be applied within biomedical, electronics and sensor industries."
 - Cincinnati Enquirer


Headshot of Chong H. Ahn

Chong H. Ahn

Distinguished University Research Professor, CEAS - Electrical and Computer Engineeri

900 Rhodes Hall


Headshot of Jason C. Heikenfeld

Jason C. Heikenfeld

Professor, CEAS - Biomedical Eng

824 Rhodes Hall


More info:
Headshot of William R Heineman

William R Heineman

Distinguished Research Professor, A&S Chemistry Adjuncts

120 Crosley Tower


Currently not accepting any graduate students

William R. Heineman received a BS in Chemistry from Texas Tech University in 1964 and a PhD in Chemistry in 1968 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill under the direction of Professor Royce Murray. He was a Research Chemist at Hercules Research Center for two years before becoming a Postdoctoral Research Associate with Professor Ted Kuwana in 1970 at Case Western Reserve University and then at The Ohio State University. He joined the faculty at the University of Cincinnati in 1972 where he is now Distinguished Research Professor and Head of the Department of Chemistry.

Professor Heineman’s research interests include spectroelectrochemistry, chemical sensors, analytical chemistry of radiopharmaceuticals, polymer modified electrodes, electrochemical immunoassay, and microfluidic systems for chemical analysis. He has published over 400 research papers and patents and has presented over 500 lectures at conferences, universities, and government/industrial laboratories. He is coauthor of the laboratory manual Chemical Experiments for Instrumental Methods, the instrumental analysis textbook Chemical Instrumentation: A Systematic Approach; and coeditor of the textbook Laboratory Techniques in Electroanalytical Chemistry.

Professor Heineman has received numerous awards including Sigma Xi Research Recognition Award, Cincinnati Chemist of the Year,Japanese Government Research Award for Foreign Scientists, George Rieveschl, Jr. Award for Distinguished Scientific Research, Humboldt Prize from Germany,  Charles N. Reilley Award in Electroanalytical Chemistry from the Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry, Chemical Sensors Award from the International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Award for Excellence in Teaching from the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society, Torbern Bergman Medal 1999 from the Analytical Section of the Swedish Chemical Society,  Fields of Analytical Chemistry award  by the Eastern Analytical Association, and the Outstanding Achievement in Sensors Award from the Electrochemical Society .  nd  He was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2001 and chosen for the inaugural class of Fellows of the American Chemical Society in 2009.

Heineman has served on numerous advisory boards for journals including Analytical Chemistry, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Analytica Chimica Acta, and Electroanalysis. He was a co-founder and the first President of the Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry and was a member of the Board of Directors. Heineman has been active in the American Chemical Society. In the Cincinnati Section he served as Cintacs Editor, Secretary, Chair, Trustee, and Councilor. In the Division of Analytical Chemistry he served as Treasurer, Councilor, and Chair.
Headshot of Sang Young Son

Sang Young Son

Associate Professor, CEAS - Mechanical Eng

Rhodes Hall

Headshot of Andrew Steckl

Andrew Steckl

Distinguished University Research Professor; Gieringer Professor and Ohio Eminent Scholar , CEAS - Electrical and Computer Engineeri

839 Rhodes Hall


Current research directions in Dr. Steckl's group include: (1) novel bio/organic materials and sensors; (2) microfluidic devices; (3) electrospinning of novel nanofiber  membrane and related bio/medical applications. More information on the activities of the Nanoelectronics Laboratory at the lab website - http://www.nanolab.uc.edu
Professional Recognition
2022   Electronics and Photonics Award of the Electrochemical Society for Outstanding Achievements in Optoelectronic Materials and Devices.
2016  Chair of the Fellows of the Graduate School, University of Cincinnati.
2015  Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
2014   William H. Middendorf Research Excellence Award, University of Cincinnati.
2013   Excellence in Engineering Research Award, University of Cincinnati.
2013  Distinguished University Research Professor, University of Cincinnati.
2013  Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE).
2010   Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), “For Distinguished Contributions to Optoelectronics”.
2009   University of Cincinnati Graduate Fellow.
2007   Distinguished Engineering Research Award, University of Cincinnati.
2006   Rieveschl Award for Distinguished Scientific Research, University of Cincinnati, “For Pioneering Inventions and Contributions in the Field of Rare-Earth-Doped Electroluminescent Materials and Devices”.
1999   Elected Scientific Member of the Bohmische Physikalische Gesselschaft: “For Original Research Contributions to Focused Ion Beam Interactions in Materials”.
1999   College of Engineering Research Award, University of Cincinnati.
1998   Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE): “For Contributions to Focused Ion Beam Implantation and Semiconductor Device Fabrication”.

To date, Prof. Steckl has educated 50+ Ph. D. students, multiple M.S. students and has supervised 13 post-doctoral fellows. Together with his students, he has published ~ 460 papers, which have received ~ 17,000 citations to date.  This has resulted in a current citation h-index of 72 (including patent citations).  Prof. Steckl has also obtained 28 patents on various bio/electronic materials and devices. He has been awarded ~ $20M+ in research funding at UC from a variety of sources, including federal agencies (such as Army Natick Soldier Research Laboratory, Army Research Office, Army Research Laboratory, Air Force Research Laboratory, DARPA, National Security Agency, NASA, NIH, NSF), State of Ohio agencies (Ohio Department of Development, Edison Materials Center, 3rd Frontier) and industry (Motorola, Dow Corning, Lion Apparel, Procter & Gamble, Rockwell, Raytheon, SAPPI, CDT, etc.).